☆☆☆ - Post Your TWITTER Vol. The '09 MySpace/Facebook?! - ☆☆☆

Originally Posted by Dead Stokc

Originally Posted by Nktran001

This twitter thing is the most confusing !$+$ in the biz.

Funny it wouldve made things easier if u had 1 or we knew urs.
I do have one.

My username is: Nktran001
Originally Posted by YDBoUnCe

I can't front Nktran, I'm having a some problems with understanding the "code" on twitter myself

I was confused at first too. I didn't understand the point with Facebook. One day it just clicked though. Once you get it you get it. I sum it up as apublic text message-that's all. I enjoy following the artists I like with personality and some news sites. It's more fun though when your friends areon there or people you actually wanna know what they're doing.

Trending topics are fun. I learn news faster on Twitter than I do anywhere else. Trending topics get news before CNN does.
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