♔ ~~~~| Celebrites Rockin Heat (fly gear/Fly kicks) VOL. 3 | ~~~~ ♔

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I think these are the only shoes I have seen that hasn't been hyped by his wear, but I could be wrong
I really wanted a pair of these but as soon as I saw him in these I knew it was a wrap tho
That was the golden age of hip hop(88-2001)
So dudes were doing anything to stand out and people were looking at it as a character more then who he is( like sho'nuff), just the whole imagery and landscape of hip hop was different at that time... Personally I don't see ASAP or Ye as eccentric (cocky more like it)in their dressing because Prince, Parliment Funkadelic, hair bands of the 80s' seem to be their influence
Also Ye and ASAP are I guess more fashion orientated in their rhymes, so it's like they are actually "about that life" , Busta was never that type of artist and never had the influence in dressing one could say( I surely don't remember any kids wanting to dress like him but a shiny suit now everybody wanted that or a bubble, some construction timbs and goggles was really the type of dress, a la ny undercover was the show to see what type of gear was poppin)
Also there wasnt this constant cycle of gossip, fashion media circling like it is now( ig,twitter, tumblr) has really revolutionized all these influences whether good or bad
Back in the day it was like a shock and awe factor when you saw those clothes, not so much now

This is going to sound like I'm defending Busta because he's from my era or something, but I'm not. In fact, I never really liked Busta at all, even in the LONS days. But, here's what I see as the difference. Busta didn't take himself seriously. He was like a cartoon character - just think about his videos. He wore all kinds of crazy stuff, not as a fashion statement, but as an extension of his persona as an artist. That "dress" is like some crazy karate flick get up or something. And, I'm not saying he doesn't look ridiculous - he does. But, I doubt Busta was thinking he was "doing it" and being all kinds of fashion forward, trendsetter with it. He was just wylin out. You can say much of the same for Andre from Outkast, who didn't get a pass for his Atliens outfits, BTW. But, he was trying to disassociate himself with the mainstream scene by dressing like a weirdo and implying that he was something different than the lowest common denominator. Kanye's motivations are the opposite - he wants to be known as a big time celebrity and a fashion icon. He wants to make what he wears something that everybody follows. In the mid 90s, Andre was looking at what everybody was following and consciously trying NOT to do that.

Man you Niketalk guys are salty and reach for anything

Bored at work I came across a video of Rick Ross courtside at the Miami Heat game on WSHH, in that video his Son is there and mentioned his watch was a rolex.

I come here and see people trying to clown someone him and imply he can't afford to purchase expensive things for his son.

"Sneakerheads" are just like comic book nerds, they sit on the internets and try find any reason to put down someone.

Other "sneakerheads" though, right? Not you? And, you put "sneakerheads" in quotes to imply that you are not one... even though your name on here is "nikehead"

And, also, other people sit around all day on the internet, but, again, not you, right? ...Even though you find time to watch the new age minstrel show that is WSHH and check out a vid on a fat, ex-correctional officer who can''t rap's son's watch.

Got it.


yes, custom aka bootleg. pretty sure the joints i posted were too, the vest at the very least.

Oh for sure. Those ain't no legit Uni Crests.
Actually he didnt, busta at the time was seen as eccentric and especially when " woo hah" came out( plus missy was doing the same type crazy ish) so technically busta taught yeezy well but also prince and George Clinton and the funkadelic taught them well too lol

You could classify ASAP and Ye as eccentric too tho. I don't see why busta gets a pass

Busta didn't really get a pass IMO. I certainly remember his clothing options being questioned.

We just didn't have the forums (literally) to discuss it ad nauseum like we do now.

And not to be culturally insensitive, but Busta kind of had a ragga vibe about him (his parents are Jamaican) and around the way, West Indians are just sort of assumed to be "out there" in terms of some of their clothing choices, and we just accept that.
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This is going to sound like I'm defending Busta because he's from my era or something, but I'm not. In fact, I never really liked Busta at all, even in the LONS days. But, here's what I see as the difference. Busta didn't take himself seriously. He was like a cartoon character - just think about his videos. He wore all kinds of crazy stuff, not as a fashion statement, but as an extension of his persona as an artist. That "dress" is like some crazy karate flick get up or something. And, I'm not saying he doesn't look ridiculous - he does. But, I doubt Busta was thinking he was "doing it" and being all kinds of fashion forward, trendsetter with it. He was just wylin out. You can say much of the same for Andre from Outkast, who didn't get a pass for his Atliens outfits, BTW. But, he was trying to disassociate himself with the mainstream scene by dressing like a weirdo and implying that he was something different than the lowest common denominator. Kanye's motivations are the opposite - he wants to be known as a big time celebrity and a fashion icon. He wants to make what he wears something that everybody follows. In the mid 90s, Andre was looking at what everybody was following and consciously trying NOT to do that.

I'm gonna second what BIP said right here. Busta was/is a 'joke/cartoon' rapper, no one took him seriously and I don't think he took himself seriously either. Cats weren't looking up to him or Andre 3K as fashion icons or any kind of icon in that sense. They were entertainers and you could expect to see either of them in some unusual get up every now and then.

The problem now is that you have young cats emulating Kanye and ASAP and taking things way, way too seriously. And that's because the former and latter genuinely believe that they are 'doing it' and take it too seriously themselves. The sheep mentality could point to a broader issue with today's society though but I'll end here.
What are you trying to accomplish with this 'Sneaker Showcase'? Is it profit driven or are you trying to get more kids to play the 'sneaker game'?

Yeah, there's no info, so I don't know what OP expects anybody to say.

Here's my response though - and it won't change no matter how much more info is provided - WHO CARES?

Oh, and if you come into a really popular thread like this one, trolling for attention and self-promotion for your rinky dink start-up that you've given no info on, well, you're most likely just going to get roasted.
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Fabolous on why he downsized his sneaker collection

KONY, this one was way, way better than that atrocious 'interview' with that Chip character. At least Fab could give you a decent reply or construct a normal sentence without having an 'internal struggle'.
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its profit driven but mostly to educate the younger generation in a mesh with the elder wiser generation of the TRUE sneaker community.  To bring out sneakerheads in smaller locations that dont get the opportunity or exporsure as the major city showcases such as Dunk Xchange and Sneakercon uses in EVERY city. To ultimately reduce the hypebeast community to strengthen the sneakerhead nation.
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