^???? what are you talking about? assuming monta/andris re-sign with golden state, i'd say our window is expanding. yes baron davis is going to get alittle old in a couple years but for the next couple yrs he's going to be okay health-wise. same with jackson.
I just like giving you a hard time and being sarcastic.

But the way Harrington is playing he's not doing you nor his team any favors.

Jackson flew in kids from Texas for this game. What has Al done?

Thank you.
Originally Posted by regulus903

For some reason I think the Warriors window is closing and is standing at about two more seasons. Too bad I don't think Wright will be able to put on enough weight to make a major difference within that timespand
Who the hell is this guy?
dear Nellie,

Please take out Cro and play Wright. I'm sure he's young enough to log the minutes. Kthxbye

edit: lol +%!? did yall hear what fitz said? "This is how a playoff team closes out a quarter!"

dude...a "playoff" team doesn't trail to the sonics at the half
bad first half, we can't play like this against the sonics. With that said we ended the half on a good note and we will come out and dominate the secondhalf. btw, Jaymee would get it. She looks like she needs a d

Nellie has always disliked rooks. He's only ever used one regularly, and that's Josh Howard, and even then he wasn't starting.
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