17 Year Old Girl Rides A Lamborghini from School - Reaction video

This was more about showing off his car than anything else, what a ***** loser to mask it with such sob story...lmao

so she got to ride a lambo through the city big deal

i'd be more impressed if this guy pays for her to go to college

So this helps the girl...how? :lol:

"All profits made from the ads in this video will be donated to her college fund. In fact, I will match the amount and double it. This video has already generated hundreds of dollars in the past 48 hours. Thanks for sharing this video. She's going to be amazed at how much money we raised for her."

"More info on the daughter's situation: She is now living in her friend's house and doesn't live with her mother anymore. Her mother still keeps stealing money from her Social Security, and the daughter will enter college without any savings in her name because of that. I will stay true to my word and donate every penny made from this YouTube video to help pay for her college books/tuition. So sharing this video will help her. She reads some of these YouTube comments, so please leave her some words of encouragement as well."
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A bit more of the update:

"Reading the comments, I want to clear some things up: The girl was estatic when she got the ride. You can hear her giggling in the background during the Times Square footage. I cannot show her face, because 1) I didn't film it and 2) I respect her privacy. The GoPro cameras point outwards on my car, because they're there as security cameras in case something happens to my car. The video was made almost half a year after these shots were made, and it was only uploaded because some of my YouTube subscribers requested that I put up the full video of what they captured. The background story in the beginning is true, and she approved of it before I put it into the video. In fact, she approved the entire video before I posted it. To those making negative comments (especially the ones that are sexual in nature), I think those are more of a reflection of your own personality than of mine if that's the first thing you think of when you watch this video. I've picked up guys and girls in the Lamborghini before at school. And they were all by request. My car club also hosts charity events where we let sick children from hospitals sit in our cars (with parental consent of course). As for the former neighbor's daughter, I did help her out financially as well. I even offered to help pay her college tuition and buy her a car, but she didn't feel comfortable accepting it (understandable). However, when I told her that I'd use the profits from this video, she was okay with it, because she was the reason this video existed in the first place. You guys are free to make negative comments about me all you want; it doesn't matter to me (I'm a short Asian computer geek, so I'm used to being bullied). At the end of the day, this girl was happy and the people who saw the car were happy, and that's all that matters to me."

Seems like a lot of you came out with the gates swinging with that salt, when really, he's just a dude who seems to be doing something nice for someone.
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damn bro im not trying to come at you or anything but to me it seems you have no love for  yourself. Thinking that material things are going to make you feel better about yourself and ****. You can get girls right now for just being yourself my dude. You dont need anything else but you.  I mean no doubt the yambs wil be served hot and moist when you have money but what im trying to say is dont let money stop you from acquiring yambs.
No offense taken. But I tried and did nothing but fail for decades. But whateva I'm over it. I'll prolly try my luck again after I am done with the CPA Exam. I have done a lot of self improvement since I quit two years ago.

You a wild boy blotters.
Just tells it how I sees it :smokin
The driver is Allen Wong, apparently. App maker. this guy. lol

Amazon product ASIN 1480178918
hmmmmm, asians love white people
dude is obviously trying to smash..

that sob story is made up unless his little 17 year old "model" girlfriend comes from a broken home.

if she is this dudes neighbor life must not be that bad, you know how these white girls blow all their problems out of proportion. 

WOW, LMAO, dude is like one level away from morgan freeman

dude been eyein shawty for a minute lol

but the main thing is, how is her life that bad seriously if shes his neighbor????? she probably dont need no money for school unless shes going Ivy or private or big out of state
IDK if there are any communities like this in NYC but in Chicago there is a hood called Hyde Park. Hyde Park houses a lot of rich people and a lot of dirt poor people and there is a lot of class related conflict in that neighborhood. There has been gang shootings a few blocks from millionaire heirs/heiresses in that neighborhood
IDK if there are any communities like this in NYC but in Chicago there is a hood called Hyde Park. Hyde Park houses a lot of rich people and a lot of dirt poor people and there is a lot of class related conflict in that neighborhood. There has been gang shootings a few blocks from millionaire heirs/heiresses in that neighborhood
i just watched that on youtube too
my god, the salt and hate is strong in this thread,

someone of you guys need to just sit back and appreciate things for what they are.

everybody thrown shades and callin ducktales, dat's that's feminine type ****, girls do
i just watched that on youtube too

? IDK what you are talkin bout. I LIVED in the neighborhood. I experienced it first hand. This place literally has some of the most dangerous streets in Chicago and a lot of rich kids get took for their shoes, clothes, and ****

I imagine that ever since the projects got took down and a lot of people got relocated a lot of other Chicago hoods are like this. IDK. This one in particular has always been like this tho
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