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  1. epeagles6

    Official NBA 2K13 Online Association Thread (PS3)

    I'm keen to try the new league vegas
  2. epeagles6

    Official NBA 2K13 Online Association Thread (PS3)

    Well the timer is less than 24 hours now and then i guess we will see what happens, this must be what it feels like during a lockout!!!
  3. epeagles6

    Official NBA 2K13 Online Association Thread (PS3)

    So you dont think it will glitch when we advance on Wednesday??? fingers crossed
  4. epeagles6

    Official NBA 2K13 Online Association Thread (PS3)

    Yeah romadude, I think i read the same forum hopefully the league isn't on pause would be a shame to have to start again!! Suppose we will find out Wednesday!!
  5. epeagles6

    Official NBA 2K13 Online Association Thread (PS3)

    Looking forward to next season!!!! Shame we have to wait a week to progress
  6. epeagles6

    Official NBA 2K13 Online Association Thread (PS3)

    Hi guys I just picked up the spurs look forward to playing
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