
Originally Posted by randomhero1985

I would hope that Em bit was staged, dude should have a sense of humor.

@!* ... dude balls was in his face, if that was you .. you would have a sense of humor?
Originally Posted by RocSole

Originally Posted by VABigPoppa

Originally Posted by dunnyy

That was definitely not staged.
eminem was mic'ed, it was definitely staged
But was so bruno, maybe it was his mic catching what em was saying?
ehh idk, it was funny either way.

definatly not staged at all
mabey they wanted bruno to land on em but em did not know that was going to happen
and thats some #+*%%% up !%+%

and for those that said it was staged
i highly doubt that eminem being the person that he is, i doubt that he would let some *@@! hole name bruno t-bag his %%$ lol
that *@@! was un-called for lol
idk if it was staged or not. Wouldnt be the first time MTV pissed off Em. Remember the whole Triumph the Insult Comic Dog thing awhile back?
Originally Posted by kix2mny

Originally Posted by randomhero1985

I would hope that Em bit was staged, dude should have a sense of humor.

@!* ... dude balls was in his face, if that was you .. you would have a sense of humor?
i have a great sense of humor. Dude woulda got hit hard if it me, since it wasnt.... it was funny yo
That was definitely staged .

Em had to be involved in something stupid ... its all publicity .

& for the people saying that Em wouldn't agree to it ... why wouldn't he ? He's the silliest dude in music .
I dont think that was staged.
If Em couldnt handle Triumph a few years back, what makes you think he would agree to have dude land in a thong, %%* in face?
1) I heard Em drop the MF bomb

2) the random cam switches triggered somethin not goin as planned

3)dont think Em would OK a stunt like that for sake of publicity. like what good would that bring him?
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