2010 NBA Trade Deadline thread

Mr DragonFly Jones-- naw lol..homie on NBA TV..his speech was terrible...and I could of swore I heard him say that the 76ers could use SAM CASSELL at the point LOL!!
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

whats the point of the nate to boston trade for the knicks?
i guess nates attitude + the fact that he might ask for a whole bunch of $$$$ next season. i think doc will put him in check great pick up for boston. i like eddie house on the knicks though and who knows maybe giddens and walker can break out
Keeping him is so damn stupid...

He don't wanna be there. He ain't coming back. You've ticked him off to no end... STUPID.
Originally Posted by franchise3

Bang, from what I read, the C's didn't want to send over a pick. And they didn't.

Ill be disappointed in donnie, to say the least if we didnt get a draft pick.
Originally Posted by bright nikes

AlexKennedyNBA: The Los Angeles Lakers and Toronto Raptors are discussing a last minute deal that would swap Sasha Vujacic for Marcus Banks. less than 20 seconds ago from web

this been posted?
Raptors collecting all the Euros
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Keeping him is so damn stupid...

He don't wanna be there. He ain't coming back. You've ticked him off to no end... STUPID.

thats fine and all

but why just trade him just to trade him if you ant going to get anything good back? let him walk and the end of this year and pocket the money
Damn, Kevin Martin actually sounds pretty sad right now on the radio
he's kinda bumming me out now
I'm gonna miss playing ball with him at the gym down the street now
Originally Posted by Size 15 Please

Mr DragonFly Jones-- naw lol..homie on NBA TV..his speech was terrible...and I could of swore I heard him say that the 76ers could use SAM CASSELL at the point LOL!!


Ed Stefanski would prolly hire him...that !#*+#$@ dude.
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Damn, Kevin Martin actually sounds pretty sad right now on the radio
he's kinda bumming me out now
I'm gonna miss playing ball with him at the gym down the street now

time to edit that sig too
Originally Posted by GuttaGetsBusy

KingFoamNYC wrote:

W1LL 1 Am wrote:

KingFoamNYC wrote:

NobleKane wrote:

 please stop you guys are killing me over here

But Lebron > Kobe though

now ur buggin


Today if u could choose between Lebron or Kobe to put on the Knicks who would you? He's annoying and stupid but he is the best player in the NBA you know that

But you got those tiny hands though

why u watchin me tho? your either gay or your gay
Originally Posted by romedadude

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Damn, Kevin Martin actually sounds pretty sad right now on the radio
he's kinda bumming me out now
I'm gonna miss playing ball with him at the gym down the street now
time to edit that sig too
I'll wait till they introduce the new player
Kevin is reminiscing about his career with the Kings and his voice is shaking pretty bad
Word, I'd give up Hill + Blair for Stat easily.

Bhz, rumor is Brewer to the Grizz for a protected pick. Not a bad pickup

Chris McGrath/NBAE/Getty Images
Tracy McGrady's not the same player he used to be, but he's also not useless.

Ten things to know about Tracy McGrady, on the day that he has been traded from the Houston Rockets to the New York Knicks.

1. The big prize: his massive expiring contract
Tracy McGrady is enjoying an annual salary this yearof about $22.5 million. Despite the surprisingly nice things we'reabout tell you about his current abilities on the court, this, of course, is what the Knicks really prize. Once his current deal is done, the Knicks will have a lot of cap room for next summer. How much cap room? Larry @*$* wrote on The New York Times that they'll be flirting with being able to sign two max players,if they let All-Star David Lee go for nothing. Will it work? Presumablya premier free agent like LeBron James, Dwyane Wade or Chris Bosh willnot come to the Knicks to star on a bad roster. All of those players can do that or better on their old teams. New York'sstrategy would seem to hinge on getting two of those stars to come totown to play together. The McGrady deal is the Knicks' best chance ofmaking that happen, but it's no sure thing. If they fail to lure twokey free agents, the cap space may be best used taking on lop-sidedtrades a year from now, when teams will presumably be looking to ditchsalary in anticipation of a new, more restrictive collective bargainingagreement. But the last things Knick fans want to do is wait more.

2. The Knicks brass will say he's here to play
McGrady has played just 46 minutes oversix games -- all in December -- in Houston this season, and had a PERof 12.8. That number is a far cry from his career best PER of 31.0 in2002-03, but still not bad for somebody working off a lot of rust.First, he was recovering from microfracture surgery he had about a year ago. More recently, he has been benched in deference to a broken relationship with the Rockets' brass. Nevertheless, his six games seem to indicate he still may be an NBA player -- even if he's nothing like the one that was famous some years ago.

3. Don't expect a high-flier
I spoke to three NBA professionals who know McGrady's game well, and have extensive notes based on their observations. Then I found that Rahat Huq of the TrueHoop Network blog Red94 had already nailed it: "Even when healthy, scoring inside has been Tracy McGrady's Achillesheel since I have been following him. Hard to believe because we allremember the dunks from his younger days. As he has aged, most likelyout of fear, he just simply avoids driving to the basket at all costs.This includes the fouth quarter of Game 7's withopponents in the penalty. If you look at my game analysis during hisreturn, he did valiantly try to drive to the hole on certain occasions,much more aggressively than in years past, most likely in hopes ofassuaging the concerns of watching eyes. The problem was that he simplydid not have even a modicum of explosion. That could possibly change asthe leg builds strength, but his fear of contact will not."

4. Do expect a top-shelf passer
Again, Rahat Huq: "Primarily what he brings, contrary to popular belief, is passing. For McGrady, the passing will always be there -- [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]he's the best passing wing this league has ever seen, rivaled only by LeBronJames.[/color] It was remarkable to see that even in his regressed state, hecould still effectively create plays for his teammates. Just absolutelyremarkable. He can hold the ball at the key, in stationary position,and blindly hit cutters without needing to actually beat his man offthe dribble. He also never makes mistakes."

5. In New York, a passer is handy
Rahat's comments are part of a dialogue with Knickerblogger's Mike Kurylo, who says McGrady's passing abilities could help the Knicks by empowering Mike D'Antoni to bench Chris Duhon, who has been bad this year: "Playing McGrady out of position isn't as much of a problem for New York. D'Antonican have the offense run through anyone; at times David Lee will havethe ball on the top of the key or the extended elbow and the decisionmaking will lie with him. Additionally, the Knicks' defensive schemes have a lot of switching, so individual match-ups don't matter as much. McGrady can play the point on the offensive side of the ball, but still defend a guard/forward. In this respect losing Jared Jeffrieshurts, because he could guard any spot 1-5. However, New York can useother players to guard opposing point guards. In essence it seems if D'Antoni wants, he can use McGrady to send Duhon to the bench for good."

6. 13 points in 35 seconds
You need no excuse to watch the video of Tracy McGrady's miraculous assassination of Bruce Bowen and the San Antonio Spurs.He has been traded? OK! Cue it up again! And note in the post-gameinterview when he says: "My will just took over and was knocking downshots for me." See how he's very clear that his will is distinct from him? As if the two of them could be separated? And, in fact, sometimes that happens ...

7. Canadian massacre
There are dozens of low points in the history of McGrady's relationship with the Rockets. One that seems to have stuck in many people's memory was the Jan. 2, 2009 game in Toronto. I just watched much of it, and it's remarkable -- with the exception of one drive to the hoop, McGrady really didn't do one vigorous thing all game. It'slike he was made of jello. He sashayed through the night. The hardthings about hoops -- the boxing out, the sprinting, the cutting, therebounding (and, you know, the caring) -- he simply was not doing.Instead, he'd trail his teammates up the court and then hoist a 3 assoon as they passed it to him. The psychic toll on the rest of theroster must be incalculable. The Rockets had just 49 points as a teamat the end of the third quarter. McGrady had made two ofhis nine shots, and let the Raptors do whatever they wanted when theyhad the ball. He did not get back into the game. A little more than amonth later, he was done for the season.

8. Not athletic enough to star
In his heyday, McGrady could score from 3-pointland, at the rim in traffic, cutting to the rim, off the dribble, andrising high above defenders for a soft jumper. Just about all of thoserequire some degree of athletic explosion. From here forward, thosewon't be his go-to moves. However, he is still effective at catchingand shooting. In other words, injuries have turned a star into a roleplayer. In keeping with that trend, during McGrady's sixgames this season, many observers noted his consistent effort ondefense. Players without enormous physical gifts need to earn playingtime with effort, something he seems to understand. Also worth noting: Rockets sources say that this season, McGrady has been more or less gung-ho about strength and conditioning, which is a positive sign.

9. Darfur
Off the court, Tracy McGrady has been something of an enigma. But he has been a serious participant in a major project to help the children of Darfur, which is featured in an excellent documentary.

10. Sleep
Tracy McGrady has an unusual attachment to sleep. It has been written about many times. He can sleep anywhere, and does. My favorite part of FreeDarko's "Macrophenomenal Pro Basketball Almanac" is the chapter on McGrady, which is online in beautiful full color. One of the charts shows something amazing: From 1997-2002, when he was childless, McGrady'sfield goal percentage was essentially the same, no matter how much restthe team had between games. Since his first child, his field goalpercentage has been heading south on the second night of back-to-backs.Without kids, he made better than 45 percent of his shots on the secondnight of back-to-backs. As a parent, he's mired at 40 percent. Is it the sleep? Who knows. But it's something.
Originally Posted by Do Be Doo

The SUNS wanted George Hill and Dejuan Blair for Amare.....
no way. link?

i dont believe you. wait wait, and did the spurs say no too? stop playing DBD
Originally Posted by Do Be Doo

The SUNS wanted George Hill and Dejuan Blair for Amare.....

Wait...this cannot be true. Did the Spurs turn this down??? 
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