09 Boxing Thread:: 12/12 Diaz.vs.Malignaggi HBO/Bradley.vs.Peterson Showtime


IMO he can beat all of the above. Paul Williams included.

Damn, I don't know about that...I think Cotto and Williams could do it...but I doubt he fights 2 of those guys...and don't forget aboutGunna's boy Berto he still got a belt and an awful lot of talent...
Sad thing for JMM is where does he go from here?
He better go back to 130 - 135 there are a TON of fights he can make and there are great fighters scattered throughout those two divisions.
JMM goes back down to his natural weight class where he'll win fights but not big fights cause there are no names
Soto, Linares, the real Ghost, Guzman, Funeka, Valero, Katsidis and I'm sure I'm missing more...
I cant wait till pavlik v. williams (God willing) the bhop fight wasnt what the cards made it out to be and also one solid right hook to that chin (if you can call it that) and its a wrap!
Huh? That B-Hop fight was nearly an exact replica of what PBF did to JMM, I barely gave Kelly 2 or 3 rounds. I know you don't watch too muchof Kelly, he barely throws right hooks
and I know you don't watchtoo much Pun because he has an excellent chin one right hand ain't putting him down.
Paul Williams is sloppy. yeah dude throws more punches, an leaves himself wide open the whole time.

What? If that was the case then Margarito and Winky, who are two boxers very good at finding openings for clean shots, would have hit him a lot more than theydid. His pressure leads to fighters not throwing punches. Margs averages over 100 punches per round in every fight and look how few he threw against Paul.
Cotto is the only welterweight that I can see beating Floyd and thats if he fights the perfect fight.
He needs to protect his chin from uppercuts better. Mosley and Clottey did not use that to their advantage, PBF will.
for all that reach Paul got his last 2 fights he didnt even use it much dude was just fighting inside
Yea but look who he was fighting, I think he'd make an adjustment.
why wouldnt floyd want pacman? there is nothing for him to be scared about

everyone in floyds camp wants pacman they see it as easy big time money. just look at the way they talk about dude they have no respect for him if he was to fight Floyd
The split is going to be the sticking point, Floyd ain't taking no 40% split

They'll have the weight issue too, but Floyd will just do what he did with JMM come overweight and pay anyway

And what I get from reading this post is that if Mayweather versed Cotto, Williams, Mosley and Pacman and beats all of them, there will be atleast 3 new top contenders that come in through the years that you guys will say Mayweather still has to beat to become the best. Okay so maybe he did dodge some fights but the fact remains that he had 40 fights and hasn't lost. All of the names mentioned above have lost fights, whether it was an upset or whatever.
That's terrible logic. They all lost fights because they're out their putting it on the line with the best fighters in the division. PBF turned down $8 million to fight Margs and took $3 to fight Baldomir.
I know this is about PBF and Manny right now, but what is Andre Berto up to? Is his promoter still beefing with HBO?

I wouldn't be surprised if his promoter went to Showtime or something. They're LIVID at HBO, HBO has been doing some underhanded stufflately. They totally screwed Mosley out of a fight.

Gunna I'm about to Twitter Berto that article
Looks like Berto/Mosley is back on

Berto vs. Mosley for Jan. 30th - Unless "Money" Steps In

By T.K. Stewart

Richard Schaefer, CEO of Golden Boy Promotions, has told BoxingScene.com that there is a tentative deal in place for a welterweight unification bout to takeplace on Jan. 30 between WBA titlist Shane Mosley and WBC belt-holder Andre Berto.

That is unless Floyd Mayweather, Jr. decides that he may want to face either of the two fighters in the meantime.

Leonard Ellerbe, Mayweather's advisor and CEO of Mayweather promotions, told BoxingScene.com that he believes a bout between his man and Shane Mosley isone that will take place.

"I think they will eventually fight," said Ellerbe. "If you're asking me when, I don't know."

At last night's post fight press conference after his unanimous decision win over Juan Manuel Marquez, Mayweather said, "All roads lead tome."

It is doubtful that Mayweather and his promotional team are going to wait around to decide on their next opponent until the winner of Manny Pacquiao vs.Miguel Cotto is decided on Nov. 14.

Of his future, Mayweather told the assembled media last night, "I will sit down in the next couple of weeks with Al [Haymon] and Leonard and my team,my father and we'll talk about what's next."
I gotta see what Arreola looks like before I can say what round he's getting KO'ed in. No way Vitali loses IMO.
"Let me talk cause you talk too much " "Yeah send it back to Jim " man i was rolling . Floyd was just way too much in every way last night, Marquez just couldnt get anything done he tried hard though and hung in there . The punch stats where ridiculous tho Floyd has to fight a full size welternow . Coot, Shane or Manny , Berto hasn't got enough under his belt yet
Originally Posted by Numberr97

Wow, Mayweather defense is insane. And what I get from reading this post is that if Mayweather versed Cotto, Williams, Mosley and Pacman and beats all of them, there will be atleast 3 new top contenders that come in through the years that you guys will say Mayweather still has to beat to become the best. Okay so maybe he did dodge some fights but the fact remains that he had 40 fights and hasn't lost. All of the names mentioned above have lost fights, whether it was an upset or whatever.

With that being said I think Mayweather would beat Pacman, because the styles match up perfectly for a Mayweather win. Pacman is too aggressive and that's exactly when Mayweather gets the best of the other opponent with his dodging and counter punches.

I'm saying... the hate for mayweather is just strong that's all....some just always want to see those at the top fall. Especially since he's stillundefeated and talk trash all he wants... Nothing new. Always going to have people saying he hasn't fought anyone and who they think can beat him. Some goas far and predict the outcome of a fight that never happened
. According to this thread most would rather go for pacman (which i'm sure i knowwhy....has nothing to do with boxing skills smh)
Originally Posted by VAHustler

Originally Posted by Numberr97

Wow, Mayweather defense is insane. And what I get from reading this post is that if Mayweather versed Cotto, Williams, Mosley and Pacman and beats all of them, there will be atleast 3 new top contenders that come in through the years that you guys will say Mayweather still has to beat to become the best. Okay so maybe he did dodge some fights but the fact remains that he had 40 fights and hasn't lost. All of the names mentioned above have lost fights, whether it was an upset or whatever.

With that being said I think Mayweather would beat Pacman, because the styles match up perfectly for a Mayweather win. Pacman is too aggressive and that's exactly when Mayweather gets the best of the other opponent with his dodging and counter punches.

I'm saying... the hate for mayweather is just strong that's all....some just always want to see those at the top fall. Especially since he's still undefeated and talk trash all he wants... Nothing new. Always going to have people saying he hasn't fought anyone and who they think can beat him. Some go as far and predict the outcome of a fight that never happened
. According to this thread most would rather go for pacman (which i'm sure i know why....has nothing to do with boxing skills smh)

It's not hate you moron. He hasn't fought anyone relevant at his weight class. And from the posts in this thread, most people are saying that PBFwill pick Pac apart. If you think our reasoning is race wise just go jump in front of a train. Come in here with some %*%!@## facts to back up whatyou're saying, don't just talk out of your #%$. We're talking about who we think could beat him because that's what we %*%!@## do in a boxingthread.
Originally Posted by Proshares

Originally Posted by VAHustler

Numberr97 wrote:

Wow, Mayweather defense is insane. And what I get from reading this post is that if Mayweather versed Cotto, Williams, Mosley and Pacman and beats all of
them, there will be atleast 3 new top contenders that come in through the years that you guys will say Mayweather still has to beat to become the best. Okay
so maybe he did dodge some fights but the fact remains that he had 40 fights and hasn't lost. All of the names mentioned above have lost fights, whether
it was an upset or whatever.

With that being said I think Mayweather would beat Pacman, because the styles match up perfectly for a Mayweather win. Pacman is too aggressive and
that's exactly when Mayweather gets the best of the other opponent with his dodging and counter punches.

I'm saying... the hate for mayweather is just strong that's all....some just always want to see those at the top fall. Especially since he's still
undefeated and talk trash all he wants... Nothing new. Always going to have people saying he hasn't fought anyone and who they think can beat him. Some go
as far and predict the outcome of a fight that never happened
. According to this thread most would rather go for pacman (which i'm sure i know
why....has nothing to do with boxing skills smh)

It's not hate you moron. He hasn't fought anyone relevant at his weight class. And from the posts in this thread, most people are saying that PBF will pick Pac apart. If you think our reasoning is race wise just go jump in front of a train. Come in here with some @#$@$%* facts to back up what you're saying, don't just talk out of your +*#. We're talking about who we think could beat him because that's what we @#$@$%* do in a boxing thread.

u mad? got to call me a moron on a forum? you look smart with all the symbols in your sentences.
Point blank me and shane are gonna be the only fighters out therethat's gonna be able to match Floyd on his speed

Iam gonna give him what he wants.Let's GET IT iam the young buckin the mix but iam ready to get a taste of the big boys LETS GET IT CRACKIN

You'll know what it doesn't matter shane is gonna have tocome see me first regardless he can leave all the cry baby @%@* at home

Shane did what he did cause he was fustrated not being able to be inthese big money fights like he feel he should

This is from @AndreBerto
Floyd would beat the $+**$+@ BREAKS off of Berto. Berto needs to stop partying every weekend in a different city and go fight someone

i think the care more about meeting different stars and talking trash then fighting someone good
I take everything he says on Twitter for granted, they gas him up like crazy. Even got Bow Wow out of all people calling Mosley soft. Word? Get your frail @%$in the ring with Mosley %*!%# boy
I'm late... no internet at home .. lol Anyway, i saw this fight 7 times already
It will be boring for the casual fan, but I'm looking at how Floydcounters his quick right hand over JMM's jab. And how to throw a quick lead hook with power... from a stance that looks like he's gonna throw a jab. I've been rewinding, pressing pause on the fight, then shadow boxing

Anyway, in that interview.. .Mosley was actually trying to be calm. It looked like it was Hopkins instigating the arguement. Mayweather was telling him"i'm not scared of shane!" And from Shane's facial expression.. he looked like he was trying to calm Floyd down. Looked like the arguementwas with Floyd, Bernard, and Max. Shane was trying to play peacemaker.

That should be the next fight... Floyd vs Shane. After seeing what Floyd did to JMM... Manny should stick to 140 after Cotto. Manny's too small andFloyd will out-box him for 12 rds.
Originally Posted by Proshares

I take everything he says on Twitter for granted, they gas him up like crazy. Even got Bow Wow out of all people calling Mosley soft. Word? Get your frail @%$ in the ring with Mosley %*!%# boy

Originally Posted by dako akong otin

I'm late... no internet at home .. lol Anyway, i saw this fight 7 times already
It will be boring for the casual fan, but I'm looking at how Floyd counters his quick right hand over JMM's jab. And how to throw a quick lead hook with power... from a stance that looks like he's gonna throw a jab. I've been rewinding, pressing pause on the fight, then shadow boxing

Anyway, in that interview.. .Mosley was actually trying to be calm. It looked like it was Hopkins instigating the arguement. Mayweather was telling him "i'm not scared of shane!" And from Shane's facial expression.. he looked like he was trying to calm Floyd down. Looked like the arguement was with Floyd, Bernard, and Max. Shane was trying to play peacemaker.

That should be the next fight... Floyd vs Shane. After seeing what Floyd did to JMM... Manny should stick to 140 after Cotto. Manny's too small and Floyd will out-box him for 12 rds.

You're not the only one fam.

Watched it 3 or 4 times already. Just came from hitting the heavy bag in my basement

It crazy how low Floyd keeps his left hand and how quick he reacts with that left counter hook. And with his mastery of timing, that shoulder roll is an almostimpregnable defense.

People saying it was boring but this was a true virtuoso performance in my eyes...the angles, the set ups, everything.

And this was only a warm up fight.
i knew this was how the fight was going to happen.

people were saying how this fight was boring and stuff, but this was just a complete boxing clinic this was a perfect example of hit and not get hit Floyd wason point all night the jabs, right/left hook, and defense
these same people that said this match was boring don't understand that in boxing you needto have defense. If you don't like the style Floyd fights and call it boring then you should stick to the bullcrap that MMA/UFC has to offer with their nodefense and all offense combat sport.

and to Shane Mosley his interruption of Floyd was something that needed to happen if he wants a big fight because he is trying his best to get a big moneyfight which is well deserved, but it seems like he can't get one. Mosley has always been the good guy in boxing and he can't even get a fight when hedestroyed Antonio Margarito who was then in the top 10 P4P rankings and the only fight he can get now is against Andre Berto. Mosley deserves a fight vs onethe following 3: Pacquiao, Mayweather or the rematch with Cotto.
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Point blank me and shane are gonna be the only fighters out there that's gonna be able to match Floyd on his speed

Iam gonna give him what he wants.Let's GET IT iam the young buck in the mix but iam ready to get a taste of the big boys LETS GET IT CRACKIN

You'll know what it doesn't matter shane is gonna have to come see me first regardless he can leave all the cry baby @%@* at home

Shane did what he did cause he was fustrated not being able to be in these big money fights like he feel he should

This is from @AndreBerto

And I like Berto, too.

Money would straight up embarrass dude and he doesnt even have world class power or speed.
Berto would be beatdown from Pretty Boy. Imo he is the best Pound for Pound, and If Manny would get in the ring with him, he would get destroyed as well. NoJoke, that wild forward approach manny has would be heaven for PBF who would knock him out in 5 rounds max. Mosley would be a problem though.
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