12 Years a slave to be taught in schools

No one saying get rid of books dude. Reading and writing are extremely extremely important. Some of us are just saying that using films and other avenues can also benefit the students and curriculum, and be used as another educational tool.
I think teaching about slavery should be abolished all together..all it does is create resentment towards white people and there's a lot more important things that need to be taught...like nutrition....I'm black if it matters

I don't even know where to start with this post.
I don't even know where to start with this post.
Slavery is an important event that happened in American and black history...but what does it benefit u to learn about it in 3rd grade ...I'm black and learned about slavery at a young age and it did not benefit me in life just made me resent white people
stop acting  like you guys are truly interested in this stuff..

everyone is malcolm x on this forum,

then they see a black dude getting beat on by cops and pull out their phones to yell out worldstar.

most of the people interested in this part of history nowadays is hipsters.

rashaud would rather be in some white yambs on a football scholarship, than reading about the struggle.

i was lucky enough to have had a cool black history teacher when i lived in georgia.

learned alot about it in the 5th 6th and 7th grade.

 high school in cali.. it was never mentioned.
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I don't really have a problem with 12 years a Slave being shown especially if it means **** like Amistad gets thrown in the bushes

My problem with black history in general is it's too damn watered down and one sided, if it ain't MLK or Civil Rights it's more than likely getting glossed over. I didn't start really learning about black history until my uncles, old heads, etc started putting me on to it.

This was a Championship Round of College Jeopardy a few weeks ago, they wanted no parts of African American History 


They knew MLK and Apollo Theater but had no clue about the Scottsboro Boys or the 1st Rhode Island Regiment, whats sad tho is if these would've been young black people they still probably wouldn't have known the answers 
Good! This is what I'm talking about! Put America's dark history right in front of our youths face. Instead of hiding it.
Don't teach the kids about their mostly West African/Central African roots.

Continue to drive the fact home through 12 years of mandatory schooling about how their ancestors were nothing but slaves.

Seems like it'll work.
The problem with focusing on slavery in schools in that it becomes both torture porn and than catharsis and redemption for white folks. the narrative is that slavery was terrible and now it is gone so we have no race problems.

When it comes to race, conservatives are right about one thing, slavery did indeed happen a long while ago. What is more relevant and shameful and thought provoking for white students is the history of black people in America from 1866 to present day.

Items like Jim Crow, Penal Labor acts, The Homestead Act, the Tulsa Riots, the notion of the "Lost Cause," redlining, the Drug War and police brutality and other policies that have served to hinder blacks post slavery are ignored or down played.

A few sentences about FHA policies in the 1960's are worth far more than a hundred more dramatized whip lashes from an 19th Century costume drama.
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It has worked for thousands of years, since the advent of reading and writing. How do you think they taught scholars? They ain't have iPads an movies they had a book a pencil and an abacus.

I've worked in elementary, middle and high schools and I know for a fact, given the right incentive they will read. There are studies.

Also, we need to stop adjusting for kids, the world don't do that. We aren't just teachig kids material, we ought to be teaching them how to be productive members of society. Reading teaches patience, perseverance, hardwork. A boss ain't goin to take the time to come with a personalized training method for you because you can't sit your *** down and read, it don't work that way. I'm all for movies and iPads as a supplement but never tell me we should completely change the system because a few kids don't have patience. Those kids can get left behind.
You are not reading what I have typed. We can agree to "disagree." Even though we aren't disagreeing.
Maybe I'm not understanding what you are saying.

I think you are saying that "sitting down and reading doesn't work for every student and we need to have specialized programs for certain students." If I"m wrong correct me.

To that I say, every kid has the ability to sit down and read. It does kids a disservice by treating each of them as special individuals that the world should cater to. As state, many many times, I'm not against showing movies in school, or using ipads or any other new fangled piece of education pedagogy; however, the majority of learning should be taught the same way people have been teaching people since the dawn of writing; sit down, read this, listen to that. I believe humans have been teaching this way for so long that we have evolved to, learn in that fashion.

*Pulling Cards* I use to work with autistic kids, the biggest thing we worked on is teaching these autistic kids to sit down and do work, like every other kid. It was so important that these kids learn how to focus, learn how to complete a task. Supplements are good, but the basics should never change.

As far as teaching slavery, it's cool to teach, so long as we get the good parts of bla...American history. The fact that we separate it into black history/white history offends me...I am an American, I have African and European blood in me, directly, as do most black dudes in America. Fredrick Douglas is as much a part of white America's  history as George Washington is part of my history. We need to teach it all.
Just watched 12 yrs a slave and I must say it was a great movie. They should teach this in schools. They hide so much of that stuff.
What I learned about in U.S History: African American history.
I'm not seeing the "bad" in this, but I'm also not seeing the benefit. Althought considering Texas was trying to write slavery out of school history books altogether :smh: I guess I should support it.

oh and African history was not mentioned in World history, except that the Europeans colonized everything. But I went to school in VA so I can't speak on everybody's experience.

Edit: And slavery is always grouped into "black" history simply because 'Murrica (european folk) don't wanna admit their ancestors did that horrible ****. By saying black history they try to separate it from American history as a whole as if it was the small group of people who were slave owners and they didn't really represent America. :rolleyes
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I'm not seeing the "bad" in this, but I'm also not seeing the benefit. Althought considering Texas was trying to write slavery out of school history books altogether
I guess I should support it.

oh and African history was not mentioned in World history, except that the Europeans colonized everything. But I went to school in VA so I can't speak on everybody's experience.

Edit: And slavery is always grouped into "black" history simply because 'Murrica (european folk) don't wanna admit their ancestors did that horrible ****. By saying black history they try to separate it from American history as a whole as if it was the small group of people who were slave owners and they didn't really represent America.
You couldn't be more wrong. No one is trying to separate slavery from American history (except maybe Texas..? Looks like it to me). Do you realize how many WHITE people were and are pro Civil rights? Lots. Tons. More than you can imagine. 

I love how you group all white people as "european folk." You are one bright individual. 

Edit - According to this website, I'm a "closet racist." Funny, I voted for Mr. President Obama twice, and I'd do it again if I had the chance. Racial tension is SO high on this website, it's pathetic. 
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They need to show hidden colors 1 and 2 in schools.
end of thread.... anyway you slice it black history/month in general is mlk... rosa parks a few 1st aka athlete etc... and slavery. That's basically it... this movie wouldn't be nothing more but this current gen version of watching roots/kunte kinte in school.

Even American history period excludes blacks/Spanish/monogoloid races which contributed greatly to American history aka inventions etc....and when they do speak of historical events of other races, they usually depict the characters as white, distort the story, or half tell the story aka Cleopatra, omitting john Henson (being black pres) inventors aka put who patent a invention instead of who really creator etc.

When its all said and done school history consist of all the great heroic iconic things whites did/or was credited for doing rather actually true or not, famous 1st black athletes/entertainers etc, a few inventors and SLAVERY SLAVERY SLAVERY....Monogoloids/chinamen made clothing etc... of silk built railroads... native americans farmed then fought and lost, and Spanish ppl set sail, stole and looted ships...
You couldn't be more wrong. No one is trying to separate slavery from American history (except maybe Texas..? Looks like it to me). Do you realize how many WHITE people were and are pro Civil rights? Lots. Tons. More than you can imagine. 

I love how you group all white people as "european folk." You are one bright individual. 

Edit - According to this website, I'm a "closet racist." Funny, I voted for Mr. President Obama twice, and I'd do it again if I had the chance. Racial tension is SO high on this website, it's pathetic. 
very true many did and still do believe...but very few actually stand up fight and go all out to uphold it stand up for it or fight for it... A many of ppl not just whites hated segregation etc.... but when its all said and done when it came to standing up and fighting defending it... the group got/gets very thin..(with the exception of gay rights)
Proper American history needs to be taught in schools in general. Of course the U.S. doesn't want to admit that this nation was built upon the blood and exploits of African and Native Americans. They push the Holocaust heavy because it didn't happen here. The USA is beautiful and land of opportunity and equality and anything negative, they will try to suppress as much as possible.

I didn't learn much about the slave trade or African culture until college. Heck, some of my college professors were oblivious to all things African/African-American. I was that random Black guy in class everyone looked to for an African American and urban perspective about things :lol:
Proper American history needs to be taught in schools in general. Of course the U.S. doesn't want to admit that this nation was built upon the blood and exploits of African and Native Americans. They push the Holocaust heavy because it didn't happen here. The USA is beautiful and land of opportunity and equality and anything negative, they will try to suppress as much as possible.

I didn't learn much about the slave trade or African culture until college. Heck, some of my college professors were oblivious to all things African/African-American. I was that random Black guy in class everyone looked to for an African American and urban perspective about things
I feel sorry for your fellow college students. The hell kind of college did you go to? 

I went to Michigan State where I was able to study Huey P, Bobby Seale, Geronimo Pratt, and other very influential leaders in the black community. Being from the Midwest FTW. 
I feel sorry for your fellow college students. The hell kind of college did you go to? 

I went to Michigan State where I was able to study Huey P, Bobby Seale, Geronimo Pratt, and other very influential leaders in the black community. Being from the Midwest FTW. 
whats funny I went to uga and they hardly touched or speak on it...hell didn't/don't go into much depth about mlk and the man is from there and has memorials etc literally right up the rd.. It def depends on where you attend and the overall demographic etc...of area.
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