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Pleased to see Havertz and Pulisic giving everything they had during game

Their chemistry is great as well

Pulisic has played his best form at his favorite position

AZwildcats AZwildcats are you ready to start a dialogue
only caught the second half but nice comfortable win. everyone got some burn, RLC was shaking in the league game when he was subbed on but made up for it today in confidence. hopefully Ziyech and Kova aren't too bad.

Also Thiago Silva doesn't drink or smoke. like he never has in his life while always remaining passionate about the game. That's why he's still solid
Thiago Silva also doesn't really rely on his physical attributes that much. He's all about positioning and using his brain. When you're as good as him at that, aging shouldn't have as much of an impact as it does on defenders who rely more on their pace and strength.
Liverpool was going to sign him last summer, but he had the injury and Lile wasn't budging on the price.

So was Barça.

It’s not even that much right now, Lille would sell for €18-30 million on the latest thing I saw. He’s has to go somewhere. He’s been at Lille for too long. Accomplished everything.
Normally I'd bet on Atleti winning but Ronaldo always seems to go super saiyan against them in the CL.
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