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I wish San Lorenzo had gotten an opponent like Chelsea when we made the final. We had to play Real Madrid fresh off la Decima |l
A loan would save his life
Do y’all need him like that?
He said he would only move in the summer

The move has been a bust but I just haven't seen player where everything goes wrong for him.

He been injured a lot, when Benz is out he'll get injured too, he's had covid 2-3 times, whopping his *** each time, when plays he doesn't get much service, if he gets service, he hits post or just offside. It's comical.
I knew Chelsea 2012 didn’t deserve it.

They didn’t win the Club World Cup that year? :smh:
That one hurt Dave Azpili the mostly

He’s the main reason why I wanted Chelsea to win today

And he has now won every trophy with Chelsea. The first ever to do it. An absolute legend

Alonso and Kante are one trophy away (Carabao Trophy) to join Azpili this month
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