2011 AIR JORDAN 11 CONCORDS LEGIT CHECK-a lil bit of help here wont hurt :D

These are GMs fam.. Which means they are not legit.. stretched 23s, rounded off midsoles, etc.
haven't bought them, but i was in the middle of the transaction but i had to cut it off after your opinion bout the pair
haven't bought them, but i was in the middle of the transaction but i had to cut it off after your opinion bout the pair
yea that's a good move IMHO.. Just be patient, look for the yellowing on the soles, if they have no yellow they are DEF fakes..If they do have yellowing that's a good sign but not guaranteed to be legit. If your unsure always LC first.

PS I noticed your new to the forum..Welcome.. Don't forget to rep the guys here who you feel helped you..It's the little green thumbs up on our comments..thx and take care.
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ill be waiting for more opinions from the other guys, thanks for the help though!

yeah, he pm'ed me that he has a pair and blah blah blah transaction. then i posted the pics here so poof! it became LE-Fake :))

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Dude, you realize that the yellowing is not part of the design whatsoever? It just naturally occur in time. Nike did not strategically made the sole for this to happen, thus to say that no yellowing = fakes is wrong judgment. It will be fair to say -- no yellowing = unauthorized (recently manufactured w/o Nike's consent). And to say unauthorized = fakes is again wrong judgment UNLESS design, material and quality differ from original (e.g. PL cut, collar, 23, ect.) which we see a lot in good fakes (easily found in GM). Don't mix up everything with everything. Stick to the conceptual design of an original pair when comparing. Some of you here are way too extreme. I've seen on here bad looking 11's with yellowing on the sole that were ruled legit, while some much better looking ones with icy soles were ruled the opposite...
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Dude, you realize that the yellowing is not part of the design whatsoever? It just naturally occur in time. Nike did not strategically made the sole for this to happen, thus to say that no yellowing = fakes is wrong judgment. It will be fair to say -- no yellowing = unauthorized (recently manufactured w/o Nike's consent). And to say unauthorized = fakes is again wrong judgment UNLESS design, material and quality differ from original (e.g. PL cut, collar, 23, ect.) which we see a lot in good fakes (easily found in GM). Don't mix up everything with everything. Stick to the conceptual design of an original pair when comparing. Some of you here are way too extreme. I've seen on here bad looking 11's with yellowing on the sole that were ruled legit, while some much better looking ones with icy soles were ruled the opposite...
ahhh another know it all.. Dude your about 3 yrs late with your argument..stick to the shadows.. I know EXACTLY what I'm talking about.. IF YOU HAVE SJs, CGs, or CONCORDS at this point with 0 yellowing.. They are fake fam..PERIOD. Unauthorized is just another word for counterfeit, fugazi, fake, replica etc.. Look it up.. GMs are not the same material, same factory etc. That's all spin. Fake is fake son no matter how close you get to the authentic counterparts..They are simply the best knockoffs on the market today..

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ahhh another know it all.. Dude your about 3 yrs late with your argument..stick to the shadows.. I know EXACTLY what I'm talking about.. IF YOU HAVE SJs, CGs, or CONCORDS at this point with 0 yellowing.. They are fake fam..PERIOD. Unauthorized is just another word for counterfeit, fugazi, fake, replica etc.. Look it up.. GMs are not the same material, same factory etc. That's all spin. Fake is fake son no matter how close you get to the authentic counterparts..They are simply the best knockoffs on the market today..


Preach it TB. Definitely rep that..
Yo Timmy, I had few pairs I posted on here for legit checks under another username and was waiting for your mouth to come around. You gave my unauthorized Bred 11's a legit seal without a shadow of a doubt after providing many pics...

By definition 'unauthorized' doesn't mean fake... you the one who needs to look it up bro. What are the synonyms for that word? I'll tell you:

under the table
not permitted

Perhaps only in your own dictionary it 's synonymous to fake, counterfeit, ect.

Your judgments are not only so biased but SOOO personal. I'm very educated on unauthorized as I am with officials. I'm sure you never compared an unauthorized (not fake) with an official pair side by side.

Speaking of being late... dude, I checked your history, and you're still on thick collars, dark writings on paper wrap, stretched 23, widow peaks, ect... Just know that some of these factories have already caught up on those easy -to-fix areas but you wouldn't know but then again that explains why you gave my pair a legit seal partner.

Another wrong assumption is that, like many of you on here think that GM factories are all equal.. Yes you have some that make bad pairs (good fakes) like the ones you love to touch on and give your 2 cents, but others perfected them equally to the ones you'd buy at your local FT. Dude I know this for a fact.

You said, not same material...? again , any facts? I have tore up both officials and unofficial pairs (not fakes) and were identical down to the same type of glue and inside stitching patterns and material equal if not sometimes better quality especially on the 11's

Yes most GMs make fakes, I see them all the time on eBay and other foreign marketplace but my point is some are making them absolutely identical to officials.

If unauthorized to YOU means fakes, just let people know that this is you're own perspective on it because true definition of that word contradicts your stance. But you're free to think what you want but don't make it sound factual dude.

You dudes are so loyal to Nike that you hate unauthorized pairs more than Nike does. Obviously Nike don't give a flying **#$% about it b/c they ain't doing sh$t about it. Perhaps they could better their quality but instead they're lowering it but yet rising prices...

Stay loyal to Nike and JB but try to keep your sentiments out of your judgments.. then you'll make more sense. If your judgments can't be backed by evidence, they'll remain biased
someone feels the need to defend all their unauthorized aka GM aka FAKE pairs of Jordans. 
well, I'm not defending GMs nor fakes, I'm just keeping yall posted of what's really going on. Some so-called authorities on here like timmy and others, are so out-of-date it's not even funny. Their judgments couldn't be trusted until they get updated on the situation. But unfortunately for the Nike loyal fans, it will be near impossible to tell the difference in the near future. These factories are catching up quick. A sign of that, is that we looking at accessories more than the shoe itself to find signatures of GMs.. It is becoming quite ridiculous.

The yellowing is NOT made by Nike, age making it so... they are the same soles with different age... How does this justify one being authentic and the other being fake? A 60 year old man with grey hair isn't more human than the 12 year old boy... Only difference, one has been around longer. So the correct conclusion without any emotions attached to it, is that one was recently manufactured, thus , probably under the table (unofficially) because as we all know Nike stopped producing them as mentioned on the production date tag. That's all! -- But to go on and say "therefore fakes" is completely out of reasoning.

It also seems like many of you don't even understand the true meaning "authentic"

A Malaysian dish doesn't have to be cooked in Malaysia with the people of Malaysia's consent for it to authentic... So long the ingredients are authentic and the way of cooking is respected giving it an authentic smell, taste and texture -- the dish is authentic!. Only when the ingredients differ , even if the final taste is very similar -- it becomes inauthentic.

Even the shoes you get at your local shoe store are reproductions/duplicates... no difference than the unofficial ones (not fakes) found on certain Grey Markets. The only 100% authentic and original thing in this whole thing -- is the conceptual design which represents ONE. The rest are just reproductions after reproductions depicting that ONE original design. So the pair of yours you call authentic simply b/c you bought it at Foot Locker -- is a reproduction, same with that guy who got it from the Grey Market -- a reproduction of the same original conceptual design.

For example a true authentic item is one like a piece of art from Picasso. "Les demoiselles d'Avignon" There are no reproductions of that art, it's just one that exist out there, any second one will be a fake -- because that art was meant to be ONE and only one. Unlike a Jordan pair -- it was meant for mass reproduction and there are laws and regulations that make some of them legitimate and many of them unauthorized, thus illegitimate. THAT'S ALL.

Out of loyalty for Nike and JB you're trying very hard with no sense at all to make any other illegitimate reproductions -- fakes. You change word meanings -- you mislead people by wrongly authenticating shoes -- completely ignoring the updates in these illegal factories and what they are up to now.

Bottom line is simple -- Only Nike can do something about it -- You not helping by trying to authenticate on here -- because indirectly, -- you are telling these illegal factories what to improve to get better... Without you're feedback, these factories would've still have the jumpman ball unlined with the gap (23), they would've still have the high patent leather, and all the other s@it (i.e., widow peak, thick collars, ect.) are being fixed as we speak all thanks for your feedback. Like I said Timmy gave my pair of bred along with other members a legit seal because, no peaks, no thick collar, no bold writings on paper wrap , ect. Yet -- they were from that grey market... How did they come to know about fixing these issues???

I'm not advocating for these illegal factories, nor do I encourage in buying and selling these unofficial shoes because it is considered illegal in most countries so make you're own decision. Just bear in mind that these members on here don't know what they're talking about. They do get it right sometimes on obvious out-dated fakes but are late in the new developments. At the end of the day, it's about your loyalty to Nike... Are buying these shoes because of quality, design, style, color ways, if so, then no yellowing shouldn't bother you. If you buying because you're that true fan and makes you feel good to know your sh@ t was bought at an authorized retailer, then, camp out and fight for your shoes. At the end of the day, they're the same. So follow your feelings.

If you take advice from some of these members here, they will tell you to pay more for a pair that has some bad yellowing (i.e., expired, perished soles) and definitely pay way less for a fresher pair with beautiful icy sole as when they first came out. These shoes aren't like wine or french cheese -- the older the better... they're commodities -- the newer the better...
im not about to write an essay, but it sure sounds like you are supporting "unofficial" pairs. Lets be honest here if you saw a pair of space jams with icy clear soles today you would immediately know that the pair is "unofficial" aka fake. 99% of people who know anything about jordans would know that they are fake end of story.

I do agree with your 8th paragraph, but thats about it.. ill never wear fake products whether it is jordans or LV, thats just me though id rather just dish out the money and get the real deal.

also id like to ask how you know that the pair that timmy legitimized for you was "unofficial"? did you intentionally buy a GM pair and ask here to authenticate just to see if anyone would notice it?
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Jesus! Stop the madness. Those are great analogies. But it's a different ball game when it comes to shoes, especially JB and of course they're mass produced but the shoe itself is made to be unique. Anything else made like it that isn't from Nike/JB is a replica which is what the word replica means.

Still find it pretty much impossible that a whole mass production of these certain shoes get manufactured in the same Nike factory without Nike's consent, get sold without their consent, and happens again with the next release.. and the next release, etc. It's not some petty operation that you can just hide from this huge franchise we call Nike without them doing anything about it. It would be all over the news that a mass production of 'unauthorized' shoes were created without the consent of the company. That would be a huuuge crime, way worse than other factories alone making replicas of Nike/JB's shoe. It's one thing to not be able to regulate the creation of replicas, GM's or whatever you wanna call them in these unknown factories. But for Nike/JB to let the manufacturing of these shoes in their own factories without consent is just ridiculous. Come on, let's be real.

Materials, sure, they can be using the same kind. It's not impossible to make or find leather, rubber and PL to create a shoe but it's not proven that they do or not.

But I agree, there will be one day that the shoes, accessories and box will all be exactly alike. It's not impossible to do. There's obviously some reason why they don't make the shoes exactly alike. It's not unheard of for these factories to get a hold of an authentic pair of SJ's and replicate it down to the T. But that day isn't today, and it may not come for a long time..
you see when you say "... end of story" you accept to stay close minded and won't look at further analysis. Unlike you as I explained above, I won't go further than concluding that they must be unauthorized (i.e., recently manufactured). But there is no evidence nor any logic in further concluding they're therefore fakes without any apparent distinction (e.g., thick collar vs thin).

If you prefer to burn your money on official pairs, I respect that. That's your money and your choice. But it only set forth a fake comfort in your mind making you think that your pair is better than a guy who got it from a GM where in reality it might not always be true. They might be just as real, cost effective, less hassle to get them and same durability and could even be of a better quality. This is a fact! no BS whether you accept it or not. Facts are facts. Illusion is what's going on in many people's head.

I lived in Taiwan for 15 months so I am well connected in China and have sources that produce unofficials same-exact pairs as officials. So not to encite anyone as it might be illegal where you live, I personally buy them from time to time. Primiraly to examine them with officials and rock 'em. And I promise, the discoveries are quite interesting...

I've followed many comments on here but never really wanted to bother because for those of you even hard facts won't change your mind. But now it is really getting the best of me when reading some of these members unfounded theories.

Yes I do appreciate these unofficial factories,, doesn't mean b/c they're illegal that they must be hated. I love weed though it's illegall...

I also love Apple products, because they get better on each new releases and fight hard against counterfeit and unauthorized making me feel more special when I own one of their high-priced product. Dissimilarity, Nike/JB -- are lowering their quality year by year, inflating their price -- and completely disregarding the issue of illegal factories. WTF?

Bottom line, in the English dictionary -- "unofficial" and "unauthorized" are NOT synonymous to the words "fake" and "counterfeit". -- that's a fact.

So when you're saying the oppossite -- just know it is from your own made up definition in the attempt to make you feel somehow better with the product you own.

Again, it's commodity... not wine and cheese. -- The Newer the Better. Simple math...
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