11/17 TNF (Week 11) J-E-T-S (5-4) @ Broncos (4-5) Vol. Avoid getting Tebowned

Matthew Mulligan is hot trash. Like, a 95 degree summer day, smelly %%+ hot trash that doesn't get collected because it's a holiday, and you wonder why the home owner put the garbage cans to the curb knowing they weren't going to be collected.
Originally Posted by tim teufel

We need to draft a qb this dude ain't cutting it.

I was praying we'd get Freeman, McCoy, Murphy in that draft (and they were all there too)...could you imagine?
No lie....the Broncos best chance of scoring is with Sanchez on the field. I'm nervous when our offense is out there, but calm as can be when our D is on the field. CRAZY.
Jets fans are the toughest sons of %@#%**@ in the league.

This is SO hard to deal with week in and week out.
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