Search results

  1. mikeygaga0713

    What Sz. in AM95?

    I want to buy a pair of 95's (Never owned a pair before) if im an 11 in Air Force Ones and a 12 in 360's (a tad big, use them for running) what would Ibe in a 95?
  2. mikeygaga0713

    How to save pics on Mac?

    How do I save a pic to my computer from a website on a macbook? thanks
  3. mikeygaga0713

    Best way to erase everything on a computer?

    I ams selling my Laptop but before I do I want to erase EVERYTHING so no one could access any of my files and what I had stored on my computer,what is the bestway to do this?
  4. mikeygaga0713

    Stay with ATT or switch to Verizon?

    I recently lost my phone and im not eligible for an upgrade on ATT, I have recently been thinking of switching to Verizon but if I do I have to pay an ETF(175)but if I stay with ATT I will have to buy a new phone and any decent one will be over 100 compared to a good deal on a phone if I sign a...
  5. mikeygaga0713

    Recommend good phone on ATT

    Someone recommend me a good phone for att/cingular
  6. mikeygaga0713

    Recommend me a Belt

    I need a good belt to wear with jeans and such, any suggestions?
  7. mikeygaga0713

    Does AT&T make a phone like this?

    I just need a phone that can be used as a phone and has a qwerty keyboard built in for texting, I dont need a Tilt or Blackberry or anything for the internet
  8. mikeygaga0713

    Anyone have a Razr?

    How is the texting on this phone? I plan to do a decent amount of texting and im just wondering.
  9. mikeygaga0713

    Recommend me some Purple Sneakers

    I need some purple sneakers and don't know what to get. Can anyone recommend a pair? not looking to drop $300.00 either
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