12/21/12 will it happen

I live in the future (9 am Korean Standard Time, 12/21/12), and so far we have light snow. The end of the world is gonna be fluffy and slightly cold.
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8 hrs to go

From What I Understood the government is trying to do some sort of experiment with the planetary alignment tomarrow that may cause some sort of destruction...
I do get tired do posting this pic. Wish it would catch on but I guess some ppl want to keep embracing the lie.

No real mind blowing facts when you think about it.
That isn't how the Mayan calender works... It just simply counts the number of days (in this case 13 B'aktuns x 144,000 days each = 1,872,000 days) since the start of the long count, which actually does put the end of the calender at December 21, 2012. Dudes just reposting this from Tumblr....

And no I don't think anything is happening. Just the beginning of a new cycle.
Imma go grab me a hottie and a plate of Orange Chicken + fried rice. Peace yall. Get that XI while you can.
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NASA claims that the world isn't ending tomorrow have largely fallen deaf ears despite overwhelming evidence that it's already tomorrow in some parts of the world and those parts are still intact.

China, for example, is rounding up members of a doomsday cult to prevent a breakout of mass hysteria. Serbian and French villagers claim they will be spared the worst of the apocalypse thanks to mystical mountains that guard their respective abodes. And even here in the US, schools have been shut down in Michigan due to "rumors" of a looming End of Days.

But perhaps the talk of fire and brimstone might ease up a bit now that scientists are getting some strong support from an unlikely source: The Maya people themselves.

According to Reuters, many of the seven million ethnic Maya still alive and well in modern times are "rolling their eyes" at talk of a Maya-predicted Armageddon.

"It's a psychosis, a fad," says Vera Rodriguez, a psychologist of Maya descent who lives in Mexico. "I think it's bad for our society and our culture."

Most of the Maya recognize the alleged prophecy for what it is: Just another way to exploit their cultural heritage for money.

"There's the legend and there's the reality," said Yolanda Cornelio, a tourism official from the city of Mérida where 60% of the people are of Mayan ethnicity. "Some people take the legend and abuse it, using it to make money. There's a lot of con artists."

What is perhaps most unfortunate is that in all the talk of a doomsday that is highly unlikely to materialize, an historic occasion is being ignored: The start of a new cycle in the ancient Mayan Long Count calendar.

"It's an era," Santos Esteban of Yaxuna told CNN. "We are lucky to see how it ends."

hope my city loots, i need some stuff for christmas 
If I look at the sky at 3:11 will I see something trippy? If yes I will wake up. If no I would rather not interrupt my beauty sleep
I do get tired do posting this pic. Wish it would catch on but I guess some ppl want to keep embracing the lie.
View media item 178911

No real mind blowing facts when you think about it.
That isn't how the Mayan calender works... It just simply counts the number of days (in this case 13 B'aktuns x 144,000 days each = 1,872,000 days) since the start of the long count, which actually does put the end of the calender at December 21, 2012. Dudes just reposting this from Tumblr....

And no I don't think anything is happening. Just the beginning of a new cycle.
Exactly it isn't how the Mayan calendar works. It's how calendars work around the world today (minus the Jewish one and any other religious ones that have their own starting dates). Thus, things do not match up time wise.
If god comes back for the end and he like he is in my mind ( zordon) I call all kind of dibs on the dragonzord.......it dont make sense but it the end eh........
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