09 Boxing Thread:: 12/12 Diaz.vs.Malignaggi HBO/Bradley.vs.Peterson Showtime

Originally Posted by Julian Wright

Originally Posted by lookfrancisison

Originally Posted by kayZEEzay

Originally Posted by KrazyChino

I can't believe I just bought this fight in non-HD...

Same here
is there a price difference?
HD is $10 more

Really? Wow I didn't even notice.. I just called Time Warner and they ordered the HD for me, and put a note on my account... You might want to give that atry bro. Watching in non-hd is weaksauce.
yo they cant let max kellerman do katsidis fights no more. he stay suckin him off. even in both losses he was hypin him.
callin this dude the last action hero, then Casamayor knocked his head off


dsafmasdfjasdfjasd as Im typin this Max just compared katsidis to rocky marciano
IM doneeeeeeee
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

yo they cant let max kellerman do katsidis fights no more. he stay suckin him off. even in both losses he was hypin him.
callin this dude the last action hero, then Casamayor knocked his head off


dsafmasdfjasdfjasd as Im typin this Max just compared katsidis to rocky marciano
IM doneeeeeeee

My dude said Marciano.


I heard the record skip in Manny's head when he said that.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

yo they cant let max kellerman do katsidis fights no more. he stay suckin him off. even in both losses he was hypin him.
callin this dude the last action hero, then Casamayor knocked his head off


dsafmasdfjasdfjasd as Im typin this Max just compared katsidis to rocky marciano
IM doneeeeeeee

i tuned that @+@!@ out QUICK, it was like a female *****ing in your ear i wasnt hearing NONE of that BS he was saying

he was on some dumb !#*+
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