I've done it once.

I was in school. Some kids opened fire on some Columbine steez, I realized it was a dream, imagined myself some machine guns like Neo, and did work.

Coolest dream I've ever had.
I just had a lucid dream, I was a salesperson in a store and Pierce Brosnan came in and I basically talked to me and we had a conversation.
i heard about it on nt i think a while back. i was sleeping and woke up but was still drowsy as hell. i told myself before i dozed back off i'm going tohave a lucid dream. when i was fell asleep i felt myself going into myself losing consciousness and transitioning to sleep. it was wierd as hell. i had an ipodand i looked at the clock on top and it said 5:30. i looked away and looked back at the clock and it said 2:15 then i was like oh +#$# i did it. i wasn'table to control my dream so i just flew around my neighbor hood.
i haven't had a lucid dream in while, but the last time i remember having one, i took off running down the street like a 747 on a run way, then i liftedoff the ground and started to fly. the weird thing is, i'm afraid of heights and hate flying, but i knew it was all a dream so i gave it a try.
I never knew there was a term for this. I've definitely have dreams like this frequently. Recently, i've been having dreams where i'm trying toescape from something or someone and i'm doin all kinds of stufff just being super agile i guess. Every time i'm being chased I always get reeeal closeto getting caught but somehow I always end up escaping. It gets so intense that when i wake up my heart is beating FAST from the chase (Ever seen the movieCrank?)..weird crap but its pretty cool, after the fact
Once you realize you are dreaming, it is sometimes difficult to remain lucid, or even to remain dreaming. Here are some techniques to keep you dreaming:

My biggest problem. I'll use the tips next time and see how that goes.
I was about to get eaten by zombies, so I just pushed up that reset button, like on the SNES and it ended.
A lot of the questions in this thread can be answered by watching the video I posted on the first page.

There are different levels to a lucid dream, so those that say its not as "real" as everyone says it is, that just means you haven't reached fulllucidity.

You can also meet others in a lucid dream. WATCH THE VIDEO, ITS AMAZING!
i've had quite a few lucid dreams, the things that trigger it off for me to realize its a dream are when iphysically pinch myself and don't feel any pain or when i try and read something and realize i can't read it... i learned that one from the batmancartoon
I have had lucid dreams several times. I remember my dreams every single morning (sometimes for better or worse)

On dream I can recall was I was with my friends and we were terrified running away from attackers with guns. The dream almost instantly became lucid and webegan to fight back and I was making guns appear and having an absolute blast shooting everyone. It was like real life COD and the entire time i knew it was adream.
I actually did this the other night..it was a 28 days type dream, and i had to stab a woman with a sword inside my bedroom..I was worried about how i was gonnaclean up the mess before someone found out, but then i looked down where all the blood was and she was gone..i then realized it was a dream so i went around myhouse Halo fps style mowing down all the zombies..it was GREAT i must say, just like a video game...

I have had dreams where i could fly as well, and i was well aware..i would jus go out to my deck, and take off and fly around the neighborhood..these dreamsare great
I've been lucid dreaming since I was very young.
At first it was a way to cope with nightmares, now it's turned more than half of my dreams into my own playground.
i get this sometimes, weird thing is i can control what i do and wake up when i want, some dreams are like im watching myself do stuff though
really? I do this like every night.
Never thought it was so abnormal..
I always remember my dreams, they are usually just the beginning of what I "see" on a daily basis.
we as a species are all capable of tapping into deeper aspects of who we are.
Dreams, Visions, DeJaVus, Hunches...these are all part of the same weave that makes up our existence.

meditation, breathing and "listening" techniques help to open channels.
I think im gonna start keeping a dream journal. I have yet to experience a lucid dream but just the idea behind it amazes me. The human mind is a powerfulthing.
Originally Posted by AlRjordan

I think im gonna start keeping a dream journal. I have yet to experience a lucid dream but just the idea behind it amazes me. The human mind is a powerful thing.

You really should. I started one a few months ago, it can be hard to maintain if you're lazy, usually I'll write down what happened as soon as I wakeup. Still mystified by one I had a few weeks ago.
I always realize that i'm dreaming when I get into a fight and swing in slow motion, I get into a fight in the majority of my dreams so that's a lot offun. I do realize that i'm dreaming but I never try to control it, I just play it out as if I were in the situation and awake.

It would be dope to have an NT dream log, I forget all of my dreams really and it would be cool to be able to write it down when I wake up and view others too.
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