1972 Miami Dolphins Appreciation vol. perfectville pop. 1

Originally Posted by dadecounty11

How could we talk about something that happened in the.....PAST?!?!

Well using that dumb logic:

I'm so tired of the Steeler's fans talking about the 6 superbowl championships...don't they know all that happened in the PAST??? Why do they still talk about it?
I know right. #$%@#%@ eggheads.

By this mentality, the Cowboys fans on here born in '94 have little to talk about. The 49er's fans born in '89 are equally full of it.

Dumb logic.
I'm always ok with fans discussing the past if they know and understand the history. Don't just throw out 'six championships' without knowing some players in the team, who the rivals were back then, toughest competition, the path to the Super Bowl, what SB and who they played, etc
There ain't no back in the day, man. Ain't no nostalgia to this ++%$ here! There's just the fields and the game and what happen here today.

Feel me?
that team wasn't even favored in the super bowl. and the thing everybody probably remembers or can think of when it comes to that team is one of the most famous bloopers in history with the kicker picking up the ball and trying to throw it. so yeah it was a great accomplishment but i used to hate when dolfans would gloat about the last undefeated team going down. now i just feel bad for them. and i'm a 9er fan.

Originally Posted by HankMoody

There ain't no back in the day, man. Ain't no nostalgia to this ++%$ here! There's just the fields and the game and what happen here today.

Feel me?
Talking about the past is fine as long as your team is still relevant.

Someone already mentioned it in this thread about the Yankees; I hate that the Yankees have 27 championships, but I've never once said it was unfair for them to bring up the number 27, BECAUSE THE YANKEES ARE STILL RELEVANT TODAY. It's not like they had 27 championships, but they've been irrelevant for the past 20 years, and all those 27 championships were well before the Reagan administration.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Talking about the past is fine as long as your team is still relevant.

Someone already mentioned it in this thread about the Yankees; I hate that the Yankees have 27 championships, but I've never once said it was unfair for them to bring up the number 27, BECAUSE THE YANKEES ARE STILL RELEVANT TODAY. It's not like they had 27 championships, but they've been irrelevant for the past 20 years, and all those 27 championships were well before the Reagan administration.
I mean, that's still bs. We can talk about whatever we want, team history is team history. If it's not happening in 2011, it's team history. It was said on another sports forum (without the teenage logic), the 72 Phins record is something like DiMaggio's hit streak or Cal's games streak, something that has withstood the test of time and may never be broken. That's something special. For people to say it's way in the past, well damn, that's damn good then! Pats couldn't do it, Pack couldn't do it either.

Again, "relevant" is relative. The Phins still have the 2nd greatest winning % of all-time, despite the 1-15 season and brutal 0-7 start this season. Team must be doing something right.

Spoiler [+]
Okay that's all I could come up with, don't bring up Super Bowls.
The Dolphins continually have had good seasons except for the last few years. How quickly people forget that every year they were constant playoff contenders year after year. Ok, so they haven't won a title since 1973, which sucks, but damn, Marino wasn't on the defense.

All teams have their ups and downs:

The Patriots were HORRIBLE before 2000, but no one remembers that.

The Saints were worse than that, remember the "Aints" with their fans wearing bags on their heads?

The 49ers have 5 Superbowls, but haven't done anything in 17 years.

The Bills went to 4 straight Superbowls, but haven't sniffed the playoffs in years.

A record is a record regardless of how relevant the team is now.
Originally Posted by Beware The Underdog

The Back fire.

You know the OP is
 when half of the post in here are HIS.
That's never a good sign, especially when every post is about how salty everyone else is...
"Are you good NOW?"

That's what it all boils down to. Period.

Yes, we all remember the Aints, and we all remember how bad the Patriots used to be. Hell, take the Bulls; 6 titles in the 90s, and then the next decade comes around, and it started off rough for Chi-town. And anytime a Bulls fan brought up those six titles, people would say the same things being said in this thread: "Yeah, just keep hanging onto those rings, because that's all you have now; the past. That's it."

- Saints: are you good NOW? The answer is yes, so no one cares that they sucked; they're good NOW, and that matters more than anything else.

- Patriots: are you good NOW? The answer is yes, so no one cares that they sucked; they're good NOW, and that matters more than anything else.

- Bulls: are you good NOW? The answer is yes, so very few people still say "Yeah, keep hanging onto those rings"; they're good NOW, and that matters more than anything else.

- Dolphins: are you good NOW? Because that matters more than anything else.

Not that the past doesn't matter at all; but who the team is now definitely takes precedent over who they used to be. Period.
Originally Posted by dadecounty11

The Dolphins continually have had good seasons except for the last few years. How quickly people forget that every year they were constant playoff contenders year after year. Ok, so they haven't won a title since 1973, which sucks, but damn, Marino wasn't on the defense.

All teams have their ups and downs:

The Patriots were HORRIBLE before 2000, but no one remembers that.

The Saints were worse than that, remember the "Aints" with their fans wearing bags on their heads?

The 49ers have 5 Superbowls, but haven't done anything in 17 years.

The Bills went to 4 straight Superbowls, but haven't sniffed the playoffs in years.

A record is a record regardless of how relevant the team is now.

You get an A for effort.
Here's another thing (as I see another reply of support, this time coming from someone who has an Orlando Magic avatar): is your greatness self proclaimed, existing only in the minds of the fans and locals?

-Yankees: I hate them. Period. But I can't deny their greatness. It takes no effort at all for me to say that they are the greatest franchise in all of sports. I hate to admit that, because eff a Evil Empire, but it's true, and there are plenty of other non-Yankee fans and non-NY folks who share the exact same opinion as me.

-Patriots: tons of people hate them, but at the same time, tons of non-Patriot fans and non-Boston area folks will willingly call them one of the league's top teams.

Stroll through the thread and see who nearly all of the supportive replies are coming from: folks with Dolphins's sigs, Orlando Magic avatars, or some sort of connection to the Heat/Magic/Dolphins/The U, etc.
Originally Posted by dadecounty11

The Dolphins continually have had good seasons except for the last few years. How quickly people forget that every year they were constant playoff contenders year after year. Ok, so they haven't won a title since 1973, which sucks, but damn, Marino wasn't on the defense.

All teams have their ups and downs:

The Patriots were HORRIBLE before 2000, but no one remembers that.

The Saints were worse than that, remember the "Aints" with their fans wearing bags on their heads?

The 49ers have 5 Superbowls, but haven't done anything in 17 years.

The Bills went to 4 straight Superbowls, but haven't sniffed the playoffs in years.

A record is a record regardless of how relevant the team is now.

The Packers failed to break New England's record of 21 straight wins and I didn't see one Patriot fan celebrate that or make a thread about it. That record happened within the last 10 years but Patriot fans actually have a good team on the field so they don't have to hold to a record and celebrate when another team fails to break their team's record. Like I said in my first post sad that all you have to go cheer about as a Dolphin fan is a record from 39 years ago.
Originally Posted by epox12

Originally Posted by dadecounty11

The Dolphins continually have had good seasons except for the last few years. How quickly people forget that every year they were constant playoff contenders year after year. Ok, so they haven't won a title since 1973, which sucks, but damn, Marino wasn't on the defense.

All teams have their ups and downs:

The Patriots were HORRIBLE before 2000, but no one remembers that.

The Saints were worse than that, remember the "Aints" with their fans wearing bags on their heads?

The 49ers have 5 Superbowls, but haven't done anything in 17 years.

The Bills went to 4 straight Superbowls, but haven't sniffed the playoffs in years.

A record is a record regardless of how relevant the team is now.

The Packers failed to break New England's record of 21 straight wins and I didn't see one Patriot fan celebrate that or make a thread about it. That record happened within the last 10 years but Patriot fans actually have a good team on the field so they don't have to hold to a record and celebrate when another team fails to break their team's record. Like I said in my first post sad that all you have to go cheer about as a Dolphin fan is a record from 39 years ago.
That's not the same kind of accomplishment, boy. And I asked you before, who are you? What's your team?
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by epox12

Originally Posted by dadecounty11

The Dolphins continually have had good seasons except for the last few years. How quickly people forget that every year they were constant playoff contenders year after year. Ok, so they haven't won a title since 1973, which sucks, but damn, Marino wasn't on the defense.

All teams have their ups and downs:

The Patriots were HORRIBLE before 2000, but no one remembers that.

The Saints were worse than that, remember the "Aints" with their fans wearing bags on their heads?

The 49ers have 5 Superbowls, but haven't done anything in 17 years.

The Bills went to 4 straight Superbowls, but haven't sniffed the playoffs in years.

A record is a record regardless of how relevant the team is now.

The Packers failed to break New England's record of 21 straight wins and I didn't see one Patriot fan celebrate that or make a thread about it. That record happened within the last 10 years but Patriot fans actually have a good team on the field so they don't have to hold to a record and celebrate when another team fails to break their team's record. Like I said in my first post sad that all you have to go cheer about as a Dolphin fan is a record from 39 years ago.
That's not the same kind of accomplishment, boy. And I asked you before, who are you? What's your team?
Actually I think its a more impressive accomplishment considering the Patriots did it in the free agency era. What do I not have enough e-fame that you need to know who I am?
I like the 49ers I was watching them win Super Bowls in the late 80's and one in the 90's. But those were the glory days and even though we sucked this past decade I didn't drop the 5 Super Bowl card. If 72 is what you need to get you through the tough times go for it. I just think its sad. 
Originally Posted by epox12

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by epox12

The Packers failed to break New England's record of 21 straight wins and I didn't see one Patriot fan celebrate that or make a thread about it. That record happened within the last 10 years but Patriot fans actually have a good team on the field so they don't have to hold to a record and celebrate when another team fails to break their team's record. Like I said in my first post sad that all you have to go cheer about as a Dolphin fan is a record from 39 years ago.
That's not the same kind of accomplishment, boy. And I asked you before, who are you? What's your team?
Actually I think its a more impressive accomplishment considering the Patriots did it in the free agency era. What do I not have enough e-fame that you need to know who I am?
I like the 49ers I was watching them win Super Bowls in the late 80's and one in the 90's. But those were the glory days and even though we sucked this past decade I didn't drop the 5 Super Bowl card. If 72 is what you need to get you through the tough times go for it. I just think its sad. 
Nope, not even close. The fact that 1 team has ever won every game in the season, including playoffs and Super Bowl, is more impressive. We saw the Pats take care of that no problem. The Super Bowl? They lost it. 
Perfection>A string of meaningless wins.

I don't need '72 to "get me through anything". It's an accomplishment that the Phins achieved. I guess since I was born in the 80's I should just "zip my lips" about anything that has ever taken place before I was born.
Stupid logic.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by epox12

Originally Posted by finnns2003

That's not the same kind of accomplishment, boy. And I asked you before, who are you? What's your team?
Actually I think its a more impressive accomplishment considering the Patriots did it in the free agency era. What do I not have enough e-fame that you need to know who I am?
I like the 49ers I was watching them win Super Bowls in the late 80's and one in the 90's. But those were the glory days and even though we sucked this past decade I didn't drop the 5 Super Bowl card. If 72 is what you need to get you through the tough times go for it. I just think its sad. 
Nope, not even close. The fact that 1 team has ever won every game in the season, including playoffs and Super Bowl, is more impressive. We saw the Pats take care of that no problem. The Super Bowl? They lost it. 
Perfection>A string of meaningless wins.

I don't need '72 to "get me through anything". It's an accomplishment that the Phins achieved. I guess since I was born in the 80's I should just "zip my lips" about anything that has ever taken place before I was born.
Stupid logic.

Actually it wasn't a string of meaningless games. The streak was from 2003 into the 2004 season. They won the Super Bowl in both seasons. Considering how much you cling to ancient history I would think you would at least be up do date on your recent history.
There were losses in between, they didn't just walk out there and not lose during the 2003 and 2004 seasons. If that took place and they went 19-0, you'd have a point.
In between the two SBs but that 21 game streak was mighty impressive. Snapped by the rookie from Miami as well
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