2010 is almost over.. whats your FAVORITE album, mixtape, and ONE song??






Can't think of one right now.
Album: Krit wuz here

Mixtape: Friday night lights / Overly Dedicated

Song: Kendrick Lamar "The Heart pt 2" or Big krit Children of the world

man this hard
Album: Krit wuz here

Mixtape: Friday night lights / Overly Dedicated

Song: Kendrick Lamar "The Heart pt 2" or Big krit Children of the world

man this hard
Album: MBDTF

Mixtape: G.O.O.D. Friday's (if u wanna count that full tracklisting as a mixtape)

Song: Live fast, die young
Album: MBDTF

Mixtape: G.O.O.D. Friday's (if u wanna count that full tracklisting as a mixtape)

Song: Live fast, die young
Album: Tie between Distant Relatives and Big Boi....

Mixtape: Friday Night Lights

Song: Definitely "The Joy"
Album: Tie between Distant Relatives and Big Boi....

Mixtape: Friday Night Lights

Song: Definitely "The Joy"
album- Kanye West- MBDTF
mixtape- J.Cole- Friday Night Lights
Song- The Joy- Kanye West & Jay-Z
album- Kanye West- MBDTF
mixtape- J.Cole- Friday Night Lights
Song- The Joy- Kanye West & Jay-Z
mixtape game was serious this year. i cant even name all the mixtapes I enjoyed, list is wayyy too long.
mixtape game was serious this year. i cant even name all the mixtapes I enjoyed, list is wayyy too long.
Album-Kid Cudi

Mixtape-Chilidish Gambino/Wiz

Song-Waka Flocka-Hard in the Paint
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