Ex girlfriend left drunken vmail "fyi I hooked up with your brother"

It's messed up that your brother almost hooked up with your ex but it also depends on how attractive she is. If my brother did something like that i'd probably punch him a few times then keep it moving.
Am I the only one who passed p around the crew and I hit a multiple of ******* that my older brother hit....now if it was my current cuffed girl, I'd be salty, my wife, salty + divorce + cut my bro off, but jumps? Go head bro, hit that
With all the females out there in the world....people really that desperate where they have to recycle friends and family leftovers?

If you brother messed with her, that just shows how much of a skeezer she is....but he should have let you know afterwards. His attempt to hide his actions make him seem devious.
OP your situation makes my soul hurt.

Grimey **** all around. Your hurting right now, and if not you eventually will. Your prob wondering why all of this had to happen to you but sometimes grimey **** has to happen to all of us. Wish it didn't but people, even the people your close to can hurt you.

My advice is to not even react to it towards your ex or your brother. Your ex is out of your life, and for good reason.

Sometimes when you break up with some one you either say to yourself (A) damn I let a good one go or (B) damn I really dodged a bullet with that one

I think you already know which option your ex falls under.

You can do some heinous **** right now to get back at both of them but you gotta figure will that even do any good....might feel good right now but later on you'll realize that this situation is best left as dust on the ground you shook off your shoulder.

Leave it alone....as for your brother and what you do with him...that's up to you.

Tread carefully.
So did she hook up with your brother after you broke up or while you two were still together?

i agree. idk where you random dudes come from with these random *** stories.
One thing i have learned from this topic


Have to double look at every post - Feel like im at Wimbledon or something
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Let your brother know that that was grimy and then move on. Blood's thicker than water. The girl in question is your ex and also old news, so while I can understand being upset remember she's in your past. Continue to ignore her trifling self, let your brother know how you feel and then patch it up.
Don't even react homie. That's what she wants.

It will eat her up when she sees that you dont care.
OP did your bro smash after y'all broke up? I wouldn't be pissed if that happened, especially if you cut all ties with her. On the other hand, I would have a talk with your bro about this situation and let him clearly know what time it is, especially if he smashed while y'all were together....
OP I have the best advice for you. But for some reason my picture viewers for Mac is not working. Let me reinstall the program.

Ex girlfriends. You scary.
That's low. He's fam and that's dirty as hell. I say you confront your bro face to face and if he lies, go ahead and throw a punch to the face. Sibling fight (It's acceptable :D)
Whether your brother made out with her, smashed or whatever...He's out of pocket for this. I would put the blame more so on him. There is no way I would ever do something like that to my brother. He was probably peeping her the whole time rubbing his hands like birdman :smh:
:lol: Of course she was bad because that's all I bag. trips holidays blah blah... this was def not some rando pop. My bro don't spit that slick game like me, I'd let him swim in a few of my jumps, but she was way more than that. Also I never really told him we broke up because after I did my single thing I kinda figured I would get back with her (we didn't really break up over cheating or anything OD like that). What I assume happened is that she shot him a text when she was in his town, he or she went to where the other one was out drinking and then she spilled the news that we had broken up. got faded and one of them made a move. don't care how far it went, thirsty bro shoulda smashed that because at least then it was worth it.



no, I aint salty not sure where you guys are getting that. I honestly just don't feel normal that this isn't making me angry me AT ALL. I feel alotta cats would snuff the brother at the next thanksgiving dinner and somehow put shorty on blast. I'm a little shocked, but I kinda laughed and then posted this thread, basically. I wonder what motivates people and thought it was kind of a crazy situation to share, but hurt or crying over this??? Naaaaaaa.
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