🦉The Official Drake Thread6️⃣ - Drake & PND Album Fall 2024

*Puts on flame suit*

Views > the entire B side

(I love B side dont get me wrong, but I enjoyed Views a lot more as a whole.)
The line where he talks about meeting her parents driving two hours to see them and what not is literally this :lol: In front of her mom crib

Then the Age difference line, her initially curving him, etc. it's obvious

:lol: dude scouting her like a college coach

tryna lock her down before she even hit her prime aint even let her have a mid 20’s *** phase smh greedy *** *****
drake needs to stop getting beats fro 40 and boi-1da.... production is weak now.
***** what? That album flowed together and had sound bits that tied to each track. The album is about Kendrick growing up in Compton and the experiences that made him who he was. I think you need to listen to that whole album again.

idgaf about an album of a loser security guard who skipped work to smash a thotty that took him months to hit (while his boys were hitting within a week) n getting high off of a blunt mixed with cocaine (which he calls angel dust when in reality angel dust is pcp, but lets put that aside [reference: mAAd City]) and ending up badtripping, n then having his boys rob the place he was doing security for— all this in the name of peer pressure... please. how lame can this get.

there's only a handful of songs on there that are still good, the rest is wack.

ppl calling this a classic as if he dropped an illmatic or reasonable doubt... had he spat 10 tracks of "poe mans dream"/"the heart pt 2"/"kush & corinthians" then it'd be arguable.. but nope this aint no classic. there are better albums that ppl don't consider classics, if you need examples, then go check out the roots discography, damn near half of ghostface's albums (and besides Ironman & Supreme Clientele, we aint calling the rest like "Fishscale" classics), Hov- American Gangster miles better than GKMC aint nobody calling that a classic, OB4CL2, Ecstatic, Q Tip the renaissance, jesus price superstar.. all amazing albums better than GKMC that are not "classics" off-top
Side A is really good. The first half of Side B is terrible, but the second half of it is great.
Y’all are wildin with that AOTY talk for real :lol: . It’s pretty good for a Drake album, but overall it feels a lot of the same.

I used to love Drake but this man is getting so stale. Dude really needs to find some better subject matter. Been rapping about the same **** for 7 albums straight and it’s just feels old to me.

Wordplay was a big improvement on this album, but knowing dude has writers make it just feel non genuine. Is Drake improving or are his ghost writers improving.

Just my opinion of course, but there are way better 2018 albums. My god, you-know-who’s 7 song album is better than Drake’s 25 song double album.
Listen to A side 3 times. I get halfway through the first song off B side then restart A side.

I skipped back to Side A after the first 3-4 tracks on Side B lol... then I was like let me give Side B one more chance and the back half of B is fire!
The public has spoken, Side A is the wave
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