1/29 WWE ROYAL RUMBLE - Preview Pg 52, RR Pool Details Pg 1, RR Prediction Contest Pg 49!

Cena staring into the camera like that 
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Pack your bags. You have a 1 way ticket back to Tampa, geek.

Man, I'm so +%@%+#$ bummed thinking of all the awesome fun matches Zack would've been having if he wasn't forced into this awful, awful storyline.

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Workin' on Episode 51 of Z! TLIS...yes, 49 is the next Episode...#hmmm
Basicly, he knew he was going to be out for two weeks.


He'll be back, better than ever.
at Cena giving the shaking heel face in the camera. Don't hurt yourself trying to sell being REALLY angry.
If they had Matthews in the shot when he smacked the !@!@ out of that mic it would have been much better.
Why does this guy continue to get tv time every week? He gets buried every single week. 
I knew this was gonna be Sheamus vs Mahal again

I wouldn't %@$# on it is they just made Mahal look even halfway decent.
They should stop saying the Rumble winner gets to main event WM.  Del Rio was in the freaking opening match last year.
And no chance is either of the title matches going after Taker/HHH or Cena/Rock.

NBA All Star Wade Barrett is here!

Live Audio Wrestling had a call in show last night with Royal Rumble predictions.  I couldn't believe how many people predicted that Barrett or Sheamus would actually win the Rumble.  I think they both will have good runs, but c'mon, they're not winning.
They need to shave Truth's head, change his clothes, and start the NOD pt.2
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

They should stop saying the Rumble winner gets to main event WM.  Del Rio was in the freaking opening match last year.
And no chance is either of the title matches going after Taker/HHH or Cena/Rock.

NBA All Star Wade Barrett is here!


TennHouse.... I'm going to give you a lifetime achievement award for your NT Royal Rumble Pool entrant.  But you desperately need a new gimmick.  Truth is as bad as Ryder.
But Lil Jimmy, you have your spot.

Just two spots left tonight.
I see Truth got a new T-shirt. Wonder what it looks like.
Nvm, its on WWEshop.com

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Originally Posted by theDEEK

Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

I think y'all are overlooking that highlight reel. Some clues in there as far Jericho's possible motives.
I'll have a more thorough post after RAW but it was very telling to me that it started off with his old millennium countdown.

I'm expecting a crazy Rumble finish though. If they REALLY want to put Jericho over as a heel they should have him and Orton, the hometown St. Louis boy, be the last 2 in the ring. Jericho would get so much heat after eliminating Orton...and that should carry over to RAW the next night when he finally comes clean.
Originally Posted by VC3FAN

Just to throw it out there from the highlight reel, do you think Jericho wants ALL the titles????????
I don't think so but that'd be dope.
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