☆☆☆ - Post Your TWITTER Vol. The '09 MySpace/Facebook?! - ☆☆☆

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by rwfanatic

Originally Posted by CWrite78

i dont want to make a facebook account.

But all Twitter is is a website dedicated to the facebook status.

to the point where facebook recognized this and bought them out... so now when you update your twitter it just shows up as your facebook status anyway...

i guess i just don't understand all the people who have both which is a large majority.

there is too much crap to post/update/add to a facebook account just to update a status. i don't want to add my name on facebook, my pics, i dont want tohave a wall, poke ppl (||), have those stupid bulletins and such. and plus, with only 140 words.. you learn to pick your words carefully for the most part.
Can someone school me on Twitpic and how to upload pics from my phone?

I had it working before but changed my profile name now can't do it at all
if everyone twitters "@wefollow #niketalk" we'll be able to have a ranked grouping all the twittering niketalkers at wefollow.com
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