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  1. swackhammer


    Pardon the horribly crappy iPhone pic... I wasn't going for aesthetics when I took it. Nice pickups, everyone.  
  2. swackhammer

    Don't be a Knucklehead when in Line: Possible Changes to Lining up at Niketown Bloor Comin'

    Yeah man, a soccer ball. I'm all for finding ways to pass the time while waiting in line, but no good can come from playing with a soccer ball in a busy hallway where people walk back and forth. See that's the thing: I was young once too, so I know what it's like to pull some stupid ish that...
  3. swackhammer

    Don't be a Knucklehead when in Line: Possible Changes to Lining up at Niketown Bloor Comin'

    I was at Niketown Bloor this morning for the Madden Pack release (which suprisingly didn't draw a lot of people) and, anticipating the exclusivity of the release, was there EXTRA early (I'm talking before 6). The security guard working the morning shift tells me they aren't supposed to let...
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