17 Year Old Girl Rides A Lamborghini from School - Reaction video

I agree dude just wanted to floss his car around and humble brag. No hard done but jimmies have been rustled.
I've never ridden in a nice car either 
I could be mistaken but no where in the video did it mention the car actually belonging to the driver which makes the act even more pointless.
So this helps the girl...how? :lol:

It doesn't. He's pretty much doing the same thing everyone is crying about Kim Kardashian doing with her little charity. But this guy's cool because... Well, because he's not Kim Kardashian.

I mean, look at this guy. He's got cameras mounted all over his car and posts this brief little sob story about some random girl who he BARELY gives any recognition to in the video and drives around recording peoples reaction to his car.

Don't be fooled. This is marketing for his book, his apps and his brand. Dude prolly settin that up to smash and be his arm candy on some Drake smashin the babysitter steeze. Scraaaight up.

Video was about a guy, his apps and his blue lamborghini and how much he likes attention over a cool "EDM YO!" track.

I mean, I'm not mad at dude or "hatin" by any means, I'm just lettin you know that it's not that easy to fool me.

I respect the hustle.

Dude crashed the same car like a month later :lol:

Not surprising. Probably doing some attention craving stunt with Go Pro cameras mounted all over the car :lol:
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So this helps the girl...how?
It helps her because all of the money made from the video will go to her college fun....AND the guy is gonna match that amount and donate that as well. Some of you try too hard to hate on people. I think it was a great gesture. Of course it was a flaunt the car type of video, but that's what will get views. It no doubt will be in all of the exotic car, sports car, and lamborghini forums generating views.

He didn't have to donate any of the money to her, at all. And she still would have LOVED the experience. Typical NTers, hatin at any given opportunity.
He should create an app and donate a percentage to her and other underpriveledged students. This doesn't look genuine.
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Can't wait to see the kids reactions when I got mine in the future. :lol:

The yambs that will be had just to say "I ****** this ***** even tho she wouldnt have given me the time of day xx years ago" :D
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Can't wait to see the kids reactions when I got mine in the future.

The yambs that will be had just to say "I ****** this ***** even tho she wouldnt have given me the time of day xx years ago"
damn bro im not trying to come at you or anything but to me it seems you have no love for  yourself. Thinking that material things are going to make you feel better about yourself and ****. You can get girls right now for just being yourself my dude. You dont need anything else but you.  I mean no doubt the yambs wil be served hot and moist when you have money but what im trying to say is dont let money stop you from acquiring yambs.
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