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  1. laroux08

    Asking Out a Bartender..... Edit: Did It

    no reason for bumping, was bored, surfin through threads, thought the family guy vid was funny. not a big deal to me dude, im hardly on here, only when im bored or in class or some ****. but i got **** to do, i was trying to get to the bottom of the cpu situation. already PMd meth. but on the...
  2. laroux08

    Asking Out a Bartender..... Edit: Did It

    ok, this is NT, not that seriously. I'm hardly ever on here, but im just as confused. my cpu has been hacked before so if thats whats goin on now, im not feelin it. my bad OP...i thought the vid was funny.  
  3. laroux08


    no offense, but why white people had to mess up even the most uncoordinated dance? smh
  4. laroux08

    Asking Out a Bartender..... Edit: Did It

    first of all, why am i just now seein this thread? second of all...HAHA! PHONY! Nice try OP.
  5. laroux08

    Things you want to do before you die

    Get my Masters in Finance/Marketing  Get a promotion at my job  Win back the woman of my dreams, marry her Move back Manhattan, get a bangin a** penthouse overlookin the city Travel the world And of course a whole mess of cliche bucket list stuff HAHA
  6. laroux08

    Life sucks, whatever...**** it

    Yo dude, have been readin?  I broke up with her.
  7. laroux08

    Life sucks, whatever...**** it

    ^^^ Thanks a lot man!  Probably the most useful thing I've read this whole time!  I think it only takes some balls to put myself out there like there. I'm just so used to just bein like, "whatever, it is what it is". Def will hope for the best and update!  Peace. 
  8. laroux08

    the thread about nothing...

    Yo, like on some real s***, life suck right about now, but the Regular Show  is hella funny! LMAO Makin my night man! 
  9. laroux08

    Life sucks, whatever...**** it

    I decided to give her her space. We spoke today and she told me she went out on a date.  F****** sucks!  I didn't even get a chance to say anything. But I only blame myself. I practically pushed her away. I've just been sittin in the house with nothin to do the past couple days. I don't think...
  10. laroux08

    the thread about nothing...

    i feel ya 
  11. laroux08

    Life sucks, whatever...**** it

    Dannngggg...ya'll cynical as ****!  I appreciate the feedback tho. I'm in school and I work full time. That part of my life is straight, its just trying to deal wit emotions and stuff, i never had to go thru nothin like that before i met her. And i aint got nobody to talk to about it, thats why...
  12. laroux08

    Life sucks, whatever...**** it

    I know...and I was movin on.  I think it's hard for me to now because I see that she's actually movin on now and I don't know why that's affectin me.  It's like I realize that I might not evey have her around.  And we were on and off because of me, but she was still there cuz she loves me. I...
  13. laroux08

    Why Are There So Many Murders in Chicago?

    D*** Chi Town! 
  14. laroux08

    Thinking About Quitting My Job

    I say go for it, but be smart about it. Everything takes time. If you want to start your own business (which I personally think is the best venture for anyone) then do so but take it day by day.  If you want to find another job, then do that! 
  15. laroux08

    Life sucks, whatever...**** it

    I never cheated on her.  I haven't even talked to any others girls since we've broken up, but I would always tell her that that was something I would consider doing.  A part of me wants to give her her space because I know I'm the one that hurt her and ****** everything up and I don't want to...
  16. laroux08

    Life sucks, whatever...**** it

    I dont think she's smashed anybody, well as far as I know.  I know hella dudes that been trying to talk to her now, I know some of em too.  But she's not that chick! 
  17. laroux08

    Life sucks, whatever...**** it

    Quite honestly I was the reason.  I wouldn't want to deal with a relationship, but we'd get back together because I wanted her around. I know I love her but I didn't want the responsibility, but I would never tell her that tho. I would just be tellin her not to waste her time.  S*** sucks...
  18. laroux08

    Life sucks, whatever...**** it

    I'll be 24 in March.  We're the same age.  But I feel what you're sayin! 
  19. laroux08

    Life sucks, whatever...**** it

    uh..failure!  movin on! 
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