11:25 Sept 11, 2009: I graduated from recruit training

Mar 31, 2007
Damn... Three months ago I made a thread about heading off to MCRD San Diego and now I'm making one about Graduating. Three months of basic recruittraining really flew by. Now I'm on my 10 days leave before going to MCT at Camp Pendleton.

So NT, what have I missed in the past three months?

congrats devil dog. this is coming from a Marine Sergeant in myself. im coming up on my last few months before my term is over. its been a great time. lots ofhighs and lows but im glad i went through with it and i wouldnt change a thing. BTW when they say dont bring your cell phone to MCT thats BS. you can but yougotta bring it on the sneak...
qualifying on the rifle range this morning for the first time with the ACOG scope. thats why im up soooo early. SMH
and thank you in advance

But as far as what you missed on NT? alot of shots being thrown chicks being exposed.. blah blah blah.. it really depends on what you wanna know about toreally say what u missed.. be it on NT or pop culture etc.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

how do you smash during the 3 months? the other female recruits?

You don't SMH. Only females are like on medical stuff or the ******s at the chow hall. As for my MOS it's 3521 Motor T Mechanic so I'll be in NorthCarolina later this year. And as far as how bootcamp was, it was no where near as hard as I thought it would be
I graduated in Feb. Already in tokyo on my way to Thailand ADMIN FTW

Congrats tho.

What company were you with? If you were Bravo let me know what drill instructors you had

MCT is fun you get to throw a gernade your 3rd day there
make sure to piss before you get there, bc they make you hold it for the piss test for hours!!!MCT is tight though, hope you like humping like i do, 10K was cool... you dont go up the whole shelf, but about half of it you do. haha your gonna hate MREstho...

You got a great MOS tho, you can get stationed anywhere Marines are bc Marines use Vehicles and need someone to fix them...

North Carolina is a %$%@ hole son, camp Johnson sucks... your gonna PT alot, so get used to it.

hit me up if you got any other questions

enjoy your leave
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