12/18 WWE TLC PPV - Punk/Miz/Del Rio TLC Match, HHH/Nash Ladder Match, Ziggler/Ryder (p33)

Strength 7
Speed 8
Vitality 10
Charisma 0

5'10 200lbs
Signature Flying Headbutt/Stone Cold's Thesz Press + Punches
Finisher Superkick

Hometown Queens, New York
Escort Toine in a nice coconut bra, he will interfere
Intro Chris Benoit's Theme Music

I also move to remove the cage match from the card, seeing as we all know GHIMShoes is GHIMS, and no one wants to see this match twice in the card.
There is no build-up, and Shoes hasn't been seen in this thread since Socks lost all his credibility.
IC match should be between us two because I'm top 3 in the Power Rankings and should not be in a match with 2 mid-carders, mami amd mac, unless they're willing to take GHIMS low blows and high spots in the match.
You've been booking this thing for three months and still haven't put me on the card? While your alter-ego has a chance to keep JNSQ from ballin' in the 4- way ladder match? C-O-N spiracy!
i swear on everything im not ghimshoes

Strength 7
Speed 6
Vitality 5
Charisma 7


Signature: AA Spinebuster
Finisher: Dominator AKA Final Prediction
jdcurt2 is right.
I think he should get to the bottom of this conspiracy by taking my place in the cage match.
I can predict, no GHIMS, that jdcurt2 will not only be victorious, but he'll unshoe GHIMShoes and reveal socks with holes in it.

ok jnsq, JDCurt will replace ghimshoes in the cage match and face u
Why don't you take my place?
Then I'll wrestle 1-on-1 with the ladder.

Lobo, the ladder's stats are as followed:

Strength 0
Speed 0
Vitality 5
Charisma 20

12' 35lbs
Signature leaning on turnbuckle/standing out of reach of belt
Finisher falling
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Strength 0
Speed 0
Vitality 5
Charisma 20

12' 35lbs
Signature leaning on turnbuckle/standing out of reach of belt
Finisher falling

Well played
Strength 7

Speed 5

Charisma 7

Vitality 6

260 lbs

Intro -

Signatures: Pump Kick(Dragon's Breath) / Western Lariat(Dragon's Rush)

Finisher: Backpack Stunner(Dragon's Rage)
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

dfly, thats really your height & weight?

notice how I didn't say 260 lbs of muscle.

EDIT: Why is yuku messing my posts up?
Originally Posted by hombrelobo


I will need the following information for tomorrow:


You will be given 25 stat points to distribute as you like. The distribution will determine your future in tomorrows matches. Choose wisely! Provide height, weight, etc. as well.

Also, give me two signature moves and one finisher.

Thanks, buds.

the last member was BKMac

Strength 6
Speed 5
Vitality 5
Charisma 9

if we're using real height and weight: 5'10" 200 lbs

just make me look like Anderson if you havent already

Signature Moves:

Front Face Kick
T-Bone Suplex

'Blatant Disrespect' (flying knee to running opponent)

 Ring Intro: Aint No Sunshine by DMX
Strength: 7
Speed: 8
Vitality: 8
Charisma: 2

Height: 5'8
Weight: 150
Hometown: Sacramento, CA

Finisher: TKO(Fireman's Carry Cutter)
Signatures: Book End, Spinning Belly to Belly
Strength: 6Speed: 7Vitality: 7Charisma: 5Sig. #1: SuperkickSig. #2: standing moonsault Finisher: sit out tombstone piledriver or Sitout tiger bomb (Fall from Greatness)Theme: Rain delay- Curren$y or Sting's crow theme sans dialouge.6'3 270 (If you know who Willie Mack is, he is my inspiration for my character. Fat but mobile).
Originally Posted by Mister916

Strength: 7
Speed: 8
Vitality: 8
Charisma: 2

Height: 6'2
Weight: 245
Hometown: Sacramento, CA

Finisher: Lifting Side Slam
Signatures: Fireman's Carry Cutter, Spinning Belly to Belly
Custom sneakers =  Spaldings

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by Mister916

Strength: 7
Speed: 8
Vitality: 8
Charisma: 2

Height: 6'2
Weight: 245
Hometown: Sacramento, CA

Finisher: Lifting Side Slam
Signatures: Fireman's Carry Cutter, Spinning Belly to Belly
Custom sneakers =  Spaldings

Yes please
GotHolesInMySocks wrote:

here is your NTSERIES Card:

Classic NTSeries Elimination Match

1. If NTDown wins, the member of the team to get the final pinfall will receive a NTWEF World Title Shot at NTRumble.
2. First person of any team to be eliminated first will draw #1 at NTRumble.


1. 4Wrestling (captain)
2. HombreLobo
3. TheDeek
4. Toine
5. TennHouse


1. VeintiSiete
2. YardFather
3. Peep_Game
4. ImThatOne
5. BKMac


If JNSQ wins, he gets a spot at the Fatal 4way Ladder Match for the Vacant NTercontinental Title.

Triple Threat Steel Cage Match



Tornado Tag For The Vacant NTag Team Titles

NobleHymens VS 3dgarFly & DragonFly


Triple Threat For Vacant NTUS Title

Mister916 VS TheDeek VS JRATheGreat


Fatal 4way Ladder Match For Vacant NTercontinental Title

GHIMS VS BrasilianMami VS BKMac VS JNSQ (pending he beats JDCurt)


lobo, u should create a NTSERIES poster.


No More Changes

someone create a NTSERIES poster
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks


ok jnsq, JDCurt will replace ghimshoes in the cage match and face u
Kevin Dunn, Is that you?

6'2, 260.

Strength: 9

Speed: 6

Vitality: 7

Charisma: 3

Finisher: Powerbomb 

Signatures: Brogue kick, Torture rack

Theme: Danzig: Thirteen
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Originally Posted by JRAdagreat72

Sig. #1: Superkick
Please deduct 50 Push points for JRA's blatant disregard for my Finisher.
How dare you, sir!?!

Lol welp....Maybe I wont end up using it. Ill use the Savate Kick...same move, lower impact.
5' 11" 180

Strength- 7

Finisher- Spike Pildriver
Signiture- Texas Cloverleaf, Moonsault

Theme- Get Rowdy!
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