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  1. ramybehman

    Official Toronto - Outlet and Store report

    yeah....i've just been annoyed with the G' hats for some time now....i saw an opportunity to rant, and i took it..... i think we were both bashing the same kids.....idiots.
  2. ramybehman

    Official Toronto - Outlet and Store report's funny how everybody plays follow the leader on here...."yeah guys, those hats are wack"....come on, this is the first goodfoot product ever...EVER....that's shown a little creativity, those hats are so rediculous that it's awesome....AWESOME. i'll take that over a new era with "...
  3. ramybehman

    Official Toronto - Outlet and Store report

    hi toronto, can you please buy my shoes? unions (10.5), rayguns (11), hunters (11), mr. cartoons (11).....all pretty sweet summer shoes...think about it.... mull it over and let me know what you think, ok? thanks, i appreciate it, you're friend, -ramy.
  4. ramybehman

    Toronto Raptor fans - check in here

    does anybody else hate it when chuck says "it's an mp3 download"? makes me want to throw the remote at the screen.
  5. ramybehman

    Official Toronto - Outlet and Store report

    Spalding TF1000 > wilson evolution > wilson solution but i don't know where to buy any of them sport chek used to carry the wilson balls....but i haven't been there for a long time
  6. ramybehman

    The ReDefinition

    dollar signs and diamonds are the kind of gangster/rapper imaging that in my opinion has ruined grassroots basketball. they're irrelevant to basketball and are the kind of cross-promotion that only 12-year-olds who are trying to act harder than they really are would be attracted to. i can...
  7. ramybehman

    Official Toronto - Outlet and Store report

    JordanLB23: it's quite rare that i post, so take the fact that i'm making this effort as an indication of the gravity of the situation. i think i speak on behalf of all Toronto niketalkers and lurkers when i say: stop it.....just stop what you're doing. you've quickly ascended to become the...
  8. ramybehman

    Official Toronto - Outlet and Store report

    price on the colette elites?
  9. ramybehman

    U of T students, 200 level bird course?

    SOC212....sociology of deviance and control....(full year course)....if you do the readings, it's an easy A: -no final exam -tests are laugh-out-loud easy -1 essay that's due 6 months after it's initally assigned and in the assignment description he pretty much walks you step-by-step through the...
  10. ramybehman

    Official Toronto - Outlet and Store report

    does anybody have any info on the world cup footscape wovens at GDFT?
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