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  1. paydirt83

    Knicks hire D'Antoni....

    ...maybe bdiddy will opt out and come to the knicks .. then we can pray for beasley instead of rose
  2. paydirt83

    Knicks hire D'Antoni....

    i usually have to avoid the knick's posts because you guys are way to pessimistic/anti/jaded/aggy for me ... i couldnt stand all the zeke bashing duringthe season [clearly steph and the dominicans at 145th who sold him the drugs were to blame for the disaster that was the 08/09 season] .. kids...
  3. paydirt83

    *** Usher - Love in the club (full vid) ***

    def a good look
  4. paydirt83

    Official Premier League 07-08 Post

    chelsea wins .. man u ldraws and c.ronaldo[ronaldinha] out for 3 games .. what a blessed day team altidore team kobe holdout force trade
  5. paydirt83

    Official Premier League 07-08 Post

    1.chelsea team altidore team kobe holdout force trade
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