Don't be a Knucklehead when in Line: Possible Changes to Lining up at Niketown Bloor Comin'

Sep 1, 2012
I was at Niketown Bloor this morning for the Madden Pack release (which suprisingly didn't draw a lot of people) and, anticipating the exclusivity of the release, was there EXTRA early (I'm talking before 6). The security guard working the morning shift tells me they aren't supposed to let anybody line up outside the gate of the store because of complaints about littering and what not, but I tell her I didn't bring anything and would have cleaned up after myself if I did. She tells me to relay the message to everybody else in line, otherwise she'll kick us all out.

A few minutes later two dudes come in and join the line - they're clearly upset about having to wait for four more hours and are bundles of restless energy, but for the most part are well-behaved enough. Guy tells me he's picking up the Raptors to trade with his cousin, and needs a pair for himself so he brought his man with him to bypass the "one pair per customer" rule. A'ight, cool, do you.

Gradually more people show up to line up, but we're barely 10-deep and it's close to 8. Must be the long weekend at work. I relay the security guard's message, everybody complies.

Before 8:30 four more people roll in - apparently they're buddies of the two dudes who came after me. They basically insert themself in the line at that point, jumping in front of all those people who were there before them. These kids are exactly just that - kids - wired from little-to-no-sleep. One guy literally just got off a bus from New York. So they make breakfast runs to McDonald's and Tim Horton's, but soon they're leaving trash all over the place and aren't cleaning up for themselves. I try warning them about it a couple of times, but nothing goes through.

Later on, one of them grabs a soccer ball from their homie's car and starts playing around with it inside. They're all pretty loud and boisterous, but the soccer ball just makes things worse. At one point it sails over into other people in line - like that would ever happen, right? I tell them to quit clowning around otherwise they run the risk of getting kicked out of the line - they puff out their chests and respond with different variations of "I'd like to see them try" or "If they do, I'm still getting my Jordan's."

Anyway, by the time the store gate's ready to be opened the security guard comes by again, notices them and their litter all over the place, and tells them off. She then proceeds to talk to both Nike Store Managers and raises all sorts of hell about it. Everybody in line is thisclose to being kicked out, but the Store Managers are cool enough to realize numerous people would be affected by the actions of a few and decide to let us in two at a time. But not before the security guard says she'll raise this to 110 Bloor Management (it's the building where the Nike Store is) and have the line-up system changed so that no one is allowed to stay outside the gate; from now on if you want to line up, you do it outside, next to the street (facing Starbucks and Winners and all that). I don't know if that'll actually push through but if it does, well, now you know why.

I called the dudes out when they were in store - particularly the guy messing around with the soccer ball and the litter - and they weren't having any of it. They also said they didn't jump the line because their two boys were there from the start and "they all rode the same car." For real, dude? Even the guy who got off the bus from New York? That's awesome time synchronization right there. Parker Lewis would be proud.

We were close to starting something there, something I probably would've lost via a one-on-six handicap, but whatever. Way to ruin the line-up system for everyone, you effff'n knuckleheads.

If this is TLDR for you, all you need to know is that the rules for lining up outside Niketown Bloor MAY change on account of the actions of a few knuckleheads on the morning of the Raptor release, September 1, 2012. Taking away the pre-ordering system was bad enough so if you hear about this and get pissed about having to freeze your nuts off in the winter time, well, that's the deal.

And if any of those jackasses from this morning troll Niketalk and read this post, feel free to flame me for it. You can rationalize all you want and because of your immaturity / impetuousness you'll never be convinced that you were in the wrong, so have a great life kids. Sneakerheads across Canada - you know, the decent, mature ones - salute you.
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Lol a soccer ball really ? :smh: ... bring a phone or something ... man some teens have no respect at all ... i'm pretty young myself but i copped the Raptor's easy no problems and i didn't intentionally try to cause trouble :smh:
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Yeah man, a soccer ball. I'm all for finding ways to pass the time while waiting in line, but no good can come from playing with a soccer ball in a busy hallway where people walk back and forth.

See that's the thing: I was young once too, so I know what it's like to pull some stupid ish that just leaves you shaking your head (look at me being all oldhead-y right now). But I also always knew where to draw the line, and I never did anything that could adversely affect the people around me in any way, shape or form.

Anyway, glad to hear you copped your Raptors today, homie. Them joints sold out real quick across the board, but I'm good with my Olympic 7's.
i know how you feel bro...I was a town centre 630am in the morning to see if I can still cop one at Champs....but few kids were already saving their buddies  to go in front of them....considering there are only 30 pairs and 40 people in the line definitely makes a difference because you never know how many sizes they actually have....

anyway at the end of the day i didn't get a pair because of the size shortage @ Champs but whatever is only a damn shoe i'm pretty sure it they'll re releasing the "Charcoal or Raptors" within the few years or so therefore can't really feel bad about i saved money...not worth fighting over these stupid immature kids over something not really important...
That's just too bad. Teens/preteens are getting more ignorant by the generation and there is lots of reasons why this may be. They also don't realize that they are in a higher end part of downtown and should act accordingly, you really can't blame the security for acting that way. Maybe if it was somewhere else but it isn't. It's just unbearable when people don't understand that they are all there for the same reason and all they have to do is cooperate to leave with a smile. Oh well.
that sucks but really not surprised at all

I had a run in with some kid at the MV9 release lol

More reasons to stop buying kicks I guess :smh:
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