Im curious what do you do with the shoes you collect? I never understood the collection concept in regards to shoes. Ive honestly always wanted to know, do you take them out of the box and show them to people, do you just look at them every so often and put them away or its just you know you have them but will never wear them. 

Anyone who collects can answer or  jump in.

I wear all my stuff but I didn't always. I used to let some stuff sit for years. Personally I enjoy the process collecting on its own (also collect records) and can understand where those ppl come from. It's the same with collectors of action figures, stamps, spoons, etc- the collector sometimes wants to keep their collecti n mint even though it means not using the items for their intended purpose, and doesn't always have to be about preserving the items value.
I typically put them away and get them out to look at them. Some I don't look at for 6 months then rummage around and go "Oh yeah, those are cool!" Like White Camo foams for instance. It's the only foam I have but I just liked the details on that shoe with the caution sign like you would find on a jet. I just thought it was cool so I bought them. Haven't worn them though and now considering selling them so I can use that money towards something else. Other shoes like the Wimbledon 1 ATC2 I love but don't want to wear because the resell is so high that I could possibly sell but probably never will. Meanwhile I pick up an ATC4 low white and rock them the first day. Mostly though I will check them out, try them on but put them back in the box. Like I said earlier I'm also trying to wear the same shoe I bought my son so we match together. He's getting ready to go to a size 6 for a 16 month old so next up is a Laney 5.
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Majority of shoes though I buy for nostalgic reasons. In high school in the early 90s (graduated in 92) Bo Jackson, Agassi, Barkley, Robinson and of course Jordan were all active and Nikes commercials had me hooked. When I saw those ATC3s I had to have them and I was the first one with them in high school. During college then I worked at Champs Sports so the trend continued with a 30% discount. :smile:
Also met some good friends during those early years that are still with me today. It's fun to talk shoes with them because we remember having the originals along with our own favorites.
I'm sure I'm not alone here, but I work an office job 8-5 and can only dress down on Fridays. So going through my collection takes quite a bit of time with the lack of opportunity to wear anything. I'll wear everything in my collection except for a pair of Federer Zoom Vapor 9 287's. They're more of a collector shoe than anything.

But yeah occasionally during the week I'll pull a pair out of the box and just look at it and think to myself yeah that's a sweet pair :lol:
Repped everyone.

Its safe to say we all grew up in the same era and are true fan of our shoes 

Its hard for me to put them away as soon they come in a week or so later they go right on my feet. 
But yeah occasionally during the week I'll pull a pair out of the box and just look at it and think to myself yeah that's a sweet pair
Im curious what do you do with the shoes you collect? I never understood the collection concept in regards to shoes. Ive honestly always wanted to know, do you take them out of the box and show them to people, do you just look at them every so often and put them away or its just you know you have them but will never wear them. 

Anyone who collects can answer or  jump in.
I don't have enough room to display shoes, but if I did, it'd be for shoes auto'd by my fav athlete.  I once got Andre to sign my 1992 Sports Illustrated (by chance).  Had I known he was gonna hold a proper auto-session, I would have brought my ATC2's. 

I'd then get one of those model-car acrylic display cases and showcase the shoes with that. 
Im curious what do you do with the shoes you collect? I never understood the collection concept in regards to shoes. Ive honestly always wanted to know, do you take them out of the box and show them to people, do you just look at them every so often and put them away or its just you know you have them but will never wear them. 

Anyone who collects can answer or  jump in.
speculative investing?

box from a pair of ATC lows I undeadstocked last month.  They only lasted like 4 hours though.  No pictures of the crumbled soles this time though, I was out and about.  $99.99 in the early 90's though, 2005 on I reckon they woulda gone for at least $150, maybe more.  Interestingly enough the colorway says WH/VIVID GRP- BLK-PSN GRN.  So poison green has existed for a while?  But like most people here I buy sneakers from back in the days for nostalgia I guess.  Plus there was that phase in the late 90's/early last decade when it seemed like Nike made a lotta ugly sneakers.  So I said to myself I'ma just buy the old ones.  I really do think that those of us who are like 30+ got to experience the best Nike Air era.  It was all new and exciting if your folks had the disposable income and were willing of course.
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bale bale

Even if your parents/you didn't have money like that almost every shoe hit sales racks.

Nothing was hyped to an insane level like it is now.

Even if your parents/you didn't have money like that almost every shoe hit sales racks.

Nothing was hyped to an insane level like it is now.
True, plus I neglected to take into account those of us who had jobs in the early 90's and 80's and were paying for this stuff on their own.  But yeah, just to reinforce what you're saying my first pair of ATC's were the neon green ones and I didn't have them until fall of 1991 but they were still fresh.  I'm almost certain that they were on sale too cause that's the only way I was getting them that year.  Also, my first pair of Nike Airs were the Air Max II/Air Max lite and I didn't have them until April or May of 1990 but again, people thought they were cool just cause anything Nike Air was cool back then. 
When will the volt ATCIII finally release? Keep coming in here for new info but get disappointment every time. A shoe like that needs to be released in the summer.
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