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Originally Posted by Essential1

That is a terrible trade... Eric Gordon is a free agent at years end, which means Hornets lose him... Kaman is a free agent.. Makes way too much money, but will probably go to a contending team for half that salary...

The long lasting impact is CP3 for Aminu and a lottery pick..

This guy for CP3

. But you know Stern is salivating at this deal. For the mere fact that a new owner would be more inclined to buy the franchise basically starting out from scratch than a team that has pieces like Odom, Kev Mart, Scola under contract for the next couple of years.
Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

KBergCBS Ken Berger
Conflicting info out there about Gordon's involvement in Clippers' CP3 offer. Only passing on what I've been told: No Gordon in deal.

KBergCBS Ken Berger
Clips "have not, and will not" give up Gordon in a trade for Chris Paul, source says.

Originally Posted by HankMoody

^That's sounds great to me. A bunch of cap space and youth.

No one wants to go to the Hornets... Eric Gordon won't stay after he becomes a free agent so the youth they get is in Aminu and a lottery pick...

A trade to be the 8th seed in the league (if you're lucky) is not better than trading to get 4-5 solid pieces plus 3 picks..

And if Gordon is not in the deal and it's Bledsoe, Aminu & Kaman plus a lottery pick then it is an absurd trade..
Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

KBergCBS Ken Berger
Conflicting info out there about Gordon's involvement in Clippers' CP3 offer. Only passing on what I've been told: No Gordon in deal.

KBergCBS Ken Berger
Clips "have not, and will not" give up Gordon in a trade for Chris Paul, source says.

Eric Gordon isn't included in a revised Clippers-New Orleans deal for Chris Paul, league source tells Y! Sports.

I wonder if Broussard just wakes up and decides how he's going to *+%# with everyone else's feelings

@ Prokhrov
If they really do get CP3 and keep EG my goodness. I want that Clippers team to succeed. They've been garbage for too long.
He isn't doing squat in Russia. He's a part of what the public is currently rioting against (oligarchy) Putin's party lost seats to whom again? Communists and social Democrats. Yea, that's Prokorov alright.
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by HankMoody

^That's sounds great to me. A bunch of cap space and youth.

No one wants to go to the Hornets... Eric Gordon won't stay after he becomes a free agent so the youth they get is in Aminu and a lottery pick...

A trade to be the 8th seed in the league (if you're lucky) is not better than trading to get 4-5 solid pieces plus 3 picks..

And if Gordon is not in the deal and it's Bledsoe, Aminu & Kaman plus a lottery pick then it is an absurd trade..
First of all, Gordon is a RFA at season's end. If NO got him, they'd be paying him max dollars starting next year.

A trade to be worse than the 8th seed in the league is the best possible thing for the Hornets. Being a middle of the pack team with a bunch of veteran role players would get them absolutely nowhere. If you're not good/great, you're best off being horrible so you can acquire the best cheap talent; this is true in every single professional team sport, and has been for a long time.
If that deal goes through, Clippers might dethrone LA in the Division...still very early though
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by HankMoody

^That's sounds great to me. A bunch of cap space and youth.
No one wants to go to the Hornets... Eric Gordon won't stay after he becomes a free agent so the youth they get is in Aminu and a lottery pick...

A trade to be the 8th seed in the league (if you're lucky) is not better than trading to get 4-5 solid pieces plus 3 picks..

And if Gordon is not in the deal and it's Bledsoe, Aminu & Kaman plus a lottery pick then it is an absurd trade..
I think the logic here is that an owner buying that NO team would rather be way under the cap coming in knowing that this team has to rebuild even if NO is a small market where nobody wants to go. It'd be nice if they can get more picks but them tanking and the Minny pick is a better start. At the very least being under the cap means you're not spending a lot and getting some of that money from big market teams paying that luxury tax.

I don't think a would be owner wants an 8th seed with a bunch of contracts to pay off for a few years that you can't even really flip for players that will make your team that much better. Besides that NO was already a low seed team that wasn't gonna make it past the 2nd round anyway.

Either way I'd really like to see where this NO team goes and ends up in the next 6 years.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

I don't know how Stern could let a trade with no Gordon go through.
It's simple.

 Clippers got burned by Elton Brand, not giving up the farm without an extension signed, which Paul obviously isn't going to do because of the new extend and trade rules. On top of that, even if Paul was willing to do the extend and trade, why would he want to extend with an EJ-less Clippers? Would be a good team but probably not a championship contender. A couple of writers have said that Paul basically told the Clippers he wasn't staying if the core (EJ/BG/DJ) wasn't in tact. So with that demand for Paul, NO can't really demand EJ and for LAC to take the chance giving up EJ hoping Paul stays makes no sense because there are no other bidders.

As for Stern, he showed last year with the pick in the Baron Davis trade, I'm sure the Hornets will find their way to a couple very high picks if this trade happens. More than enough, in a deep draft to establish a solid foundation yet still be bad enough to get another high pick next year ( Seattle/OKC model?).
Originally Posted by Al3xis

I don't know how Stern could let a trade with no Gordon go through.

To allow them to bottom out with the opportunity to build ground up.  You can't build being mediocre... you just remain mediocre.
sam_amick Sam Amick
Source with knowledge of NO-Clips Chris Paul deal tells me "I know it's close," but unclear if Clips SG Eric Gordon in it.
Almost guaranteed 2 top 10 picks in a loaded draft and cap space. Or they could flip Kaman at the trade deadline for something else. Rather have that than a 30 win team this year.
I'm not saying it's not the right deal, He just shouldn't have ever said 'basketball reasons'

Lakers/Rockets can easily make a case that their deal was better for those reasons. I thought their deal was crap anyway, but still.

Educated fans get the bottoming out part, media/other fans can/will crucify him on it. And the Lakers would have every right to be pissed off. If he allows it and puts himself in that position, good for him.
Hopefully the Rockets find a way for Nene at the least. They need a big, bad. And Nene still hasn't signed, so I'm assuming he's still holding out hope for the Rockets
If the Clippers give up Gordon, that changes a lot.

That's messed up if they're trying to keep his name out of it to prevent another "Odom situation"
Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

If the Clippers give up Gordon, that changes a lot.

That's messed up if they're trying to keep his name out of it to prevent another "Odom situation"

if it falls through i gonna guess he might spazz worse than LO
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Almost guaranteed 2 top 10 picks in a loaded draft and cap space. Or they could flip Kaman at the trade deadline for something else. Rather have that than a 30 win team this year.

Agreed.. This draft class has major potential.
Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

If the Clippers give up Gordon, that changes a lot.

That's messed up if they're trying to keep his name out of it to prevent another "Odom situation"
That's messed up you're taking Chris Broussard seriously when the LA Times, Eric Pincus, Berger, Aldridge and Woj have all said otherwise
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