2.5 Gallons of Coca Cola and 30 Cigarettes a Day Can Kill You? Who Woulda Thought?

Nov 16, 2001

[h1]Woman’s family blames two-gallon a day Coca-Cola habit for death [/h1] [h2]Natasha Harris, 30, mother of eight, also smoked 30 cigarettes each day[/h2] Comments (66) [h3] By Nina Mandell / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS [/h3] [h5]Friday, April 20, 2012, 2:21 PM[/h5]



[h4]Via Associated Press[/h4] [h4][/h4]
Natasha Harris, 30, stay-at-home mother of eight from Invercargill in New Zealand, died of a heart attack in February 2010. Experts say the New Zealand woman's 2-gallon-a-day Coca-Cola habit probably contributed to her death.

A deadly Coke habit may have contributed to the death of a woman in New Zealand who drank a staggering two gallons of Coca-Cola a day, experts said.

Natasha Harris, a stay-at-home mother of eight, died in February of 2010 of a heart attack at the age of 30, the Associated Press reports.

She drank between 2.1 and 2.6 gallons of the soda every day her partner Chris Hodgkinson testified.

"The first thing she would do in the morning was to have a drink of Coke beside her bed and the last thing she would do at night was have a drink of Coke," Hodgkinson said in a deposition. "She was addicted to Coke."

Hodgkinson said this week that Coca-Cola should put warning labels its products, New Zealand news site Stuff.co.nz reports.

Dr. Dan Mornin testified Thursday that Harris probably suffered from hypokalemia, or low potassium, as a result of her Coca-Cola habit, the site reported.

The toxic levels of caffiene in the product could have also contributed to Harris’ death, Mornin testified.

Harris also smoked about 30 cigarettes a day and had poor nutrition, her family testified.

“They didn’t live the best lives, but Tasha always put those kids first,
not suprising at all
i stay away from soda as much as possible-too much sugar, bad for your teeth, etc.
read this in the morning, her face plus the story combination literally made me gag in the morning. 
2 gallons? of course its gonna kill you

1 can is enough to kill you
Originally Posted by crcballer55

Originally Posted by Lou Baton

Forget the soda and cigaretts, 8 kids at age 30?!?

Think that's what put her over the top?

There's a show called Freaky Eaters that has people consuming far worse in my opinion. Makes my stomach turn just watching it so I guess her soda intake didn't really make me say wow even thought its terribly disgusting. However, I'm also 30 so the 8 kids made me
Originally Posted by Lou Baton

Forget the soda and cigaretts, 8 kids at age 30?!?
That's crazy.

But damn, 2.5 gallons of coke and 30 cigarettes?

Dr.Pepper > *
Word to Coke's response, if you drank 2.5 gallons of water a day you'd die too.

@ everybody glossing over the 30 cigs a day part. Sounds like she was feen'n for some cancer.
A pack and a half a day isn't that much, but 2 Gallons of soda a day? Damn...how could you stand it? Coke>>>>Pepsi btw.
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