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  1. jordaniel

    Official Orlando Magic Season Thread Vol. 58-23 Offically 2nd Best Record in the L!!!!

    x2. Am no bandwagoner either. Since 95 and beyond!
  2. jordaniel

    Has Allen Iverson's career been underrated?

    I don't think AI is underrated. He was recognized for his accomplishments. League MVP, Scoring Champ, revolutionized NBA image/trends ala Cornrows, thesleeve, tattoos, yada yada. It's more like the what has he done lately. And lately I mean like 2003 and beyond, he's been The Cancer instead of...
  3. jordaniel

    I have decided that I am done with Jordans. None Nada.

    I can totally feel you on this. Last pairs I bought was 7/16. Once I get 1-14 in all the colorways I want, I am done FOREVER. I'm a fan of MJ the player,not the businessman.
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