1/30/2011 WWE Royal Rumble - Alberto Del Rio Wins the Royal Rumble - dnycemodel Wins the NTWT Pool

at noone givng a rats @*$ about cena vs orton
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Notice how dead the crowd is for the Orton/Cena stare down? Maybe it's because we've seen them wrestle 10646326 times already.

Kane #40

As much as I want Swag or Sheamus to win you just know it's gonna be Cena.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Notice how dead the crowd is for the Orton/Cena stare down? Maybe it's because we've seen them wrestle 10646326 times already.

Kane #40

As much as I want Swag or Sheamus to win you just know it's gonna be Cena.
4w mentioned this before but there was absolutely no reaction to the Cena/Orton staredowns.

%%*$@$# +$%*$%%@. I would have rather seen Linda McMahon as the 40th entrant. Maybe run some sort of "!!@# the voters" angle since she lost her senate spot. Talk about %%*$@$# anticlimactic.
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