💒 Married At First Sight 👰: S17 Denver 10/18/23 PREMIERE! HERE WE GO AGAIN!

How poorly will the "experts" do by the end of decision day?

  • 0/5 - Truly the worst match making season ever!

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • 1/5 - Worse than usual but not a surprise

    Votes: 6 42.9%
  • 2/5 - Just about right (not counting divorces after decision day)

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • 3/5 - The best they've done in years!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4/5 - Like Curry from 3, start of a couple matching streak?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 5/5! - Unbelievable! Inconceivable! Real life?! Are they being paid to stay married now? Reunion tho

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Meh episode

Viviana Bae was the MVP this episode for her....sound advice

Oh look, Brett being a sarcastic **** again

Karen was smiling ear to ear when Viviana Bae suggested taking sex off the Table and Miles was like "yeah....sure"


Woody and Amani comedy man. "Ima beat yo ***"

Her explaining the sex position she likes...I'm more surprised she said they hadn't did that one yet

Henry had his deal-breaker on impatience and Christina had hers..deal with it Stevens
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There's something obviously deeper there with Henry. You gotta let it out at some point if ever want some progress. His pops probably part of the issue the way he ragged on him so much.

Good to hear Woody talk about therapy again...take it as a strength to actually accept it
I think they're overdoing the residency storyline with Bennett and Amelia. Bennett is acting like he can't leave New Orleans. Dawg, you drive a peticab, can you leave to be with your doctor wife🤣

Ive been saying the latter but I just don’t think money matters to him. He’d rather be broke in a tiny house in NOLA then comfy in a penthouse anywhere else. There’s a souped up version of this on Marrying Millions. Some dudes are just built different :lol:

Y’all touched on it but it can’t be reiterated enough how much of an **** head Brett is to Olivia. i can feel his smugness through the TV. I definitely think he’s acting for the cameras and basically admitted it 8n the preview for next week. Punk *** *****.

I feel like every episode is like Inception with Henry and we’re just going deeper. Hopefully we hit the root of his problems by the end of the season. He’s not telling Christina everything.

Miles and Karen :smh: Theyre not moving like a married couple so I can’t see them saying yes on decision day. All their conversations are about things you’d talk about when dating while all the other couples are talmbout big, future stuff.

Woody and Amani are GOAT recent couple. A black, entertaining version of Jessica and Austin :lol:
I think the general consensus is wrong about Brett. Can he tone his sarcasm down? Of course, but I think it's read wrong. He was a bit of a jerk on game night, he should have just expressed he didn't want to go instead of forcing himself.
I think the general consensus is wrong about Brett. Can he tone his sarcasm down? Of course, but I think it's read wrong. He was a bit of a jerk on game night, he should have just expressed he didn't want to go instead of forcing himself.
I think its more when he become condescending/passive aggressive when trying to prove a point. There's a few things he's hit on that I can agree with but his delivery is awful

Olivia isn't free of blame either. They were DOA as soon as the salary discussion happened :lol:

"Experts" kinda played them both on the children thing too. Why match ppl that are on two opposites of the spectrum when it comes to kids :lol: :smh:
I think its more when he become condescending/passive aggressive when trying to prove a point. There's a few things he's hit on that I can agree with but his delivery is awful

Olivia isn't free of blame either. They were DOA as soon as the salary discussion happened :lol:

"Experts" kinda played them both on the children thing too. Why match ppl that are on two opposites of the spectrum when it comes to kids :lol: :smh:

I think that's what it is. The salary discussion is still the elephant in the room with them that they won't let go. They don't respect each other's financial philosophy and they are shooting jabs at each other because of that, and they haven't discussed how they each felt in that moment. She made it worse by making him feel like he's poor, but he's better at managing his money and he keeps taking shots at her because of that. He ain't let it go still lol. Olivia too, misses his sarcasm and can't roll with the jokes. He made a Napoleon Dynamite reference in conversation with her and she totally missed the joke. He's also a snarky person, but he has to relax on the jokes, maybe explain it to her...but he's an IT guy...with and IT guy personality lmao, so there's that.
I think its more when he become condescending/passive aggressive when trying to prove a point. There's a few things he's hit on that I can agree with but his delivery is awful

Olivia isn't free of blame either. They were DOA as soon as the salary discussion happened :lol:

"Experts" kinda played them both on the children thing too. Why match ppl that are on two opposites of the spectrum when it comes to kids :lol: :smh:

I absolutely agree that he has the worst delivery. When do you think Olivia was buggin/in the wrong? Definitely seems we’re not getting the full picture with them because she’s mentioned a lot of off-camera stuff.

It didn’t dawn on me until you said it but yeah, they were destined for failure based on money and children :lol:
I think that's what it is. The salary discussion is still the elephant in the room with them that they won't let go. They don't respect each other's financial philosophy and they are shooting jabs at each other because of that, and they haven't discussed how they each felt in that moment. She made it worse by making him feel like he's poor, but he's better at managing his money and he keeps taking shots at her because of that. He ain't let it go still lol. Olivia too, misses his sarcasm and can't roll with the jokes. He made a Napoleon Dynamite reference in conversation with her and she totally missed the joke. He's also a snarky person, but he has to relax on the jokes, maybe explain it to her...but he's an IT guy...with and IT guy personality lmao, so there's that.
Idk, man...at least with the way they edit it, he’s ALWAYS cracking jokes or being sarcastic during serious conversations. Even Dr. Viviana had to tell him to cut that **** out :lol: However, based on your explanation, I see what you’re saying about how Olivia is part of the problem.

Once it came up they should have just talked about how they wanted to proceed kind of like Will and Jasmine from the Philly season. She said he should be paying bills no matter what their salaries are and he deaded that from the jump. IMO it doesn’t HAVE to be a big deal if you just talk about it and figure out what makes sense for you as a couple.
I absolutely agree that he has the worst delivery. When do you think Olivia was buggin/in the wrong? Definitely seems we’re not getting the full picture with them because she’s mentioned a lot of off-camera stuff.

It didn’t dawn on me until you said it but yeah, they were destined for failure based on money and children :lol:
beh235 beh235 hit on some points but I also remember earlier they had a convo about hanging with friends/spending time with marriage and she came off really uncompromising. Its like she wants a partner simply to travel/do events with but not give anything back.

She can be a nag and condescending in how she views Brett's lifestyle.

Brett is still a **** and she's further reacting off it so they both come off as digging their heels in rather than meeting in the middle. Just an awful "match" :lol:
Exactly, she seems like she doesn't want to compromise. That's exactly how she sounded when they talked about money. He explained to her on the honeymoon that he didn't grow up with much, but he knows the value of his money. Her talking about Saints season tickets, traveling, eating out every night, and not owning her home...to him sounds like a red flag...idk, but the avg person that got their **** together, and thinks about retirement and IRAs....run away from people like her in their 30s :lol: , that scares him that she makes that much more than him and is that irresponsible with her money. To add to that, she's a NP so she got med school debt, which is no joke. His scope of looking at the relationship is totally different than hers. He know she'll potentially ruin him financially if she keeps at it. All valid feelings, but his approach is wrong for a woman with a....less than entertaining sense of humor. This last episode, her body language towards him was awful. It's like she doesn't even want to touch him, but I think his financial outlook is more priority than sex for him right now. He might be a jackass, but he's a responsible jackass, and Olivia doesn't see and appreciate it.
Excellent points fellas. Thank you for pointing that out and clarifying. I agree they’re both at fault. While I definitely do think finances and how they each elect to spend money is a major sticking point, I can’t say that I think Olivia is going to ruin him financially or anything like that. She rents, likes to travels and has debt. He owns, watches every dollar and I assume doesn’t have debt. Different ends of the spectrum but without seeing numbers, I wouldn’t say she’s some financial black hole. They’re definitely painting her as irresponsible, though :lol:
Exactly, she seems like she doesn't want to compromise. That's exactly how she sounded when they talked about money. He explained to her on the honeymoon that he didn't grow up with much, but he knows the value of his money. Her talking about Saints season tickets, traveling, eating out every night, and not owning her home...to him sounds like a red flag...idk, but the avg person that got their **** together, and thinks about retirement and IRAs....run away from people like her in their 30s :lol: , that scares him that she makes that much more than him and is that irresponsible with her money. To add to that, she's a NP so she got med school debt, which is no joke. His scope of looking at the relationship is totally different than hers. He know she'll potentially ruin him financially if she keeps at it. All valid feelings, but his approach is wrong for a woman with a....less than entertaining sense of humor. This last episode, her body language towards him was awful. It's like she doesn't even want to touch him, but I think his financial outlook is more priority than sex for him right now. He might be a jackass, but he's a responsible jackass, and Olivia doesn't see and appreciate it.
But like you said the approach matters ...if yo was really serious he gon sit shorty down and have that convo, but everything we see is him playing and being sarcastic ...No lady gon deal with that when you on that wave a majority of the time
If you’re a jackass does it really matter how responsible you are with money?

I’m so happy Amani and Woody are doing so well so far. Amelia and Bennet too but they aren’t as entertaining to watch as Mani and Woody so I beenfast forwarding their scenes.

poor Miles. Long as he plays this right the women will be lined up for him when this is over.

I noticed Amani HATES when Woody tells her she can’t do something :rofl:

Watching the latest episode and if Brett is saying he’s not holding back Olivia should leave it alone. You said how you felt he said that isn’t the case he’s saying what he feels and that should be the end of it. She was definitely arguing with herself. They need to say whatever is happening off camera.

I can see how Brett was on 145 dates before this. They probably were all first dates cuz his sarcasm is a turn off. It’s not the cute banter he thinks it is.
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Damn I be hearing my guy Woodrow clear as day. Only one that doesn't really fit for me :lol:

Edit: Henry always looks 10 times more comfortable on

Interesting to hear Karen say she wasn't 100% on board with taking sex off the table. I know they can't reveal too much on these episodes like that
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Yeah... The fist thing I'mma do after having a budget conversation with my wife is go by her expensive jewelry....
Christina talking about guys used to be all over her sooner.. She not realizing that's *** talk and they were gassing her up 🤣
Damn, might as well celebrate Bennet's and Amelia's 10 year anniversary after that song.

She singing them Kiss Me type white girl songs for him.
Woodrow spending habits is insane. $150 a week date nights? $500-1000 on clothes a month? Talking bout he can come out the store with a pair of jeans and shirt for $500....the ****? :lol: I can tell by his wardrobe he’s into that gaudy designer ****. Funny thing is him going to buy some Diamond earrings for Amani for heir one month anniversary. The honeymoon stage is hilarious. I wonder how long that will last. I can’t be doing that sweet gifts, wining and dining all the time. Amani singing “anniversary” :rofl:

Christina still funny looking even after them surgeries.Hope she found a place beforehand. Henry is silly thinking she meant no harm about the confidence comment. That was a direct shot at u. Smarten up! Whenever I see Henry, I see Brad Stevens. Now I can’t unsee it :lol:

Awww Bennett told Amelia he loves her and she loves him back....cute. Bennet sister is a trip....in a weird way.

Brett is stubborn. Brett just needs to go ahead and say “I understand how u feel, how can we resolve it?” Until then, they will be going back and forth resolving nothing.

Miles and Karen was blah this episode.
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