1/30/2011 WWE Royal Rumble - Alberto Del Rio Wins the Royal Rumble - dnycemodel Wins the NTWT Pool

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

It's 2011, these refs need to learn how to defend themselves.
That was a great way to start off the Rumble.

Impressive showing by Ziggler.

 @ Edge shouting out his "buddy" with the Unprettier.
That was a great way to start off the Rumble.

Impressive showing by Ziggler.

 @ Edge shouting out his "buddy" with the Unprettier.
Dueling chants of Lets Go Ziggler/Lets Go Edge.

Edge was positioning to use the spear.  Vickie was screaming at the ref to not let Edge use it.  Shouldn't she want him to use the spear?  Then Ziggler would win the title.

Edge hit the Downward Spiral DDT.  He made the cover, but Vickie pulled the ref out of the ring.  Edge got in Vickie's face, and Vickie slapped him.  Kelly Kelly ran out (looking amazing) and took out Vickie with the worst looking Thesz Press you've ever seen.

Ziggler hit the Zig Zag for a very near fall.  This amused Matt Striker as he started laughing like a moron.  Ziggler locked in the sleeper.  Edge struggled with Ziggler on his back and they knocked the ref down.  The ref and Vickie are out.

Edge set up for the spear and hit it.  We'll see what happens, but didn't they just have a match overruled by instant replay a few weeks ago?

The ref woke up.  Edge hit the Unprettier for the pin clean in the middle of the ring.  As soon as the bell rang, Vickie was up and alert.

The burial of Ziggler concludes.  He'll be back to a midcarder that won't sniff the main event again.  I really can't see him re-entering the Rumble, no less winning it.

"Why implement a rule if you're not going to follow the damn thing." -Michael Cole
Oooooooooooooooh the irony of anyone within WWE saying this.
Dueling chants of Lets Go Ziggler/Lets Go Edge.

Edge was positioning to use the spear.  Vickie was screaming at the ref to not let Edge use it.  Shouldn't she want him to use the spear?  Then Ziggler would win the title.

Edge hit the Downward Spiral DDT.  He made the cover, but Vickie pulled the ref out of the ring.  Edge got in Vickie's face, and Vickie slapped him.  Kelly Kelly ran out (looking amazing) and took out Vickie with the worst looking Thesz Press you've ever seen.

Ziggler hit the Zig Zag for a very near fall.  This amused Matt Striker as he started laughing like a moron.  Ziggler locked in the sleeper.  Edge struggled with Ziggler on his back and they knocked the ref down.  The ref and Vickie are out.

Edge set up for the spear and hit it.  We'll see what happens, but didn't they just have a match overruled by instant replay a few weeks ago?

The ref woke up.  Edge hit the Unprettier for the pin clean in the middle of the ring.  As soon as the bell rang, Vickie was up and alert.

The burial of Ziggler concludes.  He'll be back to a midcarder that won't sniff the main event again.  I really can't see him re-entering the Rumble, no less winning it.

"Why implement a rule if you're not going to follow the damn thing." -Michael Cole
Oooooooooooooooh the irony of anyone within WWE saying this.
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