2 more pics of XV SE

Sharp, they look very nice for basketball, a few clever new details. Probably won't purchase...curious also why they chose to give the "SE"treatment to the XV. Anyone know?
nice try JB
I never disliked the XV and these are decent...probably won't cop but will picc them up for less than retail if that happens
Originally Posted by ijapino

I like 'em...Maybe it's the black shoe/white sole appearance.

certainly helps the shoes a lot, i like them they look decent
s dubl wrote:
Not too bad. Don't know if I'd buy them though, have to see them in person first.

same here..geah from the pik they look aaight..so i'll see if im gonna score em...but thanks for the piks again aNYth1ng

dmxgod wrote:
these look pretty good to me..thanks for the pics anything..when do these release by the way?


Originally Posted by nycshoehead

Originally Posted by willsndvl

aNYth1ng wrote:
could have added these to the other post but i don't speak/write Spanish

Estabamos empezando una revolucion!!!
Anyways, these are trash.


forget SE... what does "Estabamos empezando una revolucion" mean?
Originally Posted by mhjm1423

Does anybody else hate the fact that JB uses the same traction pattern on its team shoes as the signature shoe that is out that year? I don't know I guess it just bugs me because it seems cheap and uninspired. Anyway these are terrible, I thought the team line was supposed to be going places.
I like that fact - its like a time stamp. I can look at an older team shoe and know what sig was out that year.

PS - I LOVE these!!
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