Stuttering/Stammering VOL FML

Jul 27, 2012
NT- Been on here forever, never seen a thread about this. So, when I was younger I would talk REALLY fast.. And I stuttered until about the 7th grade... Then it was gone, Well I am mid 20's now.. And about a year or two ago I started Stammering.. I had no idea what this was until I googled my symptoms -

Stuttering- repeating a certain part of a word over and over and finally spitting it out.

Stammering- Nothing comes out.

So, this usually happens to me when someone ask me a questions here and there, but 99% of the time its when I have to introduce myself, NOTHING COMES OUT- I get the blank stares and ,..... awkward looks... This is the worst feeling to experience ever, Id honestly rather get shot a couple times and be done with it.

I have no idea how to control it, It is the ONLY thing wrong with my life, I am actually not disappointed about anything else in my life. High school I was super popular, and didn't stutter at all... My friends from elementary would bring it up once in awhile for lolz but nothing else...  I really hate when I see kids who stutter worse than I did in school who got made fun off for something they have no control over.

Looking through blogs and such, Ive found people "smoke" and they don't stutter... That explains me not stuttering through high school LMAO - IDK what to do... If you have/do stutter/stammer or have friends or family members who do please chime in. Id like to talk to someone who can RELATE to the exact feeling of when NOTHING comes out when all we want to do is say our name like the rest of the ******g world.


Just slow down.....if you talk fast or have a lot to say, try and pace yourself.

Could be the result of an underlying issue if you get nervous or anxious frequently.
Just slow down.....if you talk fast or have a lot to say, try and pace yourself.
Could be the result of an underlying issue if you get nervous or anxious frequently.
Thats what they told me when I was in Elementary, The thing is.. Stammering isnt slowing down.. It happens when trying to say something after not saying anything, Like introducing yourself... Starting from nothing is slow.. I cant go slower than that.. but thanks for the input!! I really appreciate it.
The best thing to do is to slow down and relax. Why do you get nervous when talking?
I didnt think I did thats the point, Recently started a new job,,,,, My old job was fine/perfect loved it, New job has the "cool factor" but im in a office all day, in a ton of meetings... Always get asked to introduce myself... honestly it started happening when i came to this new job. IDK, And im not nervous about anything, I feel confident, so idk why this still happens.
A friend used to stammer also, At first I was like WTF! Because there was a pause before a word, Then the word would eventually come. You have to get used to it - I knew people who would make jokes about it but thats life.
Wow right up my alley. I'm currently in grad school trying to become an SLP.

I actually saw most of my clinical cases in undergrad with teenagers who stutter.

I mean there is no real cause to stuttering. Various stutterers stutter for different reasons: anxiety, certain behaviors, a trigger phrase or object, on certain vowels or varies.

I have an uncle who stutters as well.

I can't give you a recommendation of what to do because that is beyond my skills.

I would tell you to notice what situations and what sounds do you stutter on. is it a /k/ or a /n/ or mix and match?

A technique that my professors would use in clinic was the draw out technique....where you would understand what sounds or sound sequences you would stutter on and practice elongating the sound as you speak sort of drawing it out and making that sound longer.

You probably get pissed when someone finishes the word you stutter on don't you?

it's not uncommon for kids to stutter at a certain age and just stop out of nowhere and maybe pick it back up later in life.

It's a really fascinating affliction.

I wouldn't get too stressed out about it....worse comes to out a certified SLP.
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Go for speech therapy man.. they'll teach you techniques and ways to play it off by the way you talk and how you put the words together so they come out differently but sound like whatever you're trying to say. It's all mental.. but it could also be hereditary. But at the end of the day.. everyone in the world has problems, some more than others. Some people can't talk at all.. don't let this bring you down.. you're human, you have flaws.. just work at it and be you. If people can't get around the fact that you're going to stutter/stammer here and there.. they aren't worth your time. And if they make fun of you, **** them.. no one in the world is perfect. Just talk slowly and do you, you don't need to compete in this world of fast talkers.. you don't get a medal for saying something faster than anyone (unless you're on a game show :lol: )

Talk at your own pace and have confidence when you speak.

Best of luck man.
used to stutter BAD. like embarrassingly bad. grew out of it. was told it was tied into my anxiety. reading out loud in elementary was torture :smh:
I have a similar problem OP. I talked fast my whole life, and like a year or two ago I would really jumble up my words. I always mess up my he's and she's. I repeat some parts of words sometimes, not terrible, but ill repeat it 2-3 times before I get my thoughts straight. Its not terrible, and if I slow down im fine. If I read its fine too, I think I just talk too fast sometimes that I just mess up and think too much before I say it.
Story of my life fam.

I'm what they call a clutterer. Because I jumble all my words together and speak extremely fast.

I can talk slow, but once I get going its hard to pull the reins in. Impossible even.

When I sing, I never have these issues.

I've taken speech therapy and use some of the techniques they taught me. I used to be much, much worse before.

My advice would be to take a nice deep breath and slowly draw out the initial vowel or consonant. My biggest problem is enunciating and giving each word its own place in time. At that point in time, I just stop, regroup, and start the sentence over again. Funny, during my sessions, they would use something called a DAF (delayed audio feedback) and I would never clutter my words. Obviously, I can't have such a contraption tethered to me, but its the best solution I've encountered in my 25 years of living.

Reading aloud every morning, taking care to note pauses and using them also helped with my free speech.

If youre in school, go to the speech dept. You should be able to get free lessons.

Take it one day at a time fam. Embracing it may be best.
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Like many in here said, you can seek a speech therapist. Also, there's a group called toastmasters which is meant to help people develop their speaking skills and the meetings are free of charge to attend. Here's a link to the site where you can find club meetings near your location

Dont worry bro, you'll get through this. "Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard."
Story of my life fam.
I'm what they call a clutterer. Because I jumble all my words together and speak extremely fast.
I can talk slow, but once I get going its hard to pull the reins in. Impossible even.
When I sing, I never have these issues.
I've taken speech therapy and use some of the techniques they taught me. I used to be much, much worse before.
My advice would be to take a nice deep breath and slowly draw out the initial vowel or consonant. My biggest problem is enunciating and giving each word its own place in time. At that point in time, I just stop, regroup, and start the sentence over again. Funny, during my sessions, they would use something called a DAF (delayed audio feedback) and I would never clutter my words. Obviously, I can't have such a contraption tethered to me, but its the best solution I've encountered in my 25 years of living.

Reading aloud every morning, taking care to note pauses and using them also helped with my free speech.
If youre in school, go to the speech dept. You should be able to get free lessons.
Take it one day at a time fam. Embracing it may be best.
Also the story of my life.  I always tend to speak fast and I have a hard time breaking the habit. 

Do you mind elaborating on some of the techniques they taught you in speech therapy?  Also, do you have any more tips/exercises that can help me break the habit?  I'll definitely try reading aloud every morning and focus on enunciating each word properly and speaking slower.
NT- Been on here forever, never seen a thread about this. So, when I was younger I would talk REALLY fast.. And I stuttered until about the 7th grade... Then it was gone, Well I am mid 20's now.. And about a year or two ago I started Stammering.. I had no idea what this was until I googled my symptoms -

Stuttering- repeating a certain part of a word over and over and finally spitting it out.
Stammering- Nothing comes out.

So, this usually happens to me when someone ask me a questions here and there, but 99% of the time its when I have to introduce myself, NOTHING COMES OUT- I get the blank stares and ,..... awkward looks... This is the worst feeling to experience ever, Id honestly rather get shot a couple times and be done with it.

I have no idea how to control it, It is the ONLY thing wrong with my life, I am actually not disappointed about anything else in my life. High school I was super popular, and didn't stutter at all... My friends from elementary would bring it up once in awhile for lolz but nothing else...  I really hate when I see kids who stutter worse than I did in school who got made fun off for something they have no control over.

Looking through blogs and such, Ive found people "smoke" and they don't stutter... That explains me not stuttering through high school LMAO - IDK what to do... If you have/do stutter/stammer or have friends or family members who do please chime in. Id like to talk to someone who can RELATE to the exact feeling of when NOTHING comes out when all we want to do is say our name like the rest of the ******g world.


I stutter/stammer/clutter from time to time since I was 8 and for me its pretty much an anxiety thing. Whenever I get nervous( happens quite often) I either start speaking super fast leading to stuttering or I do the whole gasping thing.

I dont know if you have an anxiety disorder but what I have found to work is just wait a second, take your time to gather your thoughts then speak. Screw people if they dont want to wait a second for you to compose yourself
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I stutter all the time. I went to speech therapy and it didn't help. I've been doing it since I was a kid and haven't stopped. I mostly stutter when I say someones name and forget what I'm about to say. I then keep repeating the persons name and seriously can't stop until someones snaps me out of it. I do the same thing when saying the word "No". 
Story of my life fam.

I'm what they call a clutterer. Because I jumble all my words together and speak extremely fast.

I can talk slow, but once I get going its hard to pull the reins in. Impossible even.

When I sing, I never have these issues.

I've taken speech therapy and use some of the techniques they taught me. I used to be much, much worse before.

My advice would be to take a nice deep breath and slowly draw out the initial vowel or consonant. My biggest problem is enunciating and giving each word its own place in time. At that point in time, I just stop, regroup, and start the sentence over again. Funny, during my sessions, they would use something called a DAF (delayed audio feedback) and I would never clutter my words. Obviously, I can't have such a contraption tethered to me, but its the best solution I've encountered in my 25 years of living.

Reading aloud every morning, taking care to note pauses and using them also helped with my free speech.

If youre in school, go to the speech dept. You should be able to get free lessons.

Take it one day at a time fam. Embracing it may be best.

Also the story of my life.  I always tend to speak fast and I have a hard time breaking the habit. 

Do you mind elaborating on some of the techniques they taught you in speech therapy?  Also, do you have any more tips/exercises that can help me break the habit?  I'll definitely try reading aloud every morning and focus on enunciating each word properly and speaking slower.

Biofeedback helps out a lot as well. When I really speak at a normal pace my lips and jaw really get a workout. Also, note which sounds and words you are having the most problem with, jot them down, and practice speaking them aloud. Next, combine that word with some common phrases and speak those aloud as well. The biggest thing is breathing and just giving every word its just due. I encourage you to record yourself as well so you can have a baseline to work with.

With continued reading and practicing, you'll develop a tempo that is more close to a normal speaking rate. It's going to take a lot of work, but it is so worth it. Taking a public speaking class is also very helpful.
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damn balloono I never knew you had speech therapy.

Big shout out to DAF....I did a whole research paper for my audiology class.

OP worse comes to worse go get an initial screening and see if your insurance will cover it. Sometimes it doesn't because the insurance agencies deem it only qualifiable for children just starting school....just call your insurance and see if going to speech services is covered or not.

One thing I also notice is that when I read aloud, I tend to lose my breathe.  Not sure why I have a hard time breathing when reading aloud.  Anyone else have this issue?
damn balloono I never knew you had speech therapy.

Big shout out to DAF....I did a whole research paper for my audiology class.

OP worse comes to worse go get an initial screening and see if your insurance will cover it. Sometimes it doesn't because the insurance agencies deem it only qualifiable for children just starting school....just call your insurance and see if going to speech services is covered or not.

Yea Grim had it for a good year. Held off taking it in grade school. Wish I hadn't.


One thing I also notice is that when I read aloud, I tend to lose my breathe.  Not sure why I have a hard time breathing when reading aloud.  Anyone else have this issue?

I would suggest taking voice lessons as it teaches you how to breathe and conserve air.

Some breathing exercises you can try are:

--Taking a deep breath (making sure that stomach pushes out in front as well as behind), "sss" until the air is gone.

--Deep breath, blow through your lips until all the air is gone.

Do these exercises laying down with a heavy book on your stomach.

Once you're able to use your breathe and pause, your speech will improve tenfold. But you're relearning how to breathe in a way, so it will take time.

There are some DAF apps in the app store if you want to give that a try as well. Just google it.
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I catch myself stuttering from time to time but nothing too serious.

Same with me. I have to think what I have to say before saying it or I would stutter on some words. I also have trouble breathing when I talk so I'll have to pause and catch my breath. I think it's the amount of saliva producing when I speak.

I use to work with this guy that talks a lot and he would stutter when it comes to the 'Ks'.

My sister-in-law would stutter from time to time too. She use to have a learning disability so I don't know if it's cause by that.
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