★★ Big Brother 21 Premires Tuesday June 25, 2019 Cast Update 1st Page★★

This bish jackie looks rough without makeup :lol: :smh:

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Dentist dude needs to grow a pair and start playing his own game

what is he supposed to do?

i think he's doing the best he can with what he's got. Until he wins HOH his best play is to make nice, act like he is part of the team and do the bidding of those in power. If he refuses to play along, theres a very good chance they put him on the block anyways, but now Shelli/Clay and whoever else will think they they cant trust him.

Dentist is playing a good game thus far. He is just waiting for his chance to strike.
It's pretty obvious why Audrey is still around, Day's exit interview at eviction said it all. :smh:
Johnny is hilarious, so naturally awkward.
Vanessa is trying too hard to play like the winner cop from last year, her acting dumb/oblivious is terrible.
I feel Shelli is playing too confident.

Well, who has the numbers right now to threaten her position? She's good, for now.
Clay, Vanessa, Austin and the "Liz's" have the same numbers/leverage, I feel they're not as cocky as she is right now.
They picked a good cast this year, lots of gamers and decided to ruin it with Battle of the Block.  That, and production tampering hurts the game so much, i don't know how or why they thought this was a fan favorite.  Also, anyone else notice how they completely just abandoned BB Takeover, it was supposed to happen every week.
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Yep, dual hoh/BOtB is the worst idea ever on BB. weakens the power of winning hoh so badly. Just adds another competition that can be thrown. I hate the idea.

So glad they got rid of Audrey's weird ***. I support her sexuality 100%, good for her. But man did she go way too hard in the game. Lied so damn much she couldn't keep up with what she said to who lol

I hate Clay and shelli...and Vanessa is annoying too. Really hoping that jason/john/james/Meg finally win (and stay) hoh so they can make some moves against shelli/clay/vanessa
Yea I was on the fence about BOB at first but this sealed it lol. Venessa is gaming hard. It could cost her.
I'm going to be very disappointed if Jason goes out. He's one of the few people I like.

Austin is a bull in a china shop. He needs to go.
Vanessa is an idiot. Never second guess yourself. It will come back to bite her

Completely agree. Vanessa carries herself like she's this confident poker player and so sure of herself...

Yet the SLIGHTEST suggestion from ANYBODY and she's changing her mind every 2 minutes.

Hey. Vanessa. Think for yourself! Clay and shelli wanted vanessa to put up Jason because the blood will be on her hands. Vanessa! Shelli and Clay want you to do the really dirty work! Do what's best for YOUR game, trust yourself.
I dont know how much they showed on the show tonight but the reason Vanessa decided to backdoor Jason was stupid.  She thought he was lying about Day winning the phone booth, which he wasn't

yet she herself caught Austin lying to her twice 1 about telling the other twins name and wanting to get her out, 2 about him voting to keep Audrey

She always talks about her instincts and having a good read on people but she's usually dead wrong most of the time.

Like the 2 extra votes Jeff got.  She told Steve she was 100% sure it was Becky and Audrey, then she changed to 100% believing it was Jason and Audrey

meanwhile it was 2 people in her alliance (Steve and Liz)

Production also conveniently decide not to switch Liz and Julia like they were supposed to Monday after the Veto ceremony because they know Julia wanted Austin gone

and might possibly help flip the votes to get Becky out since Austin wasn't up.  Becky was so desperate to be apart of something she jumped at the chance to be the last man on the roster

with the big group.  It was pretty pathetic to watch, but she's on the block so I guess she had to do it, but she started giving up too much info so clearly she's not faking about being down with them even though she's expendable to them.

Production wants to protect their twin stunt and dumb showmances

The only good thing that will come from this is now Shelli and Clay have been exposed because they tried to act like they were with Jason and didn't know about the plan

but Vanessa made sure everybody knew they were.  However, now there aren't enough people to do anything about it except Meg, James, and Jackie.

Steve is Vanessa's snitch, and John doesn't do anything except what he's told, so it's basically 9 vs 3.
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 However, now there aren't enough people to do anything about it except Meg, James, and Jackie.
Steve is Vanessa's snitch, and John doesn't do anything except what he's told, so it's basically 9 vs 3.

Ugh, that's worst case scenario for me. I csnt stand Shelli and clat, but they're sitting pretty right now.

So disappointed in james, john, jason, meg, jackie. They haven't really done anything for the last 3 weeks
I had high hopes for James. He started out strong the first week and then he just got too comfortable and became a floater like a meg or jackie :smh:
Ugh, that's worst case scenario for me. I csnt stand Shelli and clat, but they're sitting pretty right now.

So disappointed in james, john, jason, meg, jackie. They haven't really done anything for the last 3 weeks

^^i hope she wins too or James. She dances for a living so this should be no problem.

it just the beginning but she look real calm up there right now...Can't say the same for Thickem Liz :lol:
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Trash season!!

I guess we were due after last seasons super entertaining cast.

Meg: Thinks she's on vacation or thinks this is a game of who can make the most lifetime friendships.
Jackie: Too little too late "game player" was useless for 4 weeks
James: All dude cares about is trying to get close enough to these lame chicks to smell their menstruation
Jason: Smart player because he's a fanboy but had no alliance formed or game connections, a sheep when he should of been a lion
Steve: Complete social outcast and non factor, seriously has he done one thing to change any part of the actual game besides snitch to the benefit of the 6
JohnnyMac: 2015 Bobcat Goldwaith is a spineless, yellow belly Yes-man, who can win if he could of found a sack to go against the other side of the house
Dayvonne: Could of been a threat if she wasn't an emotional wreck and kept her mouth shut for more than 10 mins

With the addition of Jeff This should been a solid alliance. But they're idiots and could see the writing on the wall and ask themselves 2 basic BB 101 questions, "Am I in an alliance?" "How can I create a solid alliance so that I'm save?"

Austin might be the Top 3 worst game players that will make it to jury, even over Victoria. He's a backpack right now.
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