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  1. keepitbasic

    IT Jobs

    This dude slade is something else :lol  I honestly wish I could get away with everything you claim to get away with. Props man :hat
  2. keepitbasic

    Stuttering/Stammering VOL FML

    Thanks! One thing I also notice is that when I read aloud, I tend to lose my breathe.  Not sure why I have a hard time breathing when reading aloud.  Anyone else have this issue?  
  3. keepitbasic

    Stuttering/Stammering VOL FML

    Also the story of my life.  I always tend to speak fast and I have a hard time breaking the habit.  Do you mind elaborating on some of the techniques they taught you in speech therapy?  Also, do you have any more tips/exercises that can help me break the habit?  I'll definitely try reading...
  4. keepitbasic

    LA Heads: What To Do Tonight???

    Whats happening tonight NT?!
  5. keepitbasic

    LA Heads: What To Do Tonight???

    Saddle still popping these days? Been awhile since I've been there.  Good memories though....
  6. keepitbasic

    Post Your Wallet

    ^Did you get the "pocket organizer" from LV (priced at $290 I believe)?  If so, how bulky is it?  I've been eyeing that one for a while now, just haven't pulled the trigger.
  7. keepitbasic

    Anyone watching the Mars rover entry stream?Edit: Its landed! First picture on mars uploaded

    Awesome thread!  Thanks to everyone that's contributing. Make this the official Curiosity thread, OP.
  8. keepitbasic

    Remember me? Im the guy with the brain tumor Vol. Story Time

    I'm speechless. This really put my life into perspective.   I really do need to stop taking even the simplest things, such as life, for granted. God bless OP and stay strong.
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