1/29 WWE ROYAL RUMBLE - Preview Pg 52, RR Pool Details Pg 1, RR Prediction Contest Pg 49!

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PeepGame vs. Mister916 (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)
Spoiler [+]
Cruz Gangstamonte - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 200 pounds,, Mister916!!! (crowd cheers *****)

[Mister916 comes to the ring. ]

Cruz Gangstamonte - and his opponent, weighing in at 210 pounds,, PeepGame!!! (crowd cheers ******)

[PeepGame walks to the ring. Martin Short is the referee for this contest. Martin Short checks Mister916's boots and knee pads.
PeepGame checks his boots.
(ring, ring, ring) Mister916 chops PeepGame.
PeepGame legsweeps Mister916.
PeepGame covers Mister916 hooking the leg.
The ref starts the count.
Mister916 kicks out.
Mister916 moves back to his feet.
Mister916 get nailed with a double axhandle chop from PeepGame.
Mister916 climbs to his feet.
Mister916 delivers a spinning backbreak to PeepGame.
PeepGame is back on his feet.
Mister916 executes a swinging bulldog on PeepGame driving PeepGame's face into the mat.
Mister916 gets up.
Mister916 applies an arm wrench to PeepGame.
Mister916 grabs PeepGame and applies an arm wrench.
PeepGame executes a damn Drive By Kick on Mister916 !
PeepGame chants start.
They lockup. PeepGame sends Mister916 to the corner of the ring.
PeepGame pokes Mister916 in the eyes.

Dennis Chrisposen - eye poke!

[Mister916 hiptosses PeepGame.
PeepGame gets up.
Mister916 hits PeepGame with a baba chop.

Cruz Gangstamonte - Follows up with a baba chop.

[Mister916 kicks PeepGame in the stomach.
Mister916 goes for a swinging DDT but PeepGame dodges the attack.
Mister916 hooks PeepGame in the abdominal stretch.
Martin Short is checking for a tap out.
... ... PeepGame trys to escape. ... PeepGame trys to escape. PeepGame escapes.
Mister916 executes the airplane spin and throws PeepGame onto the mat.
Mister916 chants start.
Mister916 locks him in the arm hammerlock submission.
Martin Short asks PeepGame if he quits.
... PeepGame is fighting the hold. ... ... PeepGame is fighting the hold. ... PeepGame escapes.
Mister916 grabs PeepGame and applies an arm wrench.
PeepGame moves back to his feet.
Mister916 pins PeepGame against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
PeepGame hits him with a back fist.
Mister916 applies the clawhold on PeepGame.
Mister916 lifts PeepGame up and drops him on the mat.
PeepGame climbs to his feet.
Mister916 drags PeepGame to the floor.
Martin Short starts the count (.1)
Mister916 goes for a super fisherman buster but PeepGame dodges the attack.
PeepGame hits a running forearm smash on Mister916's face.
PeepGame swings a Steel chair and hits Mister916.
Mister916 is bleeding as a result.
Mister916 gets up.
Mister916 legsweeps PeepGame.
PeepGame gets up.
PeepGame takes Mister916 into the ring.
PeepGame with an Aztecan suplex on Mister916 sends him to the mat.
PeepGame climbs to his feet.
Mister916 moves back to his feet.
Mister916 short lariats PeepGame.
PeepGame is back on his feet.
Mister916 pins PeepGame against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
Mister916 hits PeepGame with a baba chop.
PeepGame hits Mister916 with a slingshot bodyblock.
PeepGame chants start.

Spoiler [+]
Cruz Gangstamonte - This is quality sports entertainment!

[Mister916 moves back to his feet.
Mister916 hiptosses PeepGame.
Mister916 applies an arm wrench to PeepGame.
Mister916 applies an arm wrench to PeepGame.

Dennis Chrisposen - Mister916 with a arm wrench.

[Mister916 covers PeepGame hooking the leg.
Martin Short counts.
...1 ...2
PeepGame kicks out.
Now PeepGame standing.
PeepGame hits a dragon suplex on Mister916.
PeepGame clotheslines Mister916.
PeepGame picks up Mister916 and executes the cradle DDT.
PeepGame chants start.
PeepGame is up again.
PeepGame dives head first into Mister916.
Now Mister916 standing.
Kneelock submission applied by PeepGame.
Referee Martin Short is checking for a tap out.
... ... Mister916 trys to escape. ... PeepGame tightens the hold. ... ... ... ... PeepGame tightens the hold. ... Mister916 is fighting the hold. ... PeepGame tightens the hold. ... (AHHHH!) Mister916 taps out.

Dennis Chrisposen - We've got ourselves a winner!

Cruz Gangstamonte - The winner of this match, PeepGame!!!

Generated by Zeus Pro
Copyright 2000

[font=verdana, arial, helvetica]
iv been slacking in this thread
GHIMS vs. BKMac (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)
Spoiler [+]
Cruz Gangstamonte - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 250 pounds, he holds the Intercontinental Championship title belt, GHIMS!!! (crowd boos ****)

[GHIMS comes to the ring. ]

Cruz Gangstamonte - and his opponent, weighing in at 210 pounds,, BKMac!!! (crowd boos ****)

[BKMac walks to the ring. Martin Short is the referee for this contest. GHIMS tests out the ropes.
Martin Short checks BKMac's boots and knee pads.
(ding, ding, ding) GHIMS legsweeps BKMac.
BKMac climbs to his feet.
BKMac bounces GHIMS off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat.
BKMac is up again.
BKMac applies an arm wrench to GHIMS.
BKMac gets hit with a back heel kick.
BKMac climbs to his feet.
BKMac takes GHIMS off his feet with a short-arm clothesline
BKMac grabs GHIMS and applies an arm wrench.

Dennis Chrisposen - BKMac executes a arm wrench.

[GHIMS goes for a side slam but BKMac dodges the attack.
GHIMS hits a jumping elbow hrust on BKMac.
GHIMS measures BKMac up and drops a closed fist.
GHIMS goes for a pin.
The ref starts the count.
BKMac escapes.

Cruz Gangstamonte - He should have just stayed on the attack.

[BKMac moves back to his feet.
BKMac throws GHIMS off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block.
GHIMS climbs to his feet.
BKMac legsweeps GHIMS.
BKMac applies an arm wrench to GHIMS.
BKMac applies an arm wrench to GHIMS.
BKMac applies an arm wrench to GHIMS.
BKMac gives GHIMS the cobra clutch suplex onto the mat.
BKMac hits the handspring moonsault on GHIMS.
BKMac gets up.
BKMac and GHIMS go to the floor

Spoiler [+]
Dennis Chrisposen - GHIMS is much safer at ringside. BKMac can't get a pin there.

[Martin Short starts the count (.1)
GHIMS slaps the face of BKMac.
GHIMS is back on his feet.
BKMac drives a forearm into the head of GHIMS.
GHIMS pins BKMac against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
BKMac executes a springboard bulldog, slamming GHIMS's head onto the floor.
BKMac is up again.
BKMac sends GHIMS into Martin Short he goes down.
BKMac hits the handspring moonsault on GHIMS.
BKMac gets up.
BKMac grabs GHIMS and applies an arm wrench.
GHIMS stands up.
JNSQ runs to ringside.
JNSQ suplexes GHIMS.
JNSQ chants start.
JNSQ chokes GHIMS with his boot.
Ordered is restored.
Martin Short gets up.
They head back into the ring.
BKMac grabs GHIMS and applies an arm wrench.
BKMac sucks chants start in the crowd.
Now GHIMS standing.
BKMac hits GHIMS with the belly-to-belly suplex.
BKMac moves back to his feet.
BKMac puts GHIMS in the Walls of Jeribkmac
Referee Martin Short is checking for a tap out.
... GHIMS is fighting the hold. ... BKMac tightens the hold. ... ... (AHHHH!) ... ... ... ... ... (AHHHH!) ... GHIMS taps out.

Cruz Gangstamonte - The winner of this match, BKMac!!!

Generated by Zeus Pro
Copyright 2000
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

GHIMS vs. BKMac (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)
Spoiler [+]
Cruz Gangstamonte - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 250 pounds, he holds the Intercontinental Championship title belt, GHIMS!!! (crowd boos ****)

[GHIMS comes to the ring. ]

Cruz Gangstamonte - and his opponent, weighing in at 210 pounds,, BKMac!!! (crowd boos ****)

[BKMac walks to the ring. Martin Short is the referee for this contest. GHIMS tests out the ropes.
Martin Short checks BKMac's boots and knee pads.
(ding, ding, ding) GHIMS legsweeps BKMac.
BKMac climbs to his feet.
BKMac bounces GHIMS off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat.
BKMac is up again.
BKMac applies an arm wrench to GHIMS.
BKMac gets hit with a back heel kick.
BKMac climbs to his feet.
BKMac takes GHIMS off his feet with a short-arm clothesline
BKMac grabs GHIMS and applies an arm wrench.

Dennis Chrisposen - BKMac executes a arm wrench.

[GHIMS goes for a side slam but BKMac dodges the attack.
GHIMS hits a jumping elbow hrust on BKMac.
GHIMS measures BKMac up and drops a closed fist.
GHIMS goes for a pin.
The ref starts the count.
BKMac escapes.

Cruz Gangstamonte - He should have just stayed on the attack.

[BKMac moves back to his feet.
BKMac throws GHIMS off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block.
GHIMS climbs to his feet.
BKMac legsweeps GHIMS.
BKMac applies an arm wrench to GHIMS.
BKMac applies an arm wrench to GHIMS.
BKMac applies an arm wrench to GHIMS.
BKMac gives GHIMS the cobra clutch suplex onto the mat.
BKMac hits the handspring moonsault on GHIMS.
BKMac gets up.
BKMac and GHIMS go to the floor

Spoiler [+]
Dennis Chrisposen - GHIMS is much safer at ringside. BKMac can't get a pin there.

[Martin Short starts the count (.1)
GHIMS slaps the face of BKMac.
GHIMS is back on his feet.
BKMac drives a forearm into the head of GHIMS.
GHIMS pins BKMac against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
BKMac executes a springboard bulldog, slamming GHIMS's head onto the floor.
BKMac is up again.
BKMac sends GHIMS into Martin Short he goes down.
BKMac hits the handspring moonsault on GHIMS.
BKMac gets up.
BKMac grabs GHIMS and applies an arm wrench.
GHIMS stands up.
JNSQ runs to ringside.
JNSQ suplexes GHIMS.
JNSQ chants start.
JNSQ chokes GHIMS with his boot.
Ordered is restored.
Martin Short gets up.
They head back into the ring.
BKMac grabs GHIMS and applies an arm wrench.
BKMac sucks chants start in the crowd.
Now GHIMS standing.
BKMac hits GHIMS with the belly-to-belly suplex.
BKMac moves back to his feet.
BKMac puts GHIMS in the Walls of Jeribkmac
Referee Martin Short is checking for a tap out.
... GHIMS is fighting the hold. ... BKMac tightens the hold. ... ... (AHHHH!) ... ... ... ... ... (AHHHH!) ... GHIMS taps out.

Cruz Gangstamonte - The winner of this match, BKMac!!!

Generated by Zeus Pro
Copyright 2000

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]bkmac gets another win... will still get No respect.....[/color]

JNSQ runs to ringside.
JNSQ suplexes GHIMS.
JNSQ chants start.
JNSQ chokes GHIMS with his boot.
Really strange.
I saw GHIMS in the ring by himself with a downed ref.
Despite not knowing what GHIMS was doing in the ring in the first place, I said, "F___ it!" and did that.

5 Man Battle Royal (Over The Top Battle Royal) (Non-Title Match)

Spoiler [+]
Cruz Gangstamonte - The following is a 5 man Over The Top Battle Royal battle royal.

[All 5 men are at the ring. (ding, ding, ding) TennHouse punches 3dgarFly repeatedly.
TennHouse gets hit with a dragon scerw from 3dgarFly.
TennHouse with a headbutt on 3dgarFly.
TennHouse comes from behind and bulldogs 3dgarFly.
TennHouse climbs to his feet.
Now 3dgarFly standing.
TennHouse hits a koppo kick on 3dgarFly.
3dgarFly gets back to his feet.
TennHouse delivers a spinning backbreak to 3dgarFly.
They lockup. TennHouse sends 3dgarFly to the corner of the ring.
After getadvantage m->wnum = 53dgarFly does a handspring and hits TennHouse with a bodyblock, what a move!
3dgarFly chants start.
3dgarFly is up again.
TennHouse gets back to his feet.
3dgarFly hits TennHouse with an inverted atomic drop.
3dgarFly kicks TennHouse on the mat.
TennHouse is up again.
TennHouse comes from behind and bulldogs 3dgarFly.
TennHouse gets up.
TennHouse punches 3dgarFly repeatedly.
TennHouse tackles 3dgarFly.
3dgarFly moves back to his feet.
HombreLobo gets back to his feet.
HombreLobo knifehand chops TennHouse.
HombreLobo grabs TennHouse's leg and takes him down.
TennHouse gets back to his feet.
HombreLobo short clothslines TennHouse.
TennHouse stands up.
TennHouse goes for a slingshot facebuster but HombreLobo dodges the attack.
TennHouse executes a jawbreakeron HombreLobo.
TennHouse is back on his feet.
TennHouse hits a koppo kick on HombreLobo.

Cruz Gangstamonte - koppo kick by TennHouse.

Spoiler [+]
[TennHouse puts HombreLobo on the top rope and executes a superplex.
TennHouse gets up.
HombreLobo gets back to his feet.
HombreLobo trys for a body slam but Toine avoids it.
BrasilianMami dropkicks Toine to the face.
BrasilianMami clotheslines Toine.
Toine kicks BrasilianMami in the head.
Toine punches BrasilianMami repeatedly.
Toine gets hit with a back heel kick.
They lockup. BrasilianMami sends Toine to the corner of the ring.
Toine pins BrasilianMami against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
Toine delivers a kick to the head of BrasilianMami.
BrasilianMami trys for a scissor kick but Toine avoids it.
BrasilianMami hits a jumping elbow hrust on Toine.
Toine is up again.
Toine pins BrasilianMami against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
BrasilianMami delivers a kick to the head of Toine.
BrasilianMami grabs Toine's leg and takes him down.
HombreLobo with a gut-wrench suplex on 3dgarFly.
HombreLobo leg drops the throat of 3dgarFly.
3dgarFly climbs to his feet.
HombreLobo legsweeps 3dgarFly.
3dgarFly pokes HombreLobo in the eye with his thumb.
3dgarFly with a high crossbody on HombreLobo.
3dgarFly gets taken down with an armdrag takedown.

Dennis Chrisposen - backspin armdrag!

Spoiler [+]
[HombreLobo gets elbowed to his midsection by 3dgarFly]

Cruz Gangstamonte - elbow to midsection!

[HombreLobo drives a forearm into 3dgarFly.
HombreLobo hits a koppo kick on 3dgarFly.
HombreLobo grabs 3dgarFly and applies an arm wrench.

Dennis Chrisposen - HombreLobo with a arm wrench.

[3dgarFly is back on his feet.
3dgarFly hits a dragon suplex on BrasilianMami.
3dgarFly hits BrasilianMami with an inverted atomic drop.

Dennis Chrisposen - Good inverted atomic drop by 3dgarFly.

[3dgarFly hits BrasilianMami with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
3dgarFly stomps BrasilianMami's head.
3dgarFly kicks BrasilianMami on the mat.
3dgarFly hits BrasilianMami with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.

Dennis Chrisposen - BrasilianMami takes a elbowdrop.

[3dgarFly gets back to his feet.
BrasilianMami is back on his feet.
BrasilianMami gets elbowed to his midsection by BrasilianMami.
3dgarFly nails BrasilianMami with a belly-to-back suplex.
3dgarFly moves back to his feet.
3dgarFly hits BrasilianMami with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
BrasilianMami is up again.
3dgarFly bites BrasilianMami's arm out of desparation.
BrasilianMami picks 3dgarFly up and side suplexes him to the mat.
TennHouse with a headscissors takeover on BrasilianMami.
TennHouse is up again.
BrasilianMami moves back to his feet.
TennHouse hits BrasilianMami with a headbutt to the mid-section.
BrasilianMami takes TennHouse off his feet with a short-arm clothesline
They lockup. BrasilianMami sends TennHouse to the corner of the ring.
TennHouse puts BrasilianMami on the top rope and executes a superplex.
TennHouse stands up.
BrasilianMami climbs to his feet.
BrasilianMami with a high crossbody on TennHouse.
BrasilianMami moves back to his feet.
BrasilianMami punches TennHouse repeatedly.
BrasilianMami knifehand chops TennHouse.
TennHouse gets elbowed to his midsection by TennHouse.
HombreLobo climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on 3dgarFly.
HombreLobo is back on his feet.
HombreLobo grabs 3dgarFly and applies an arm wrench.
3dgarFly moves back to his feet.
3dgarFly gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by HombreLobo.
3dgarFly executes the jumping sidekick on HombreLobo.
HombreLobo is up again.
HombreLobo uses a snap mare takeover on 3dgarFly.

Dennis Chrisposen - HombreLobo with a snap mare.

Spoiler [+]
[3dgarFly does a handspring and hits HombreLobo with a bodyblock, what a move!
3dgarFly climbs to his feet.
3dgarFly stomps HombreLobo's head.
Now HombreLobo standing.
HombreLobo executes a ropeflip hiptoss on 3dgarFly.
Now 3dgarFly standing.
3dgarFly executes a huge gutbuster on HombreLobo.
HombreLobo gets back to his feet.
HombreLobo kicks 3dgarFly in the back of the leg.
HombreLobo with a high crossbody on 3dgarFly.
Now HombreLobo standing.
HombreLobo applies an arm wrench to 3dgarFly.
HombreLobo grabs 3dgarFly and applies an arm wrench.
HombreLobo uses a swinging DDT to plant BrasilianMami's head into the mat.
HombreLobo is up again.
HombreLobo slingshot elbow drops BrasilianMami.
BrasilianMami gets up.
BrasilianMami is nailed with a waistlock suplex from Toine.
Toine clotheslines BrasilianMami.
BrasilianMami uses a lariat on Toine.
Toine is back on his feet.
BrasilianMami applies the clawhold on Toine.
BrasilianMami punches Toine in the head.
BrasilianMami grabs Toine's leg and takes him down.
Toine is back on his feet.
Toine hits a power slam on TennHouse.
Toine gets back to his feet.
TennHouse stands up.
Toine hits TennHouse with a rolling elbow smash to the face.
TennHouse is back on his feet.
Toine with a high crossbody on TennHouse.

Spoiler [+]
Cruz Gangstamonte - Follows up with a high cross body.

[Toine gets back to his feet.
TennHouse gets up.
TennHouse hits a dragon suplex on Toine.
TennHouse moves back to his feet.
TennHouse kicks Toine in the gut, takes a few steps back, and scissor kicks him to the mat.

Dennis Chrisposen - Folks the NTWT this is the only place you can get wrestling like this.

[BrasilianMami with a falling splash on Toine.
Toine climbs to his feet.
BrasilianMami applies the clawhold on Toine.
Toine gives BrasilianMami a reverse neckbreaker.
Toine is back on his feet.
They lockup. Toine sends BrasilianMami to the corner of the ring.
Toine hits BrasilianMami with a rolling elbow smash to the face.
BrasilianMami is back on his feet.
HombreLobo puts 3dgarFly on the turnbuckle and executes a belly-to-belly superplex.

Cruz Gangstamonte - These guys are almost as good as me. Wouldn't you agree?



Something is seriously wrong if I do not walk out of NTRumble the I.C. Champion.

I can picture it now *bubble flashes over my head*:

Glad my match is over. Time to get my beauty rest. Goodnight to all my Jeriholics, and goodnight to all of you jackmonkeys who hate on me week in, and week out.

Spoiler [+]
*breaks kayfabe* When I saw that I won, I spit water all over my desk
, IDK how I'm on this roll, but I hope it carries over to NTRumble*
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

5 Man Battle Royal (Over The Top Battle Royal) (Non-Title Match)

Toine clotheslines 3dgarFly.
Toine tosses 3dgarFly to ringside.
3dgarFly was elimintated by Toine. ]
Generated by Zeus Pro
Copyright 2000
hijo de .........
Originally Posted by VC3FAN

Just to throw it out there from the highlight reel, do you think Jericho wants ALL the titles????????
HE CAN BEAT STONE COLD AND ROCK IN ONE NIGHT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

Originally Posted by VC3FAN

Just to throw it out there from the highlight reel, do you think Jericho wants ALL the titles????????
HE CAN BEAT STONE COLD AND ROCK IN ONE NIGHT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]not if the world is gonna end.[/color]
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