10 year old arrested for threaten her teacher who took her candy "im going to kill your family"

Terrible mother.

If I said that the cops couldn't have been at my house faster than my mom whoopin' my @#%%.
Seriously, was it that big a deal? It's just candy little girl
This is bad parenting that spilled over into the classroom.
Struck the teacher and threatened the lives of her family..she deserved to be arrested. 
Must of been Reeses.. Or Peanut M&M's, #%#@ I would too lol
Nah but on the real.. good! these kids need to learn how to respect
sour patch kids aint no joke yo. get yo whole family tree faded for some jujubees

The right thing was done though, the girl ha to be arrested and charged.

@ the mother.
Good. This little girl needs to understand right and wrong and what the law is, obviously she's not getting this guidance at home from anyone. "I know my children, she would never do that." "Why did you say those things to your teacher?" "Because I was mad." Oh yea lady, you know your children really well. Srsly, punch a teacher in the stomach, trash the classroom, and threaten to kill her and her family? That's insane. And yes, it is criminal behavior punishable by law.
damn ... will this kid remember this and learn from it despite the nonsense being taught to her at home ...

Originally Posted by JoseBronx

I knew that this was going to be in florida lol

Exactly.  It's like an epidemic down here and there is NEVER consequences for kids.  Especially where I live.  
to charger a 10 year old with felony battery
and question her while her mom/pops not on the scene

thats bull %+*%
Originally Posted by Supermanblue79

This is bad parenting that spilled over into the classroom.
Struck the teacher and threatened the lives of her family..she deserved to be arrested. 
No matter the age of the kid if anybody hits and threatens a teacher they should be arrested. The kid more than likely has some kind of problems which is why she flipped out, but it's not right anyways.

If they were interrogating her without an attourney or parent present than that's just wrong. Is there any lawsuit for this?
PLEASE put this girl on trial. An example NEEDS to be made.

I'm sorry...but we got too many parents out there raising bad-@** kids who think that they aren't capable of saying/doing some of the things they are accused of. Kids like these probably make it IMPOSSIBLE for the teacher...to, well, TEACH!

The school needs to show they're not playing and just go through the proper steps as far as discpiline. If that involves going to trial, so be it. Maybe next time this girl (or any others) will think twice before popping off at the mouth and putting hands on someone.
I aint even mad that the girl got arrested

These bad as children and their parents have to learn
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