2010 White/Cement III, White/Cement IV, and Chicago X

Nov 20, 2009
First off, let me say I'm NOT always on NT and I didn't see a previous post about this.  If it has already been posted, mybad.  I'm just trying to relay information, that's all. Lets hold off our "smart" comments please.  ALL the info is from flightclub.tistory.com.  This site has ALWAYS been on point.  The website is Korean so everything has been translated and may be hard to read/understand. 

More than likely that this site got this information from NT in the first place (based on rumors)

It would be nice & I really hope it is true, but I honestly can't see the 3s or 4s being released.

Giving the consumer what they want? ....that's not JBs style
Hope it's true. These III's and IV's are hot. Would be nice since we didn't get the True Blues this year. Pass on the X.
hope this is true. i will def cop 2 pairs of the 4's, and the slam dunk package is a maybe depending on price
Generally, this kind of news would excite. Given the rapport of Jordan Brand, I will remain dormant.
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