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  1. zo schmoe

    Ex girlfriend left drunken vmail "fyi I hooked up with your brother"

    my brother pop my ex, more power to him...y'all put the ***** on a pedestal too much... :{
  2. zo schmoe

    Andre 3000 has just spit the verse of the year...

    battle of the most over-rated verse of the year...
  3. zo schmoe

    **The Official Rick Ross Appreciation Thread PART 2: "God Forgives, I Don’t" THE ALBUM**

    album is extra solid...aint too many weak points...although Dr. Dre ruined "3 Kings"...and y'all REALLY gotta let go of 3k's johnson b4 you start typing your responses...
  4. zo schmoe

    THE DARK KNIGHT RISES Official Thread - 6/28 - TV Spot 10 on Last Page (More Selina Kyle)

    best summary of the movie i've seen mirrored my opinion...for a movie that's 2 hrs & 45 mins, how can it possibly still feel rushed? definitely wouldn't have been mad at them splitting the movie in two to better develop the characters... would've plugged some of the obvious holes in the plot...
  5. zo schmoe

    The Official Netflix Thread Tho: Recommend Streaming Movies

    the Japanese Yakuza movie "Outrage" is pretty good if you like mafia movies, although it does require more than one watch because the story is kinda hard to keep up with...its a lot of characters and intertwining storylines... "Holy Rollers" is pretty good too, Hasidic Jews slanging...
  6. zo schmoe

    A Dumped Husband Got Revenge On His Wife

    *refrains from making a kitchen joke* 
  7. zo schmoe

    AT&T or Verizon?

    verizon is the devil incarnate...
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