2 weeks from the US presidential election... who are YOU voting for? (do over)

a poll the first time in like 2 years but i voted..
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

If someone else had posted the same thread the OP would never hear the end of " re-post", "already had one", "LATE!", yada yada yada.

uhh..... people in the original thread were ASKING for it to be redone with an actual poll
Originally Posted by gko2408

I knew NT is liberal-oriented, but 25:1?! I guess that fits with the other demographics that NT contains (Age, Geographical location, etc.), but that's just a ridiculous voting ratio.
Shoot, feels like 100:1 most of the time to me
I was considering listing all the 3rd party candidates...

then I realized that it would be pointless.
will vote tomorrow in TX. rocking my Obama gear for the next 2 weeks!! whoop!!!!!

America with Obama FTW!!! Buy stock on Nov 3 and 4th because the markets will shoot the hell up Nov 5 & 6. Trust me...
Originally Posted by RawSheed

Registered as a democrat today. on the deadline. procrastination ftL
me too
.. i woke up from my nap like, "damn i gottaget to the damn post office.."

nov. 4th exercise your right as an american
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