12/18 WWE TLC PPV - Punk/Miz/Del Rio TLC Match, HHH/Nash Ladder Match, Ziggler/Ryder (p33)

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

so basically since NTSeries will be randomized, there's no point of cutting any type of promo tonight..?

"Mr. Charisma aka Perfect Animal Magnetism"

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

If 4W doesn't give me his stats by NTSeries showtime I will distribute his stat points as follows


Spoiler [+]


The string of themed PPV's that really have no real purpose continues tonight with Tables, Ladders, and Chairs.  Why exactly are we having a TLC match?  Because it's December.  Why are we having a Tables match?  Because it's December.  Why are we having a Ladder match?  Because it's December.  The only themed match that actually makes sense is the dreaded CHAIRS!!! match as we have seen them worked into the Henry/Show storyline.  When WWE implemented the idea of these themed PPVs, the idea was that it would boost PPV buyrates for the B shows because people would know specialty matches like TLC, Hell in a Cell, Elimination Chamber, etc were coming.  Instead, it has completely killed all of these stipulations because the matches happen for no reason without the proper build.  I'm hoping that when/if all of the B show PPVs move to WWE Network, they do away with the themed shows.

Now, despite my negativity on the gimmicked PPV, tonight's TLC PPV actually looks pretty good on paper.  There are several matches that have the opportunity to be very good, but there are also at least two that have the opportunity to be stinkers.  The other interesting point is that John Cena is not booked on tonight's PPV, and if you believe his Twitter, he will not be at the show.  This would be the first PPV in ages that he wouldn't be on.  I just don't believe that he won't be on the show, but since he hasn't been advertised, there is really no reason for him to be there.  With that said, he'll probably be on the show, inserted into the main event, and win the WWE Title.


Cody Rhodes (c) vs Booker T - Intercontinental Championship Match

The best part of this match is that it means we won't have to listen to Booker for three hours tonight.  The booking of this match has been strange.  The match was set up based on Booker not giving Cody the credit he thought he deserved on commentary.  Based on this, shouldn't half the roster be challenging Michael Cole?  Anyway, Rhodes threw water in Booker's face leading to this match.  Cody has been a hundred times better since dropping the bagging and mask gimmick.  Booker has stated on TV that if he wins the match and title, he doesn't know if he'll continue to wrestling.  Not sure about that one.  Even if Booker has some ring rust, it should be a good match, and will have a lot of heat because the fans will be into Booker.  I don't see any reason to give Booker the title unless they want to get him off commentary which I don't think is the case.  Rhodes should get the win to give him momentum heading into the new year and the Royal Rumble.

Prediction: Cody Rhodes - Retains Intercontinental Title


Dolph Ziggler (c) vs Zack Ryder - United States Championship Match

I've ranted about Ryder enough going into this one.  WWE has done absolutely nothing to get Ryder over on TV.  He comes across as a geek that never wins.  WWE needs to make a decision with him.  Either push him or don't.  Ryder got over because a small group of fans enjoyed his YouTube videos and began chanting for him at shows.  I would guess the majority of WWE fans have never seen a Ryder video, myself included.  He obviously has a good personality with a lot of charisma, but he's still pretty green in the ring.    Then you look at how he got this title shot.  He lost to Cena in a match to earn the US Title shot.  After the match, he cried and yelled at Cena which came off as a complete heel move.  Cena then gave up his WWE Title shot to let Ryder get a shot at the US Title.  I won't even get into that one and how meaningless it makes the WWE Title look like.  But before Ryder would get his title shot, he had to beat Mark Henry.  Henry had Ryder beat until Cena ran in, hit Henry with the AA, and let Ryder steal the win.  So that's how Ryder got his long awaited US Title shot.  If Ryder is continued to be booked like this, fans are going to sour on him very quickly.

Ziggler is one of the best things going in WWE.  He's awesome in the ring.  He can cut great promos.  He's got a good look and has a ton of charisma.  He should be the breakout star of 2012.  It's time to move him into the main event picture.  However, unless the plan is for him to win The Rumble, which I don't think is the case, I don't see him moving to the main event on Smackdown until after Mania.  So that leaves him in a bit of limbo for the next few months.  If there was ever a time to take the US Title off of Ziggler, tonight would be the night.  And if Ryder is ever going to win the belt, tonight is the time to do it (since they already blew it at Survivor Series).  But we know WWE has a long history of not doing title changes when the time is right, so I'm going with Ziggler to retain here and hold the US Title all the way through Mania.

Prediction: Dolph Ziggler - Retains United States Title


Randy Orton vs Wade Barrett

These two should have a great match.  Unfortunately, they're limited by the Tables stipulation.  There is no good reason that these two are having a Tables match.  It hasn't been worked into the storyline until they forced it in over the past week.  These two would be much better off in a straight match that would allow them to go back and forth with near falls.  The Tables match takes away the element of near falls.  But when you take away the tables stip, the build for this match has actually been pretty good.  Barrett has gotten clean wins over Orton (well, as clean as you will get in today's WWE), including getting the pin at Survivor Series.  I would think Orton would get his win back tonight, but since it's a match where he doesn't have to get pinned clean, Barrett will hopefully get the win here to continue his push.  Orton could lose 10 straight times to Barrett and still be in his main event position, so he'll be just fine.  Especially since he's penciled in to win the Rumble.  I'll hold out hope in WWE (a foolish thing to do, I know), and say Barrett gets the win here.

Prediction: Wade Barrett


HHH vs Kevin Nash - Sledgehammer Ladder Match

I'm really looking forward to this match.  Not because I think it's going to be any good.  I think it's going to be terrible.  So I really want to see how this match is laid out and worked.  Nash can't move.  HHH isn't an active wrestler anymore and has really slowed down as we saw in his last tag match with Punk.  This one could be all time ugly, especially if either man gets injured during the match which has a very good possibility of happening.  Then we throw in the fact that the build for this match has been absolutely horrible which is unbelievable considering the two men involved (with their egos).  Nash found out about the match two weeks ago speaking with David Otunga.  HHH then cut a promo this past week essentially promoting a WrestleMania rematch with The Undertaker instead of tonight's match.  Nash's return has been terrible, and current fans don't care about him which is evident between the lack of reaction and What chants.  The crowd may turn on this one if it's as bad as I expect it to be.  And if we thought it was painful watching Big Show go to the top rope at Survivor Series, it may take 3x as long for Nash to try and climb a ladder.  Oh yeah, there is a sledgehammer hanging over the ring.  I expect HHH to get it, lay out and beat Nash, and that be the end of the program.

Prediction: HHH


Mark Henry (c) vs The Big Show - World Heavyweight Title CHAIRS!!! Match

This is the third straight PPV these two have worked together, and it's time for this program to come to an end.  The promos have been good, but the matches have been bad, especially the Survivor Series match which had a crap finish of Henry hitting Show with a low blow and getting disqualified.  After the match, Show injured Henry's ankle with a chair, setting up this match.  Henry has been booked very strangely since, basically being booked as a babyface who is working through the pain with an injured ankle.  I know they are eventually building towards a Henry babyface turn (which I think is a terrible idea), but right now he's still the heel, so I don't know why he's been booked this way.  I wish they would go back to the monster heel Mark Henry, and hopefully we see this happen tonight.  This should be the blowoff to this program.  Henry should beat Big Show repeatedly with a steel chair, laying him out, and then pinning him clean with a World's Strongest Slam onto a steel chair.  Let Show go away for a month to sell the beating.  Henry has had a very good title run, and I hope he holds the belt all the way through Mania, where he'll probably face off against Orton.

Prediction: Mark Henry - Retains World Heavyweight Title


CM Punk (c) vs The Miz vs Alberto Del Rio - WWE Title TLC Match

I guess the first thing to talk about is if John Cena is added to this match.  It doesn't make sense to do it, but I wouldn't be shocked in the least if he was added.  If Cena is added to the match, I would expect him to win.  But I will proceed based on the assumption that Cena is not in this match.

Punk won the title at Survivor Series.  It wasn't necessarily unexpected, but it was a great scene with him winning it at MSG.  This match was set up based on Del Rio and Miz winning matches on Raw to earn title shots.  I know that Del Rio beat Daniel Bryan cleanly, but Miz won his match via countout when Randy Orton basically ran away from the ring at an 8 count to chase after Wade Barrett.  It was such a stupid finish.  Miz has done nothing recently to deserve a title shot, and this match certainly didn't help his cause.  John Cena also earned a title shot, but as we talked about earlier, he gave up that shot so Ryder could have his US Title shot.  There was a contract signing and John Laurinaitis made this a TLC Match for no apparent reason other than being December.

The match should be good.  Del Rio is not a fan of working these gimmick matches, but he will be fine.  We know that Punk is great in ladder matches, and Miz will be good as well.  The ratings have been down for Raw, and WWE's mentality of late has been that doing a title change on a PPV is the way to boost the ratings for Raw the next night.  I really hope this isn't the case because it's way too soon to take the title off Punk, there's no reason to do it, and neither Miz or Del Rio deserve the title.  Plus, it's just another title change which we don't need to further devalue the title.  I'm going with Punk to win the title in a very good match.  Then I would love to see a Punk/Ziggler program at The Royal Rumble.

Prediction: CM Punk - Retains WWE Title

There is also a rumored Air Boom vs some combination of Epico, Hunico, Primo tonight.  If this match happens, I would expect a title change to further punish Bourne.

Good luck to everyone in the PPV Prediction Contest!
Speed 5
Strength 4
Vitality 3
Charisma 8

5 8 190

Hometown puebla Mexico

Finisher the go to cheech version of the gts
Originally Posted by hymen man

When's the NTWE Survivor Series again?
NTSeries will run immediately following the PPV. Yearly Re-Wind will happen tomorrow following RAW.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Oh yeah, there is a sledgehammer hanging over the ring.  I expect HHH to get it, lay out and beat Nash, and that be the end of the program.
Prediction: HHH
I think HHH wins the match by grabbing the sledgehammer but Nash gets control of it and lays HHH out. Puts Nash over as heel and HHH takes a break until Wrestlemania...
To all of you that wanted to play the booker t drinking game I'm sorry if he don't make it to commentary. You can fall back on the cole drinking game should you choose to...
I'm having connection problems (getting 0 upload speeds), so I may have trouble posting during tonight's show.
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