Knicks hire D'Antoni....

i usually have to avoid the knick's posts because you guys are way to pessimistic/anti/jaded/aggy for me ... i couldnt stand all the zeke bashing duringthe season [clearly steph and the dominicans at 145th who sold him the drugs were to blame for the disaster that was the 08/09 season] .. kids need gived'antoni a chance

if he's truly an offensive mastermind .. he should have more than 1 trick[run n' gun] up his sleeve

i think if we work hard enough we can trade zach for something respectable ... he is a talented guy he's just not a winner .. he needs to find thebasketball equivalent of the football patriots .. a locker room he can't disrupt .. he can rebound and ensure that there is no drop off in scoring when the2nd unit is on the court... (pistons, spurs, lakers 'do it mitch')

isn't marbury's K expiring this year? .. i would think that 20 millin coming off the books would have some value to teams .. especially since everybodyis trying to maneuver around to bring their lebron free agent pipe dreams to fruition....

if we get rid of stephon biggums and zach ... and curry has a relapse to the season before last .. PLUS OUR LOTTERY PICK in a draft deeper than a porn starscooch
... we are in good shape ...

but none of what i just said matters .. im just happy that mark jackson isnt coach .. i hate that clown ... i dont want him doing the antoine walker shimmy onthe sidelines after crawford crosses hinrich or some other victim ....
I personally was high on Avery Johnson. I doubt all Knick fans were, so blanketing all Knick fans based on my statement is unfair.

I just really like Avery Johnson. I doubt its his fault that his team failed to execute in the playoffs, although he was outcoached by his mentor when the Mavslost to the Warriors last year.

Anyway, I think both Walsh and D'Antoni know that this is going to take longer than 1-2 years. They're not idiots, and they're aware that the nextfew seasons will consist of losing games and sheding salary. Whatever, it isn't my money. I just hope that we can get the players in here that fit togetherand can succeed. Step 1: Locking up pick #2 and drafting Derrick Rose. Otherwise, I'd love to trade down to pick up Augustin. He'd be perfect forD'Antoni's offense.
...maybe bdiddy will opt out and come to the knicks .. then we can pray for beasley instead of rose
oh god yes, if we cant win a championship, atleast be entertaining. And for the life of me i couldnt figure out why Mark Jackson was a fruntrunner.
i get the feeling that Walsh is gonna make some emphasis on defense...there HAS to be something brewing behind the scenes that we dont know because this matchis TERRIBLE.
I was 90% sure he was coming to Chicago. Oh well.

How is Walsh gonna say that he wants his team to focus more on the defense and then hire the opposite of that? Oh well....again.

RIP D'Antoni's coaching career

i understand he went for the money but still

horrible decision IMO
Originally Posted by paydirt83

...maybe bdiddy will opt out and come to the knicks .. then we can pray for beasley instead of rose
only if u guys can pay him more than 17 million....i don't think u guys can do that right now...
Originally Posted by paydirt83

...maybe bdiddy will opt out and come to the knicks .. then we can pray for beasley instead of rose

With what cap space are the Knicks going to sign Baronwith?

I'm not a fan of D'Antoni but he better show some maturity and development with his coaching and develop a newer system that doesn't failagainst good defenses in the playoffs. He also better talk about defense and make the Knicks somewhat respectable on that end.

Its going to be a long year.......
Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild

I don't understand the allure of New York.

i mean...have you actually been to NY, fam?

and #2, but probably the more important reason...the $$$$$ NY offers washes over any doubts that any of these players/coaches have...
Originally Posted by DaT SiCk KiD

Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild

I don't understand the allure of New York.

i mean...have you actually been to NY, fam?

and #2, but probably the more important reason...the $$$$$ NY offers washes over any doubts that any of these players/coaches have...

NYC is a great city but...

I think the guy you quoted is talking about the allure of the NYK. The team is the biggest disaster in the NBA, highest payroll, no short-term cap reliefin sight, havent won 30 games in 5 years or so, players with terrible attitudes, lack of talent, etc.
hmm....unless they overhaul their roster, I can't see the Knicks being any different.


i just worked on making a damn thread about our future for an hour and then my computer $%*$@ up on me! RFASFASDf
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by true 3 blue

I don't understand the allure of New York

havent won 30 games in 5 years or so
and you sir, have no idea what you're talkin about.

Oops, how could I forget about the great 33-win NYK's of 06-07. According to Isiah, the best 33 win team in NBA history.

lol you sound mad.

What the heck? I'm not a NYK fan, what is there to be madabout?
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