☆☆☆ - Post Your TWITTER Vol. The '09 MySpace/Facebook?! - ☆☆☆

Damn...NOBODY went to the Miami game. Wow recession, that's what's up? Going to bed... 17 minutes ago from web

I really wonder if she has a job other than whoring.

The recession doesn't even effect her.
I really don't get why people are so into these social 'networking' (I use that term loosely) sites. everyone was so into myspace and I resisted solong then finally did one. now everyone is into facebook and myspace is so yesterday (in a clueless voice). but all they do is seem to cause drama and shareinfo that is personal. maybe I am just not that sharing of a dude. or maybe these are just things girls like to do
but what I really want to know is why would anyone care what you 'status' is? maybe people just want attention? or they are self absorbed? IDK but Icould care less..
Originally Posted by tmukg21

Originally Posted by LiLwAnG05

why not just update your status on Facebook?
And look like one of those chicks thats on some Beyonce or Lil Wayne lyrics/boyfriend issues/friends hating/ex-bf---type stuff , constantly updating, nawwwwww

And how did I miss this.

It's so damn true.

Some of these broads on Facebook constantly updating their status updates with their life stories. LIKE NO ONE CARES! Tell us a cot damn "knock,knock" joke or something.
Just curious, this seems like a networking site built around "constant live updates" of your life right?

Doesn't MySpace, Facebook, Friendster, Xanga, Blogspot, and every other networking page do that already?
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